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Everything posted by hal9000

  1. Chunky monkey face palm, Sr. you just made my day
  2. VF-19 go as Major Kong, A year or two ago I went as Dr. Stranglove Black sute, Glasses, A lot of Brillcream. It was the best party. One or two got it but the rest just looked at me like? Then I Shoot up the arm and shout / fight your arm, best costume Period. I had way to much fun. But this year Star Trek movie the red one or Stargate SG-1 full off world.
  3. Ok so i've preorderd the game but am impatient, can someone OM a link to the iso and a good crack for my psp? also I want to rip the psx dyrl to any good guides I mean Fool prof.
  4. Very nice glad I am geting one, OverDrive said it went out yesterday. Monday... maybe?
  5. Nice work. With airbrushes I am a big fan of the Paasche H series all metal easy to clean and use. They also make a propelint can so you don't need to buy a compressor right a way. Airbrush http://www.paascheairbrush.com/cgi-bin/sto...tion+Airbrushes Cans http://www.paascheairbrush.com/cgi-bin/sto...+%26+Regulators
  6. I got a good look at Oshkosh this year. Price they say will be 145,000 with all the toys, sounds good to me. Now I just need to finely get my license.
  7. Ha HA, FMP toys that are not pvc stautes. I will be buying.
  8. I need some help and you guys seem the ones to ask. The Pic below has some ugly lines and my Photo Chop Chi is week. Can some one remove the lines or post a better copy of this image. If the later the pic must be BIG no less then this one.
  9. Nice, but too rich for my blood.
  10. I thought this was out?
  11. I just tried to use Mplayer OSX Extended and it keeps crashing? Any one know whats up?
  12. Hey thats what I want to do, right now I just have a kite/U.N. SPACY on the side. Red ford focus done up as mirea. I started a Evo X in Forza 2.
  13. Yep I only get one day but its all day Sep 15. Fist find the XB-70 then the B-36 and XC-99 and what ever else I can Sucks the YF-23 is still in restoration.
  14. Next Monday I get to go somewhere veeerrrryyyyy FUN. http://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/
  15. Soon so soon. New Pic?
  16. Sweet, The Suby and the Evo are my favorite cars. Any one know how to get them?
  17. Lara Croft Tomb Raider Kinda like a girl indy. fun game, hot girl
  18. Been out for a while, has any one got theres from Over Drive yet? Just wondering.
  19. That rocks, Man you rock. Its nice to see another Godzilla fan, also I have been looking for one of those, where did you get that one?
  20. hal9000

    Latest custom.

    Very nice, you do fantastic work!
  21. No the CF only flys with the help of my hand zoom zoom. Just had it for size, we all know what a 1/48 is.
  22. So this is my small Air Force. The L-39 had a ruff first flight, Remember to dubble and tripple check the control throws, MAKE SURE THEY ARE NOT REVERSED!
  23. The Airo ace is great fun, I keep one in my car for spontaneous flying.
  24. Looks good, I remember Back Yard Flyer did a review on that sounded good. Best of luck it's a great hobby. Also I just got my L-39 from towerhobby, THIS is going to be a good week end! I'll post some pics sat or sun.
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