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Everything posted by Rabidweezil

  1. I said it before, it's a great world we live in where people can be happy and unhappy about different things. Otherwise if we all liked/disliked the same stuff this would be a pretty boring planet. Personally I don't understand the mentality of "it's Macross, it's remastered with English, you should like it no matter what!" There is a difference between good and good enough. Sure I understand the International dub issue in regards to availability and rights. However, as a person that has ONLY watched the Mange version (despite the wrong music) I appreciated the consistent GOOD voices throughout the 4 OVA episodes. While the alternate dub is "OK". The voice changes (the Guld and Yang VO's are horrid) are distracting and take a bit away from the epic story for me. Especially on the LAST and most emotionally charged episode. The whole thing is similar to the uproar over the Star Wars trilogy changes Lucas has made throughout the years. Personally I'm not a huge SW fan, so I really don't care. But for a lot of people, they grew to love and enjoy the unaltered SW trilogy. Then along came the special editions to replace them. I can see why they were upset. Changes to what you already really liked doesn't always work for everyone. As far as the Movie version subs, I have yet to watch it but I have seen the screencaps posted here and they are pretty silly. I have always lived by the saying, "If you're going to take the time to do something, take the time to do it right." How much more would it have cost to add English subtitles on the Movie that were actually property translated and more accurate? You can't tell me there wasn't someone around with decent English skills that could have proofread the sub script and made corrections? Hell, they could have sent me the copy and I would have done it for free. Again, it's the difference between good and good enough.
  2. Right, people brought it up and talked about it. I read that. But until Renato verified several pages back after he viewed it, it was not confirmed. So unless there was an official announcement that I missed, anything else was an assumption. Even if it was a damn good one, it was still not official information. Which the definition of speculation is: an opinion based on incomplete information, a conclusion, theory, or opinion on incomplete facts or information. Which is why I used that word
  3. I am pretty sure there is not a tax on books. I just had to answer a bunch of questions regarding the shipment.Which was odd because I had books shipped before and no one said anything. Maybe it was just a random inquiry. I have more Macross Chronicle books on the way right now. I'll see if it happens again. Again though, there is a tax on clothing for sure. I ordered a few shirts from HLJ and they ended up costing me an additional $7.00 each for taxes and FedEx's fees.
  4. Getting things from HLJ via FedEx into the US had become quite a pain. I had to go through the same thing with my gundam markers. However, since they already had contact info for me on file I was contacted and sent the form through email. You just have do declare what the item are and that they are non-hazardous. Then fax it back to FedEx. And I think there might be a customs charge as well. I'm not 100% sure though. I've also had shipments of clothing from HLJ delayed (as well as charged for them by US customs PLUS FedEx's charge on top of that) and if you can believe it, FedEx called me on the last shipment of Macross Chronicles books. They wanted to know how many pages, did they have pictures? What language are they in? etc. When I have things shipped through USPS I usually get my stuff from them without delay. However, FedEx is much cheaper. So it's a choice between hassle and cost. PS It is up to the RECEIVER to get it squared away with FedEx. Not the shipper.
  5. I think so too. Which means that each unit will end up being $199.78 not including shipping.
  6. Agreed. Some people tend to have problems with everyone. Take it with a grain of salt and let your own personal shopping experience be your guide as to whether you buy from one place or another.
  7. Yeah, there won't be a US release. The best thing we can hope for is someone takes the video from the Blu-Ray Ep 4 and replaces the audio with the track from the Manga Ep 4 and uploads it somewhere. It should be pretty straight forward. I would give it a go, but I don't have a blu-ray player on my laptop. Which means no way to rip it from the BD disk.
  8. Although not a renewal, the Green VF-27 was a webshop exclusive.
  9. Has it been confirmed the VF-25A isn't a Webshop exclusive or are we still waiting for that info? I would be shocked if it was not. CF Valks don't seem to do terribly well in the open market. Of course I'm all for it being an exclusive since they seem to be easier to get.
  10. I don't expect Bandai to cater to my personal needs. However, when it comes to my $153.23, despite all the fabulous things the set might have, I prefer not to spend my money on "good enough." But each to their own. Thanks for the info Renato. I've seen you mention the alternate dub (and I might have missed a post somewhere) but I didn't think anyone was 100% sure the blu-ray contained it until you mentioned it today. I know you had strong speculation, but it was unconfirmed. Again though. I appreciate your response. Thank you
  11. Here's the cool thing about that. What pleases you and what pleases me does not have to be the same thing. It's one of the things that makes being an individual neat -o
  12. To make sure I understand correctly, in the English Dub of Episode 4 of the Blu ray Macross Plus, Brian Cranston does NOT voice Isamu. Is this right? If so, I'm either going to sell my blu-rays after they show up and just continue to watch my Manga DVD's. OR, I'll try to rip the video off the Blu-ray and the audio off my Manga and see if I can merge them in Premier.
  13. Ugh...I excitedly pre-ordered DYRL Blu Ray. After it ships I find out it's been edited. Excitement level plummets and I never even end up watching it after it arrives. I pre-order Macross Plus blu-ray and I read the 4th episode contains different VO tracks then the other 3. Excitement level plummets. *sigh* re-thinking any future Macross blu-ray purchases at this point
  14. An email a few pages back said Hobbyfan was going to cancel all pre-orders. Mine is still pending. Not that I expect it to ever actually ship though. But I wonder if they are holding out until the last possible minute. And my NY package has been in preparation in progress going on 4 days now with no shipped notification.
  15. I just looked, they are both still there and available for pre-order.
  16. Not sure where to put this since I don't normally follow Transformers threads. But "Amazon.com's deal of the week" is for Transformers Prime Season 1 & 2 DVD and Blu-ray. DVD's are $13.49 and Blu-Rays are $24.49 while supplies last. anyways, just passing it on
  17. looking at my photo of Bandai's 1/250 Fighter collection, they colored it a sandy brownish color
  18. Being a big Godzilla fan myself, I counted down the days until the release for the 1998 version. Which was a huge let down. So I'm not as excited this time. Hopefully I'm pleasantly surprised. But if I see one pile of fish....
  19. I stand corrected. Anyways, thanks for the heads up pikashoo!
  20. At the bottom of the Otacute listing it says: *In the unlikely event of a supply shortage products will be provided on a first-come-first-severed basis. So maybe they will just leave the listing up and fill only the orders they can based on what stock is received. This was my first time ordering from them. I didn't see a payment page at all. It was just a reservation. Without worrying about having to refund they can take reservations until the end of time and have nothing to worry about doing except sending out a "sorry, didn't get enough stock" emails to the unlucky ones.
  21. I'm not 100% up on all Tamashii Web Exclusive releases, but the few I've bought and the serveral others I have checked into have never been re-released. Bandai didn't re-release the VF-29 super-parts when the VF-29 was reissued. So I doubt they will do the same for any VF-25F/S Super/Armored parts. Hopefully I'm wrong though.
  22. Thanks Kicker. I'll be sure to let you know if I decide to sell! I'm sure they would look great next to all your other stuff!
  23. Just wanted to show off my complete 1/250 fighter collections again because it was a bit challenging to find them all! Collection 1 Collection 2 Collection 3 Collection 4 Wish Bandai would have kept going with these...
  24. I've seen a few articles today on news sites talking about a cyber-attack going on which is slowing down the internet. After a full investigation, they will discover the attack, which started around 16:00 Japan time April 3rd, seems to be strangely focused on Japanese Game, Toy and Hobby sites. It will be logged as the "F5 Attack"
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