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Everything posted by Rabidweezil

  1. Rabidweezil

    Macross 30

    English is the 3rd most spoken language in the world this year.
  2. Rabidweezil

    Macross 30

    I guess I completely missed the context of the conversation. I thought it was about adding more of another language to a movie/game not just blurting out random lines/numbers/words in another language because it happens to be in that languages setting. That doesn't make any sense to me really, but it honestly doesn't matter
  3. Rabidweezil

    Macross 30

    counting from 1 to 10 in Japanese, vs speaking a whole movie worth of dialogue in Japanese? I'm not sure I get where you are going with that.
  4. Rabidweezil

    Macross 30

    I'd say because Harrison Ford and Sigourney Weaver didn't/don't know how to speak Japanese
  5. I thought I read on another thread he doesn't work for them anymore...
  6. Toynami Macross = Vaporware Macross
  7. yeah, that looks much better. The brown around the ankles looks nicer, and more anime accurate, then the yellow they had on the other prototype.
  8. I have internet 24x7x365 and that hasn't helped me score any pre-orders
  9. Somewhere Darth Vader is crying "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo"
  10. I broke down, ordered and paid for one of these from Nippon along with a set of Fast-Packs that are being released in May. Afterward I looked at their FAQ and saw that items ordered with pre-orders won't ship until the pre-order comes in... which means I won't get my YF-29 until May...
  11. Below the release date is says "between 12:00 and 12:05 am"
  12. After eagerly awaiting the SH MonsterArts King Ghidorah, I was pretty disappointed after finally getting one. The left wing doesn't stay up and falls down, the right head/neck is really loose and won't stay up either. And the same head pops off at one of the joints if you even look at it funny. Fortunately I bought it from HLJ. Their customer service is superb when it comes to defective things bought from them. After a few emails back and forth with their trouble dept, they said they have gotten a lot of complaints about King Ghidorah
  13. Rabidweezil

    DX VF-25G

    not to hit the panic button or anything, but does that head-laser look a bit warped?
  14. HLJ listing now says Oct for release
  15. I contacted NY and they did change my price to reflect the current lower price. I'm quoting myself to correct my earlier statement. Although they didn't correct the price the last time I asked, it seems that in case, they will.
  16. wait, was this Nippon Yasan or HLJ?
  17. well...I stand corrected. Good to hear
  18. NY will NOT lower their price if the current price is different then what you were invoiced for. I ordered something from them and a day or 2 later the price was lower. I emailed them and asked if I would get it at the lowered price and they said no. The price changes were based on the value of the yen yadda, yadda. Of course I didn't buy that. But anyway....
  19. I will add, that Nippon doesn't always jack up prices. And they are reliable, and I am not saying they are a bad place. I have several things on pre-order through them that are pretty close to HLJ's prices.
  20. Hate to quote myself but... That was back during the first day of pre-orders. And I did end up scoring a pre-order for retail price from another online store that didn't feel the need to scalp. So I'm sleeping pretty well myself...especially with an extra $67 to put toward something else
  21. Completely agree. But, I respected HLJ and AmiAmi more for sticking to retail price despite the high demand. Marking an item up is scalping IMO. But usually, that's after the item has been released and sold out.
  22. I don't care how great their customer service or reliability is. No one who sells a PRE-ORDER item @ $75-$100 above retail is going to get my business. No matter how badly I want the item. I understand it's their prerogative and their in business to make money. I just don't respect it nor will I support it. I’m pretty sure people that hammered you had similar opinions.
  23. that's funny...this web exclusive Yamato Macross release will probably end up being more available then a non-exclusive Bandai Macross release...
  24. Rabidweezil

    amiami ?

    Same here. Once they started including notes they won't replace damaged items, I pretty much dropped them as a buying source unless I'm desperate. Considering I buy stuff that's several hundred dollars in price, I want to go with a place that respects the value of my money like HLJ.
  25. Got both sets of my armor yesterday! HAPPY! I dressed both up (man Barbie?) and put them in my case and kept glancing over at them all night. The armored VF-25 is at the top of my list of "most liked Valkyrie" next to the Strike VF-1. I have 2 VF-25F renewal's so I was able to set up one with the super-pack and one with the armor-pack. However I only managed to score one VF-25s and I have both packs! So I had to choose! So please re-release Bandai. Thankyouverymuch
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