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Everything posted by P.Knipe

  1. I gotta agree the dogfights are simply amazing in Macross Zero, just the best I've ever seen. I can watch those scenes over and over and still just be completely amazed by how awesome they are! Macross 7 definitely had some boring battles, reusing the same scene over and over and seeing the VF-11 just get blown away exactly the same way as every other VF-11 was really disappointing. But surprisingly my favorite Macross scene has to be when Max defolds in his VF-22 on the fourth planet and flies into the cave just owning every fighter and gun turret without getting a scratch. Granted its nothing amazing or more spectacular then anything in Macross Zero but something about that scene just amazes me!
  2. Well I'm not really sure if their is anything that simple(if you find one let me know!). BUT, what you could do even is load your drawing into the cad program and trace it. If you can get your picture on their you could get it done without having much experience other then just getting the feel for the program. All you would need is a front, top, and side view, then set it to 3d. I know it may seem difficult and if I had access to Auto CAD I would draw it up for you but I forgot how to turn the object to 3d, and I graduated from high school two years ago and no longer have access lol
  3. As far as CAD programs go I would go with the Auto Cad 2006 or what ever year/version you can find. However the only reason I suggest it is because its the only program I have real experience with. I've used several others (cant remember their names) and Auto Cad was the most user friendly, but I think its pretty expensive. I haven't really checked so I couldn't tell you, sorry. That valk looks pretty sweet btw, good work!
  4. this episode really reminded me of blue gender
  5. wow these models are looking really good! Now you got me all excited to play this game lol
  6. i just found out that toywiz.com has all four packs being sold separately for those of you who want a dozen movie set versions, or which ever http://www.toywiz.com/robtoy.html
  7. yea i actually have the set on hand, if i can figure out how to take snap shots with my laptop webcam ill post some pictures i guess
  8. I just ordered the fast pack set from bbts and it did come with 4 sets of fast packs, max hikaru and miria's plus the movie edition set.
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