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Everything posted by hal9000

  1. Love the move. skeptical about the "remake" but looking forward to it. I got to re watch it with a friend who had never seen it or heard of it, he loved it. Another fan is absorbed. That video is awesome a good tribute to the original. Because it would have been good.
  2. VF-0D Some of the work is already done. And we would finely get the valk that the main character piloted for most of the show. Besides we need more delta wings.
  3. Anyone know where I can still get one?
  4. Hey has anyone dealt with Angolz.com before? I really want this.
  5. This is a buy for me 1/48 Forever!
  6. Has anyone ordered from hobby fan before?
  7. I'll be there tomorrow. Maybe I'll see some one there, I'm going to wright my screen name on my badge.
  8. Went last night to a Imax showing it was fantastic I'm Going again tonight. Almost all the caricters were spot on Checkov was a little off but McCoy was spot on.
  9. Arrowanas are awesome I use to have a Jardini (sp?) he was grate fun. But got back from a work trip to sick tank lost him a few days later.
  10. In posing there are no rules Only two valks and one is an Angel Bird good chose. Whats the other one? And revel it dramatically.
  11. I raise you! Also we need more low viz love. Sorry for the dubble post but I had to before some one else did.
  12. Chaser one a roggeeerrrr.. whooo. Wow now I want a booster set bad.
  13. Ok so I have been oblivious to this for years but now I know and will be going. I know of one other Macross Worlder in chi town I wonder if he knows about this? I am in Sothern WI and will be going Sat Here is the link to there web site http://www.acen.org/ Hope to see some of you there.
  14. Just got mine, Haven't transformed it yet but I will soon. I got it for fighter mode anyways. More later. Pics soon I promises.
  15. Nah he is surfing.
  16. hal9000

    V2 List?

  17. It look good, I guess I'll have to buy it.
  18. Ok so I just got my first VF-25G last night and the crotch/hip lock tab will not hold. Now if I understand right I just use fingernail polish one the tab and NOT the slot right?
  19. Roy discovers the skirt comes off!
  20. Roy and Tom have a few drinks. Tom can't hold his liquor. Roy caches the sent of a postman (and a woman) Roy stands before the monolith(Box of boobs) Roy desperate to get at them grabs the first thing Roy"You guy cut that out right now or so help me." Isamu"YOU GREEN BLOODED FREK.'' Gould"I WON'T LET YOU HURT HER" Roy"IT'S NOT MYUNE" M.I.L.F.Maltrande I'd like to (*&^. Roy "guys I'll take the one on the right she's perfect." Max"But I wanted her." Roy"You have a wife like that all ready Max." End of story?? Sheyrl Ranka Klan
  21. Went to lunch and usps showed up darn tasty Chines food making me miss them. I'll pick them up tonight and try and post some pics.
  22. Mine are at customs In Chicago I could have them tomorrow!!
  23. Just paint the 1/60 ones orange they can be Umpalumas/Grunkalunkas.
  24. My bad next one will not be named. The answer is of course Bond that's it, but which Bond you ask Not Roger, Not George, Not Sean, Pearce no its IT'S Timothy. And I'm out for now but because this is a macross page and so far I posted Bond pics her is a Banipesto (sp?) Valk, A CF VF-1J. VS The King of the Monsters. Ok It will be a few days till my net Celebrity Valk pick lest see what you can do
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