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Everything posted by F-ZeroOne

  1. Its reasonably likely that the "C4" designation is carrying on from the existing JASDF C-1 jet transport rather than a C-130 variant; it wouldn't have existed at the time "Patlabor: The Movie" was made (though it may have been on the drawing board) but there is now a C-2 as well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kawasaki_C-1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kawasaki_C-2
  2. Hmm, we have a couple Jollibees in the UK. I did not know that. I have to wonder if this means that if they ever do a Gundam set in the UK if there will be a Wimpy in the background… [1] Trying to get back on topic, the “beam sprays” were an interesting touch but I do have to wonder about the physics of that; it sort of implies Gundam beam weapons are more like plasma weapons than particle beams… [1] Virtually extinct but fondly remembered UK rival to MacDonalds et al.
  3. Something I've just been reminded about today - changing the gender of characters between adaptations is not a new development. Its a minor one, but the original 1971 film version of "The Andromeda Strain" changed a character who was male in the book to female and probably for similar reasons to whats claimed today - to add diversity to the cast.
  4. I’ve watched the whole of “Unicorn”, and while it is indeed incredibly pretty, I still have little idea what it was actually about. I think the Char-as-pedophile thing is mostly from his underlings comments in “CCA” (I forget the characters name), I can’t recall much other in-universe reference and his interest in Lalah was a combination of her being a useful tool but also a meeting of minds, at least to me.
  5. Something else thats sprung to mind for me, when reading this thread, is that my first contact with "Gundam" wasn't through the anime, or manga, or model kits. It was through a series of articles in "Anime UK" magazine, which although it had illustrations of some of the Mobile SUITs and occasionally the odd character portrait, by and large only had descriptions of the characters and for a long time this was my only source of information about the Gundam universe. This meant that my what would now be termed "head canon" characterisations were rather different to the actual anime ones. Char, for example, is much more of a bas - dastardly type in the actual series than he ever was in my head, for example, until I saw more of the various series.
  6. You know, I'd never really thought about it before, but a female Char would be kind of interesting.
  7. Quote is from no less a personage than Sydney Camm, who knew a thing or two about aircraft design. In some ways, I guess you could say the TSR-2 was our XB-70. I've been fortunate enough to see one of the prototypes at the Imperial War Musuem at Duxford, and its one of those designs thats nearly timeless, like Concorde or the SR-71. Quite how capable it would have been in actuality is of course never going to be known, though I remember reading someone saying it would have been like a decade-early strike Tornado in terms of ability. The RAF Museum at Hendon several years ago had a big box full of unused titanium bolts (or some similar small parts) that were labelled as being from the TSR-2. Always regret not buying one when I had the chance, though probably not as much regret as we had when we opted for the F-111 over the TSR-2. That worked out well. Edit: should perhaps clarify, bolts from the TSR-2 programme, not necessarily an actual TSR-2.
  8. The F-23 would probably have fallen victim to the same outside pressures the F-22 did. As was once said of a very famous potential British military aircraft that came this close to being reality: "All modern aircraft have four dimensions: span, length, height and politics. TSR2 simply got the first three right."
  9. Patlabor on TV is probably the best written anime series I've ever seen (with "Planetes" a close second). It says something about the quality that even the recap episode is worth watching. And its always amused me that its just about the only anime I know of that when they finally got around to doing a hot springs episode (one of the "extra" OVA episodes, IIRC?) it focused on the male characters...
  10. "Skyborg"? So does it broadcast "Resistance is Futile" before engaging targets? Edit: and yes, that design does look a bit old-school.
  11. According to a recent video I saw on the making of “Crisis”, a lot of the music is... ahem... “inspired” by other tracks...
  12. They're gonna need extras, right? Extras who know how to scream properly when being vapourised by a beam sabre? Just... asking. For a friend.
  13. ...and which us in the UK absolutely need, otherwise we’ve just spent a lot of billions of pounds on two very big helicopter transporters.
  14. I suspect its a bit optimistic to think that you could get "four or five" of these for the cost of one F-35. The Hawker Hurricane was less "advanced" than the Supermarine Spitfire, but there were still only around twice as many of them available to the RAF during the Battle of Britain [1], and that was using 1940s aviation know-how, which as we all know was infinitely cheaper, better and still should be the way aircraft should be developed today rather than all these modern doo-hickeys. [2] [1] And an argument has been made that if the Spitfire hadn't suffered its infamous development problems and higher priority given to its production, the RAF may have done even better during that period than they already did). [2] I jest, but again, its been argued that its often forgotten that the "best" aircraft "back in the day" were the equivalent of F-35s - cutting edge technology deployed for military purposes.
  15. I think its worth pointing out that this "F-36" is not an actual USAF proposal, or an industry concept - its basically an aviation magazines imagination, a few steps up from doodling the F/A-9999XZ+ AwesomeMcCoolPlane on your school exercise book.
  16. I remember all the concept designs for the ATF programme, almost none of which looked like the two eventual finalists. Same thing happened with the JTF programme.
  17. "...alternative aviation magazine Hush-Kit"...?
  18. Done, though it won't show up in your reply. And thanks, I was expecting to be dragged off stage by the Macross World crook... It would certainly open up possibilities not only for exploration but also potentially resupply of Martian land missions...
  19. One of the things they're going to do on this mission is test fly a drone helicopter. If it succeeds, you could say it will have been the result of a collective effort. Thank you, folks, I'm here all week!
  20. There was at least one bird in the background of the P-40 pass and what may have been a duck on the water in the Spitfire pass, so if they did clear them out, they didn't get all of them!
  21. I also mainly knew her from Babylon 5, and I can't put it better than io9 did - she was the soul of that series. Farewell, Ambassador.
  22. I can't think of any ways the TV world has changed since "Who" was bought back at all. I mean, I'm a huge fan but even I didn't watch the New Years Special on its broadcast date.
  23. I actually thought the Doctor didn't have enough to do...!
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