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Everything posted by hal9000

  1. hal9000

    Need help

    You can check with local grapics places on where to get it done, get ready for the price. You MUST post picks of the car Preferbley muddy Its a raly car after all BTW Where can I order that shirt?
  2. http://www.carrierbuilders.net/gallery/200...rprise_1-72.htm I think this may take a long time, but if he can make a perfect real one we can fudge a fake one.
  3. http://unsd.macrossroleplay.org/asuka2carrier.html Not much buy its all i got right now. I just rememberd that ship flew in the last episode hull pics yay.
  4. WOW I was having that same thought make a carrier, my opinion is go for the Asuka II If somthing turns out wrong or diferent and it looks good go with it. I doubt I will get past the day dreming setp.
  5. ya AIA is the one I like to watch. And Yay CRT monitors they will last long into the future Watch Star Trek.
  6. Holy Crap man just started 8min Wow.
  7. I am going with a yes, and hear is why. If person A (The Costomizer) is hired buy Person B (The Client) to do the work Person B is providing the kit only. Person A is doing all the work to the best of his ability, it is all person A's skill and all of his work, Only kit was provided by person B. If the model turns out particulay well than person A should be alowed to enter HIS works, But person B should never be alowed to enter a comission in a contest. That is just how I happen to look at it.
  8. Wow that look very nice. Now Exactly what did you use and how? I'm scared to do that sandpaper clear plastic not a good combo
  9. Nice work payoro looks good, man need to get back to static modeling. Hay is that the SDF-1 in you're pocket or are you just happy to see Minmay?
  10. You have a most exalent point I am in the club
  11. I just burn them to a CD and watch them on my ps3, all AIA and Shinsin subs. Only thing I notice is some Frame freeze in the Shinsin's, Thanks to all the fan subers.
  12. Just toyed around the demo, looks like it will be fantastic.
  13. A macross clan for MGS online i'm in. I'll look for you tonight if I get to play.
  14. I like the way full metal panic treats robot controls. I know it not as complex as a valk with its three stages, but I found it a nice change from control sticks.
  15. Wow I was sold before but now I must have it now. Thanks for the pic.
  16. He bad words he must love his gerwalks, I love my gerwalks to. I are speeking with a 3INT right now (shout to party Cleric "have you got those spells back yet i are an idot, fix I now.") Its D&D If you dont now it learn it, if you know it laugh.
  17. Crap Evangelion is hurting my head once again. She spind clock wise for me.
  18. Hay thanks for this I have been looking for a few days.
  19. Download tonight watch jump in Delorean travel to next week download watch repeat. Yay I have watched all 53 Episodes the Borg show up in episode 12
  20. Sounding good, my only comment besides I WILL BE downloding this is the in helmet tinny sound SFX is good but I think could be toned down. Just my thought. But still this is fantastic keep up the good work.
  21. I got the valk in the for sale forum and the stickers are from http://www.geocities.com/takatoysperu/Taka...ss_sticker.html. I didn't buy or apply them so I cant comment to much on the sales survice but the stickers are nice. The only problem is I bought the valk in the winter and it froze and some of the stikers came up
  22. Ya man that angel is fantastic, I love mine but I think it looks a off if its out of fighter or armed. but hay a 1/48 is a 1/48 Gotta catch them all right?
  23. More low viz 2 love, was playing Metal Gear Solid Online and thought sneek valk and we always need more half gerwalks. I love this valk my third is on its way.
  24. Nice twist
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