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Everything posted by shogun029

  1. I imagine their thinking is: 'Why should we include a stand? We didn't have to with version 1 of the 1/60 series. We didn't have to with 1/48 series. We only included them with the SV-51r and the 19 and 21 because we priced them at around $200. We can just sell some more of the normal stands that we've selling for the last several years and just include an adapter with the new 1/60s. People will buy them again because we give them no other choice. More money! Heh-heh!(rubs hand together like a villain with an evil grin).' If they decide to include one I'll be pleasantly surprised. Hell, at the price they intend to sell it, I'd be shocked.
  2. Check this out. I'm not sure if I'm fanboy or not. I do collect Macross merchandise and memorabilia with a passion. If that makes me a 'fanboy' than so be it. But I have a firm grasp on reality. If this Robotech movie goes the way of Uwe Boll movie, it won't be the end of the world. Life will go on. I'm not saying don't make the movie. In the grand scheme of things my opinion is worth @#4% anyway. I realize this and accept it. I just don't want to see a cherished childhood memory trampled on and relegated to the '$4.99 bin' at the local Walmart or K-mart or any 'mart.' Regardless of the reviews it gets, I will watch it. I just don't want to have to sit there and feel ashamed that I'm a Macross/Robotech fan in a theatre full of people who are just hoping to see a good film.
  3. I wouldn't expect side covers to come with it. I suspect Yamato will make you buy the GBP-1S Armor that they inevitably will release in the future to get them.
  4. Yeah, but the yellow contrasts well with the dark blue, at least imho. What if the whole plane was black like the SR-71? Could you paint it that way?
  5. Oh, I know lots of people love the VF-4, myself included (I voted for it). But in comparison to VF-1, YF19 and YF-21 relatively few people have voted for it.
  6. I'm using Safari on a Mac. Gotta find a way to add that word. I use it every day, practically.
  7. It would seem that the favorites list is shaping up to be popularity contest among the VFs that have had the most (or most recent) screen time. That's alright, though. They get the most screen time because they're the best that Macross has to offer...so far. (Just a side question: Why is that every time a spell 'Macross' when posting on this here Macross forum, the spellchecker always highlights it as misspelled? Just curious.)
  8. Ah, can you feel the love? I can't. See what happens to us when we talk about Robotech on a Macross forum? S@#t starts to deteriorate into petty nit-picking and finger-pointing. Anyway, although I prefer Macross to Robotech, I do hope that this upcoming movie succeeds, one way or another.
  9. Oh, yeah!! Awesome news!! I can't wait for the Phalanx. Keep 'em coming Yamato.
  10. To be honest, I voted for the 21. In fighter mode with the dark blue color it just looks...sinister. However, the 19 in battroid mode looks more agile and less top-heavy than the 21. But since I prefer fighter mode above all else I'm going with the 21.
  11. Perhaps 'lobotomized' is too harsh a word to use. Granted I wouldn't have known about Macross if wasn't for Robotech. That's why, for me, it will always hold a special place in my childhood memories. However, after having seen the original series and movie, if it wasn't for the shared animation then Robotech could be taken as almost a completely different story. You have to remember that it was edited so as to fit with the (unrelated) stories of Southern Cross and Mospeada. So, yes, it should have a greater story arc because it has to in order to accomodate these other storylines. The depth of Robotech is manufactured solely to involve and connect the three stories together, not out of any ingenuity on the part of Harmony Gold. It's relatively easy to be an accidental genius when most of the work is done for you. I have to believe that it is much easier to cut things out of and add things to a story than it is to write one from scratch. It's also easier to cut scenes from an anime than to draw one up yourself.
  12. I agree. If it sucks then I'll just go back to watching the original Macross series, the OVAs and continue enjoying Frontier. I must say, though, that I'm interested to see how faithful they will be to the storyline of the anime. I guess nobody goes into making a movie with the intention of trampling over the subject material and embarrassing themselves....do they?
  13. Ah, hell. You had to bring up 'Man Faye.' I spent the last few years trying to forget about that guy. Thanks.
  14. I won't expect anything in this movie to be profound. Just like Macross was brought to the states and sanitized and lobotomized for the American public as Robotech, the movie will likely do the same. It will just be done in a shorter period of time and will further summarize if not oversimplify the underlying themes of the original. Kinda like the Transformers movie. It's going to make its money by making generous use of special effects while ignoring elements and themes that made the original story so engaging.
  15. What?! You didn't like Speed Racer?!
  16. I've got it and I love it. The dialog is written with a Japanese sensibility. The story is forgettable. But the planes are very detailed and the controls are arcade-y. This is not a flight sim by any stretch. But I had fun with it. I wouldn't buy it for $60, though. Try to find a used copy at your local gamestore.
  17. Nice job in expressing your views. I tend to agree with you that anime is a niche in our society. From what I have seen, those who watch/collect/love anime are considered to be a subculture apart from mainstream society. I believe part of the reason that it has not yet attained full acceptance in American society, for example, is the difference between Japan and the U.S. Japanese animation is just that, Japanese. It's storylines, characters, myths and legends, beliefs, mannerisms and expressions, sense of humor and sense of propriety are founded solidly in Japanese culture and history. Americans, for the most part, can't relate. Also, cartoons in the U.S. are for kids. But there is an audience for more mature subject matter in animation (Adult Swim, anyone?). But it's relatively small in comparison to the anime-viewing or manga-reading audience in Japan. Will anime ever truly be accepted as mainstream? Who's to say? It's been around for a long time and it has continued to improve as time has passed. The storylines continue to be more involved and encompass not just issues of Japanese importance but also global issues. But I think unlike videogames, which developed from niche to mainstream to be on par with movies and music, anime will never become mainstream unless an equivalent can be produced outside of Japan; an equivalent that is skewed toward the culture from which it is taken and is as detailed and beautiful. (Imagine a U.S.-produced [not bastardized.. *cough* Robotech *cough*]) anime.) I just don't see it happening in the near future. Thus, I think those who love anime will always be in the minority (that is unless you live in Japan).
  18. What up? My gamertag is 'shogun029.' I'm currently immersed in the world of GTA IV. I've been trying to get into multi-player online but every time there is an interminable wait. I eventually just disconnect. Anybody else have that problem or have a solution?
  19. Dude, I thought we were just picking our favorite variable fighters. How did it turn into a discussion/debate about applied physics, jet propulsion and fuel consumption? But I'll give it to you guys. If I ever need to build a variable fighter from the ground up I know who to ask about MPG .
  20. I'd buy one, no doubt. Yamato could put almost any price on it and I'd gratefully oblige to give them my money.
  21. I love the VF-4 Lightning for several reasons. First, just love the design. In comparison to the VF-1, the nose is about the same, the rest is just different enough to be intriguing. Second, every time I see a picture of it, I think of the song "Angel's Paints," which I love. And third, it makes me think of the original characters 'riding off into the sunset' at the end of Flashback 2012. To me it was like watching childhood friends (not to mention a cherished part of my childhood itself) leave and knowing they were never coming back.
  22. Nice job with the Jetfire custom. And nice collection you have there. Makes me wish I still had my old skool Sideswipe. I always loved the Lamborghini Countach.
  23. Coming from the Left Coast. L.A.'s the place. Los Angeles = The Angels. The Alhambra Fortress to be exact.
  24. So far, to me, episode 7 "First Attack" is the best. I loved seeing the Macross Quarter in attack mode not just sitting passively in it's berth. I've already watched just that one episode 4 or 5 times.
  25. That would be so fresh. I would love to (but probably won't be able to) get three with atmospheric boosters and call them Chasers 1, 2 and 3. I was thinking the exact same thing having Chaser 1 in GERWALK holding up the YF-21 in battroid.
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