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Everything posted by hal9000

  1. Well something you don't hear about every day a TV blimp crashed, at the us open. I got a text from a friend that's on site. Reports are that the crew parachuted out.
  2. I doubt it, but I'll know for sure on Friday night.
  3. Final song. Thanks for being patent with me, Please enjoy. It was a hell of a show and I'm glad I got to go.
  4. I'll get the last song up tonight, sorry its been so long. Chase the world, Belief(thanksvf25-f), and Lion.
  5. New street fighter intro all english. Title?
  6. アオゾラ - May'n
  7. I'll be uploading slowly. But here is the first song. Scarlet Ballet Northern Cross Number One Get it on
  8. Looks like were soon to have another P-38 flying.
  9. Well I joined the ranks, I got a Maylen Cell a few months ago. Very cheep has black ink stains, But it was me dipping my toe in the pool. And now I have another to share Claudia. I found this one at Acen in a cell binder labeled gundam. And I just had to have it. So I thought I would share my two pieces of Macross history. Unfortunately she is quite stuck to the paper.
  10. So I must admit I know May'n through Macross. And only recently got the Power of the voice album, so there are two tracks I don't know. So question if I maybe have a recording of all the songs what would be the legality of sharing it on a privet Youtube? 1.Scarlet Ballet 2.Northern Cross 3.I didn't know the third song there was jumping and "Number one" in english. 4.Get it on 5.アオゾラ - I don't have a english title. 6.New street fighter intro all english. Title? 7.Chase the world 8.Belief (thanksvf25-f) 9.Lion 10.Dimond Crevasse Edit. I figured I might as well add a picture if this.
  11. I'll post the song list and a video tonight.
  12. Less than a hour now.
  13. All right, Its this weekend who's going? I'm in for the concert but I can't make the Q&A.
  14. hal9000

    Hi-Metal R

    Well my work desk buddy just got some new toys. Short review, I like them. But there a little expensive ($65ish right now) and they are fiddly to get looking right. I wish the reaction missiles had a ball joint attachment to the arm not just a peg, posing feels hindered. The claws to hold the HMM-01's are not as bad as I thought that they would be, but I think a peg would have been better. As it stands you can get the HMM's on the pods and wings with no additional support but they do sag and thats a lot of weight for the wings and missile pod pegs. Maybe I'll get another set so I can have 4 HMM missile sets on Roy, now how cool would that look.
  15. I can't wait for a entire Vermilion Squad of these, Plus Roy of course.
  16. Yes it is. Im not super concerned about box condition as long as the product is perfect. I can live with a 1/4 debt in to corner or a scuff. I like how well they Tetris the boxes and fill the empty space with bubbles to prevent movement. Also they use a reasonably high grade of cardboard box, I have never had one crushed. But I have shipped single Valkyres and their packaging was different for them, They were shrink wrap to a piece of cardboard and placed in an oversized box lots of crushed room, valkyrie boxes were in very good shape.
  17. I got a lot of gunpla today and some building supply's to try, but most important Messer is in the house(well at work)
  18. This is all the info I was able to pull for here upcoming vist to Chicago. Anime Central May 19-21 2017 Rosemont, IL. Q&A with May’n 05/19/17; 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM Panel Room 9; Donald E. Stephens Convention Center Open Q&A with May’n! Don’t miss your chance to interact with May’n before her Saturday concert! May’n Live 05/20/17; 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM MB Park Outdoor Stage Don’t miss May’n live in concert at Anime Central! This is an outdoor concert at MB Financial Park, just 2 blocks west of the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center. May’n: Autographs 05/20/17; 8:30 PM – 10:00 PM Panel Room 1; Donald E. Stephens Convention Center Post-concert autographs! Merchandise will also be available for purchase.
  19. I just go done with Re:Zero Starting Life in Another World last night. I have to say I quite enjoyed that roller coaster ride. I liked how all the charterers seemed to grow and react to the events. I recommend it to people who like fantasy anime, something I normally don't care for I like robots too much.
  20. I've been working on getting my airbrushes back up and running and working on a fully painted RX-78-2. Its been a few years since I last airbrushed a model, But now Ive built a booth and got my compressor and all my guns working, just a few more parts and they will all work at once. :). Also this is my first attempt at pre shading, All of this is practice for when I get to my resin kit Alex. I really want to do that kit justice. But I have a question for the more experienced painters. I would like to try using Future(Floor wax) for a decal and panel line layer. My question is will it work and should I let my base coat cure for a set time. My base coat is Tamyia Acrylic thinned with lacquer (If you've never tried it, Its amazing changed my life:), Over Tamiya rattle can white primer. Also I normaly panel line with Tamiya Panel Accent, and clean up with a ear swab damped with lacquer. ?Is that ok with a Future coat? also how long to let the Future dry before Tamiya mat top coat? And heres a few sheild picks for a bit of WIP, parts are just set together. Heads up black pre shade wont show through two light coats of dark grey. Thanks for the help and ill post a few more WIP pics for fun as I do them, Or learn something to share.
  21. So are I'm assuming that the premium Roy will be available the same places that Hikaru was? And that the Lancer II will only be on the Arcadia site?
  22. hal9000

    Macross figures

    Well I got my 1/4 Frajya in this week, Well she was a impulse buy. This is my first 1/4 figure and wow it's a lot bigger than I thought it would be. Sculpt and paint apps are ok. But not fantastic. I hope they do a little better on mirage.
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