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  1. British aircraft design meets British politics at its finest...
  2. Seeing the thing stood still, rather than in some kind of flying action pose... it is kind of growing on me. I do agree that it shares the issue of being overly visually complicated, though the feet are kind of working for me - but then I like dinosaurs. πŸ˜…I'll give it a chance, because I remember the reaction to the "Turn-A" designs [1] when they first came out, and I was among one of those who laughed the loudest. Now, I have several of them sitting on my shelves... [1] Such as the Mobile FLAT, which made sense once you saw it in context.
  3. First impressions are pretty good. I find the "Star Wars suburbia" a bit odd, though there are hints not everything is as it seems there, and some of the pacing seems a bit off but thats an issue I seem to have with a lot of modern content. The lighting is superb and they do pretty much nail the homages in that regard they're going for. Its clearly aimed at a younger audience but I would have loved this when I was the intended age range and theres plenty for an Oldling like myself to enjoy.
  4. Yes, thats kind of been my impression; as I say, in the UK at least (and probably a fair bit of Europe) home computers were the dominant gaming platform probably from 1982 until at least 1989. Excepting arcades, of course.
  5. I saw that video the other day. What got me the most was the beginning, when game boxes came with stuff! (might be a bit different for most of you folks, I know you had your Apple IIs and things but the general impression I get is the NES is kind of the King of Retro for you; in the UK home computers held on for longer as a gaming platform; it was really the Mega Drive - Sega Genesis - that kicked off consoles here [1] whereas "big box" computer titles stuck around for some time). [1] Simplifying, the Sega Master System for example was popular here before that for example.
  6. The amazing thing about the return of the working class champion of British retro gaming is that its retailing (in the UK at least) for almost the same price as the original product!:
  7. A fond favourite of mine; back in the day when finding anime in the UK was something of a treasure hunt, it was possible on the British satellite TV receivers that existed at the time to receive certain European channels, and I stumbled across a number of anime that I would otherwise never have encountered, with the slight drawback that they were all in German. To this day, the German version of the "Sailor Moon" theme is the one that springs to my mind first. Here is the German opening and its rather literal title:
  8. Hi, this may help. Note that there was an earlier incarnation of this toy, in different colours and with different play features, in the Palitoy "Action Force" line before it was re-purposed for the Red Shadows (the initial "Action Force" figures were essentially smaller incarnations of the 12" "G.I. Joe/Action Man" toys and did not initially have an enemy faction to fight other than what you could provide from your toy box). And I am yet again feeling my age because I remember reading the comic in which Baron Ironblood became Cobra Commander when it was released in the UK...!
  9. If you're referring to what I think you are, its the AIM-174B - essentially a naval SM-6 missile adapted for air-to-air use. Its basically the new Phoenix: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIM-174B
  10. I'd also prefer the original, though TBH I didn't overly notice the changes until they were pointed out. It says something about how good the original design was that it still looks great to this day.
  11. Thanks, for a moment there I thought someone had found an old stash of paint they used for P-61s lying around... πŸ˜„
  12. The Tomcat couldn't do that if I recall, at least not the early ones with six Phoenix(es?) due to carrier weight landing limits. I know the missiles are getting all the attention, but thats not a Hornet colour scheme one sees often is it?
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