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About Jester

  • Birthday 02/20/1975

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    Macross<br>Gaming - pc games<br>Roleplaying

Jester's Achievements

Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. Hehe actually the Haruna Class name came from the Macross Compendium, but Egan has never pin pointed a specific ship. Logic dictated the Algenix was the one in question, but as you rightly said take it with a pinch of salt as we never get all the info unfortunately as all the books focus on the Valkyries and not the ships. But as I've said to the wife on many occasions I would love to kidnap Kawamori-san and get him to answer every stats related question I have including what all the damn class names are My vote goes to the Algenix because it looks the sexiest in my opinion
  2. Jester

    Macross VF's

    Cool thanks
  3. Jester

    Macross VF's

    Anyone know the value of these ? (See pic) The YF-19 is an original Yamato YF-19, transforming model. It is missing the front wheel, (looks like the front wheel holder is broken in the picture but its just its sunken in to the carpet a bit.) Other than that its in perfect condition. No original box though. The other two I bought in China Town in NYC around the time of the 15th Anniversary. (The same time I stood at the bottom of the WTC with my at the time girlfriend and said....nah we'll go up it next time. ) Their only identifiers are they say "Big West" on the underside. The laser cannon fastpack swivels up and down. The Max-Type VF-1A strike Valkyrie is missing its underside laser, and has no GU-11 Gunpod. The VF-1S battloid mode Strike Valkyrie is in perfect order. http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/5392/macrossvfsoe6.jpg
  4. I have and I've found worse. Buenos Aires in Argentina.....NO ONE follows the Highway Code there, its mental.
  5. Man that was a good time. Even with all the craziness during the great split. I'm glad to see the Macross XV fleet is still alive and well today. Even my old Death Angels were up and kicking until a few months ago it seems from the boards. There's part of me that would love to do it again, but there isn't a campaign that just grabs my attention. 371535[/snapback] Well we have a number of campaigns and are always looking for more as time and numbers permit We don't go in for Overlords giving joyous yays or deathknell nays, we don't have committee's or anything else like that. We simply see if a GM is interested in running it, and that there is player interest. Nice and simple. Then we just leave the GM to run it. Im currently supervising two new GM's in a Mentor/Learner method but generally they only come to me to ask me the difficult questions. Otherwise they are free to do their own thing
  6. Megas is great. The G-Force/Battle of the Planets mickey-take characters show up a few times, and the Sailor Moon style characters are great to watch. Especially when the 'Sailor Moon' character takes forever to stop spinning and the other 'Sailor girls' start looking impatient. Megas is a fun programme that parodies other anime's with style
  7. lol Well thats why we have the MRG With the MRN, and MRC there were......personality classes....and difference of opinions that ended up turning something that is supposed to be fun in to a daily nightmare. The MRG is all about fun, with limited paperwork so as to allow people to just enjoy themselves. Each GM has their own little area. Not all campaigns inhabit their own campaign world, some still choose to inhabit the M-15 campaign world/universe, but everyone works well together. I like to think that we have taken the mistakes of the MRN, and the MRC, and learned not to repeat them. Thats not to say we are perfect, but we've not had any problems so far
  8. Yep, I've been running it for about 8+ years now, (probably closer to 10 years.) Both through the MRN, MRC, and now MRG
  9. Err MRG (Macross RPG Galaxies site,) not to be confused with the MRC.
  10. Hmm can't actually remember where I found the picture Drew, it was on a randomly posted site and was just Max on his own. I assumed it was an official image. (Damn these fanart artists for being so good LOL) Drop me a PM with your details so I can credit you on the website. BTW my wife did the main page artwork, (she is a Graphic Designer by trade.) You should see some of her other work
  11. The MRG, (Macross RPG Galaxies,) online free to play roleplay site is currently expanding and has vacancies for players in all of its games and new games coming out shortly. If you would like to join a game, or just fancy hanging out on the forums come to: http://www.macrossroleplay.org/ http://www.macrossroleplay.org/boards (Boards direct url)
  12. Any news? 359032[/snapback] All fixed and working now, err kind of forgot to update things here he he
  13. Still currently experiencing multiple issues. Will post when there's an update
  14. UNSD and MRG are currently down due to some temporary service issues. Will be back up as soon as poss.
  15. Brand new sexy, easy on the eyes design uploaded Also some new stats will be up on the site in the next week or so as well
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