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Everything posted by F-ZeroOne

  1. Still processing ti a bit; it wasn't exactly an absolute classic of an episode but it did what it needed to do - though I wasn't expecting the ending to take quite the turn it did. The real bright star was, of course... well, the star. It feels like its going to take a bit more time for her to find a settled role (arguably, it took Capaldi a whole season; no reflection on him as an actor, I just think it took time for the writers to settle on... pardon the pun... who he was) but at absolutely no point, right from her entrance, did I feel "This isn't the Doctor" [1]. I need to hear it a bit more, but initial impression is I like the latest reworking of the theme tune; arguably its even more old school than anything from the Moffat era! [1] And just so I'm not misinterpreted, no I don't mean "...because shes a woman". Thats never been a concern of mine; its the character.
  2. Much as I love the YF-23, I somehow doubt that the Japanese are going to go for a resurrected one either.
  3. Oh, yes... "F-35 can't land on carrier because it will melt the deck"...
  4. My original source was The Mainichi Daily News: https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20181004/p2a/00m/0na/001000c
  5. After inviting proposals for a successor to the F2, Japan has rejected them all (upgraded F-15, F-22 with F-35 avionics and Typhoon) and has decided to develop its own fighter, though possibly in collaboration with international partners - this could be good news for the UKs recently unveiled "Team Tempest" project.
  6. Wow, I didn't know they'd actually started on HMS Queen Elizabeth yet! (the huge "cricket score" display panel on the island structure was the giveaway!).
  7. This may not mean much in the US, but Carlos Ezquerra, one of the most well known artists to have worked for the UK SF anthology comic "2000AD", has died: http://www.denofgeek.com/uk/books-comics/60846/judge-dredd-co-creator-carlos-ezquerra-dies Ezquerra is probably most famous for his work on "Judge Dredd" (having helped co-create the character with John Wagner) but his highly distinctive, tyre-tread outline style was also seen in "Strontium Dog" and a great many other works in collaboration with other well known comic book creators. Theres a lot to choose from, but my pick for his definitive work would be "The Apocalypse War", which can be found in "Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files Volume 5".
  8. I saw an An-124 at the Yeovilton airshow in the UK a few years back. It almost seemed like an airship going over, it just seemed to "hang" in the sky.
  9. TSR2 is a good pick, David!
  10. Well, for one mission. And then someone lobs a Genie from a Voodoo...
  11. Ah, apologies, didn't see the "See More" link and the relevant text was hidden beneath that. Will go and fetch food for the rest of the division as punishment.
  12. Its not listed so it might be missing this: https://myanimelist.net/anime/2733/MiniPato
  13. MegaForce I remember, though I was bit old for toys by that time <cough>ignores display cabinet of, ahem, collectable action figures just to the left of where I'm typing this<cough>. The thought that military vehicles could be so huge they could use Hind gunships as , essentially, cannon fodder. "Army Gear" I don't recall at all, maybe we never got that in the UK? Edit: Hmm, in my memory MegaForce used Hinds and other real aircraft but I see looking at the images they appear to be fictional designs with only vague resemblances...
  14. And shes called Misa!
  15. Not a good month for classic airliners, a de Havilland Dragon Rapide has had a mishap in British Columbia; there are injuries, a couple serious, but no fatalities: https://www.heraldnet.com/news/historic-flight-museum-founder-injured-in-bc-air-show-crash/ I've actually flown in one of these. The crew warned us not to put your foot through the wing as you get on board, where you then encounter something you'd never really thought about before with classic airliners - its a tailsitter, so the cabin is inclined. On the ground..
  16. Simply incredible and tragic news story as airline employee steals small passenger aircraft: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-45153535
  17. Well, it is a Star Trek show, and its not the 70s anymore, the Special Guest Star doesn't need to hop out of the same transporter every week to save the FX budget anymore.
  18. Some people have humourously suggested that they should make it a "Murder She Wrote"-style crime show, with a semi-retired Picard investigating a series of murders involving the special guest of the week - but that format, taken seriously, could potentially work if Picard say, acts as a travelling troubleshooter for Star Fleet... I suspect that whatever the show ends up being, its not going to be what we expect, whether for good or ill.
  19. A Ju-52 - yes, you read that correctly - has crashed in Switzerland, with twenty reported fatalities. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-45076060
  20. Oh, I know they had the wing-mounted cannons, it was just the potential nose one. Again, and I might be wrong, I think some earlier models were fitted for a nose-mounted machine gun but it wasn't a very common thing.
  21. Oh, dear, I think I've spotted a couple of nitpicks already - in one scene a Me109 is shown firing a spinner-mounted gun; IIRC, very few, if any Me109s were fitted with such a gun for the Battle of Britain. In another, a gun is firing with a barrel that projects out of the wing, and the scene immediately cuts to a Hurricane firing. I think the gun in question belongs to a Me109, but if its meant to be a Hurricane... the Browning machine guns were buried in the wings. There were a few cannon-armed Hurricanes during the Battle, but they were rare and not very successful. Edit: Think I may have made my own blooper, it may have been cannon-armed Spitfires and not Hurricanes...
  22. Y'know, looking at that overcast, apparently no-one told the producers that the Battle of Britain is almost always referred to in terms like "Immortal Summer", "Cerulean Skies", "Eternal Blue" etc... [1] [1] To be fair, it was the Battle of Britain - it probably was overcast all the time!
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