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  1. It's not G1 Brawn, but it is G1 Brawn's Australian cousin, Outback! (missing his weapon sadly, and I also forgot to extend the chrome parts of his arms when taking these).
  2. Thanks for mentioning the 2019 Dinosaur Fossil set, if it can still be acquired it does look like a more space friendly alternative!
  3. https://gizmodo.com/lego-jurassic-park-t-rex-skeleton-price-release-date-2000568111 I have nowhere to put it, but T. rex is - and I know its a cliche - my favourite dinosaur so this is, to say the least, tempting...
  4. Just as heads up, you can't download your books if your Kindle was bought in 2024 or late apparently. 😬 I love physical books but sadly don't have the space for a librarys worth, so the Kindle has been a matter of practicality for me. Its not a great move on their part.
  5. Now I think about it though, I suppose an argument could be made that the MSX did succeed in the US, but through a sideways route - that is the various titles that originated elsewhere on the platform but got converted to the NES.
  6. Not sure how the MSX did in the US (I'm guessing not well); here in the UK it was one of the "following the pack" systems behind the Spectrum, Commodore 64, BBC, and Amstrad CPC. My uncle had one though I only ever saw it once. I always liked the look of the many varieties of the hardware configuration you could get.
  7. I think I have to add note here that as much as I've made fun of British holiday camps in my previous post, the arcades they had allowed me to encounter a lot of machines I probably never would have otherwise - from electromechanical games, to very early arcade machines to "the ones that got away", like Ataris "Firefox" - I know its not a great game, but every time I saw it it was broken (not unusual I understand) and I never got the chance to actually find out for myself.
  8. Its a devil of a job getting the seawater out of the keyboards... 😅 It always intrigues me just how certain machines wound up in the places they did. I mean, one of the more limited 80s arcade releases somehow wound up in a Butlins [1] in South West England. How does that happen? [2] [1] I don't know if the US ever really had an equivalent to "holiday camps", of which "Butlins" is probably the most well known - think a World War II prisoner of war camp but with fairground rides that you paid to stay in. In fact, I think some of the early ones actually used to be military camps... [2] Well, one explanation is that Atari for a while had a production line in the Republic of Ireland, but I find it hard to believe that "I, Robot" was a priority run for them...
  9. I had the rare privilege of playing the original in an actual arcade back in the day, and now its returning in the very good hands of some bloke in some obviously made up fantasy land called Wales:
  10. Perhaps they need to think a little bigger? Over here we could send them tips on how to build an aircraft carrier out of sawdust and ice... 😅 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Habakkuk
  11. Apologies, sent it from my phone. I'm not 100% how to resize it, so may have to just delete it for now... Edit: hope second try is correct size now...!
  12. (Ver 2.0): The only thing a Dalek fears more than stairs and Sophie Aldred with a baseball bat is Sophie Aldred with a rocket launcher!
  13. Blue skies in videogames may be coming back...!: [1] https://www.eurogamer.net/sega-files-new-skies-of-arcadia-eternal-arcadia-trademarks-sending-fans-hopes-soaring Please don't be just a mobile game or gatcha game. Please don't be just a mobile game or gatcha game. Please don't be... [1] http://www.ukresistance.co.uk/2005/11/blue-sky-in-games-campaign-launched.html (yeah, its old, but still... )
  14. Thanks for the heads up! I think this will now be the fourth time I've bought "Bubblegum Crisis". One day I will learn to stop buying "Bubblegum Crisis"... 😅
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