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Everything posted by Rabidweezil

  1. While I was rearranging my display case I moved my VF-171 and a piece of one of the triangles just fell off of one side. And the other side is about to do the same thing. I have NEVER transformed this Valkyrie. So for those of you thinking that staying in fighter mode will help keep this from happening, it won't. Thanks Bandai.
  2. Yeah, looks great. It would be awesome if the people willing to spend money on it could actually manage to find one.
  3. Man, that chest piece really has some terrible blind spots. I know it's part of the line-art, but I never realized how bad they were until seeing this figure.
  4. Has anyone actually transformed it yet? All the new pictures seem to be of fighter mode only.
  5. I was debating on whether or not I needed yet another YF-29. I probably would have grabbed one, but after staying up for the VF-19 advance and going to bed empty handed and annoyed, I don't feel like dealing with that again. If I can pick up one easily, great! If not, thank you Bandai for saving me money!
  6. Yes, less color talk more pics please :-)
  7. I'm a little concerned too. This has been the first pre-order that I didn't get an order in for within a few days. Usually at NY's higher prices, but still. Both times NY re-opened were past my bedtime. In the past it hasn't always been that late. I think it's a combination of Bandai's usually shortage hijinks PLUS scalpers catching onto Bandai DX Macross = Easy profit
  8. I just went through a similar situation with them because of their poorly written labels. I noticed on the USPS tracking page, my package destined for Oregon USA was doing a world tour. From Japan to LA customs, then Hawaii, Chicago and off to a European APO base. I contacted USPS and they said the Zip was incorrect. I then contacted NY and opened a ticket. They immediately said there was no issue and closed the ticket. After several calls to the Post Office, and almost a month later, my package was finally delivered. It had a new typed zip code label stuck over the top of NY's handwritten, sloppy label. I peeled it off and could see where the PO was having a problem trying to decipher what the zip was supposed to be.
  9. I would fight the 2.9% fee tooth and nail. What's it for, a restocking fee? There was no stock. They have no business charging a fee on something they could not deliver. I understand if you changed your mind and they actually had worked and gotten the item in stock. But to charge a fee for nothing? Nope, not ok at all.
  10. I really doubt Bandai will ever make a DX VF-1. But if they did, they would probably only make a few hero valks and quit. They certainly wouldn't give the line the attention Yamato did.
  11. Thank you. I saw your new website, but I was interested in what that link led to directly. I'm looking for something like what Gubaba was working on here, but with updated information on the sections for all 8 binders. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=37976&hl=%2Bmacross+%2Bchronicle
  12. Sketchley, I was going to follow your link for some guides on setting up my revised binders, but I'm getting a "account suspended" message. Not sure if you're aware.
  13. Not sure if they could, but if they did it would probably be crap. What we need is the Joke Machine 2.0 that a member custom made several years back. It was pretty darn amazing. I believe Exo and a few other lucky others have one.
  14. I am actually going through some regret right now! Over the years I have been trying to limit my Macross Valk collection to only what fits in the one large case I owned. So I sold off some Yamato items I didn't have room for since I figured they would just gather dust anyway. With the influx of Bandai Valks, I'm really pushing maximum density in the case. So I'm seriously considering buying another one. Now I realize, if I have two cases, I'd have plenty of room to display what I sold! So yeah, I'm regretting lightening my load of: VF-22 Max VF-22 Gamlin SV-51 Ivanov SV-51 Mass production VF-0A QF2200D-A Ghost Queadluun-Rau Max I got decent money for them. But not enough to justify buying them again at the current prices
  15. Not sure if you were here way back when a member here got a C&D from HG. I think his name was Spideyjerusalem or something along those lines. He was just a small time seller offering some import Macross products (I believe Yamato's) out of his house. HG came down on him and demanded he stopped selling and also to surrender all of his stock. He got a lawyer and fought them. The primary defense was to see the license that HG claimed gave them the right to Macross. Of course they refused to cough it up. People from here even donated to his cause for lawyer fees. I don't remember how it ended, but I do recall he had racked up quite a legal bill in the battle. It boils down to who has the most money to waste on time and legal fees. Considering how poorly HG has handled the license (they actually tried to C&D Hasbro a year or so ago for the Jetfire/Skytriker vehicle!). I'd say they win in that area.
  16. In the last year or so, FedEx seems to have gotten really weird and annoying with US import fees (I have an account with them as well) and inquiries. I got hit with a surprise bill from a few T-Shirts I had shipped in a HLJ order. It was something crazy like $7 a shirt x4 shirts! And anime Tees aren't cheap to begin with! I got a email from them once wanting to know details about Gundam Markers that were coming in another HLJ shipment. And also I was contacted by phone over my Macross Chronicle magazines. Now I ship clothes and markers through USPS without any hassle or additional fees. They also haven't said anything else about the Chronicles and I have yet to be charged for any figures/model kits. But I do have a YF-30 sitting in my HLJ warehouse so we'll see. Oh, and back when I got hit with all the T-Shirt fees, I looked up what could happen if I just didn't pay. I believe they can hold your stuff and not deliver it to the address that owes money until the bill is paid. But I'm not sure if that's just a threat or if they would really go through with it. I choose not to call their bluff though.
  17. Even if HG can't get to the manufacturer, they will go after any US based re-seller that sells any non-HG sanctioned/licensed Macross products.
  18. Pre-ordered! I want to believe that this will be successful and many 3rd party Macross items will follow suit. However, I can already imagine Harmony "cease-and-desist" Gold is spinning up their lawyers for a quick strike. They have been doing it for as long as I can remember, I really don't see them stopping now. Hopefully I'm all sorts of wrong though.
  19. It is interesting how people have interpreted this differently. I always thought she was calling him "beautiful" as well. Because, ya know, Max is kinda pretty
  20. First I want to say that I think these stands are amazing! I sincerely appreciate all the attention to detail, time and effort you put into them. It's an incredible achievement! With that said ( and please don't take this as criticism) I am bummed that you got away from the simple stagnate arm for both Yamato and Bandai valks that you showed off at the beginning of your design process. That was what I was really looking forward to buying. And I realize you can create a simpler stand with the parts provided, but obviously I'd still have to pay for those parts. Which would inevitably sit in a bag and never be used. I also realize I am the minority here, but is there a chance you will ever make something simpler (and hopefully a bit cheaper) that's more along the lines of what you started out with so long ago? (I can't seem to find the pic or I'd post it) Again, I'm not criticizing in any way. I do thank you for providing a quality product for the Macross community!
  21. Thing is, I sent my request long before it changed status.
  22. Hmmmm....I sent an email to CDJ to cancel mine earlier, but I never got a response and since then the order has changed to "in shipping process". But others that cancelled after me got an immediate cancellation response. Not sure why I was ignored.
  23. EDIT: Nevermind! I was asking about a release date but I just noticed the 2014/8/19 right there in plain English! So nothing to see here, move along!
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