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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Hasegawa is comming out with a VF-0A battledroid model. Anyone know if they are going to make an armored version of this?
  2. Chicken... Chicken and Panda Love.....
  3. To all of you savvy repainters.... I bought an ultracheap 1/60, that Im thinking about doing a custom on. Id like to know if there are any guides to the desctruction, cleaning, repainting of a 1/60? Thanks, Irishman. P.S> I am also going to be putting a custom set of 1/60 GBP Armor on it. I know the crotch piece of the 1/60 falls off, as well as pushes out the legs to far. Has anyone created a replacement for this yet?
  4. So I have this 1/60th VF1 max genius, and there is no pilot in the cockpit. Since the cockpit opens to allow the switching of heatsheilds, I wonder if anyone has ever tried to modify the toy to put a pilot figure in there? Any thoughts or help? Irishman
  5. WOOT WOOT! We LOTBers are everywhere! You never know! Make sure to eye your neighbors, your co-workers, even your own children with suspicion. We are all among you! Irishman
  6. hey re-add the link so i can see the model
  7. thanks man. Ill PM you with my email.
  8. Anyone know if there are any of these still laying about? Im Interested in picking some up to use as Battletech mechs, since they are the perfect size. Anyone know if there are shops around that still have some? Or anyone have spares or dupes they would like to get rid of? irishman
  9. FIY, forum link of the main page is still broken. Just FYI,
  10. Are these going to be released anywhere? Or are they the typical "One shot only available at Wonderfest" kits. Id really like to get a 1/72 Tommahawk. It would probably be cheaper to get these than the old model kits. (Come on ARII, do some reissues!) Irishman
  11. On the main page in the left hand column, under "News" there is as sub heading saying "most news is posted directly in the Macross World Forums" (With a Link to the forums). That link to the forums is broken. Ill be danged if I dont click on that first EVERY time I hit the site. So then I have go to hit the back button and go down to the "FORUMS" selection and hit that. Please fix the first link. I got in the habit a long time ago in clicking it first to go to the forums. Old Habits die hard. Thanks! irishman
  12. irishman

    1/60 Gbp

    I looked on HLJ and found the Armor+Valk kit. What places do people reccomend purchasing the "Armor Only" versions? Thanks, Irishman
  13. irishman

    1/60 Gbp

    Graham, Can you confirm that this will fit the Max Jenius VF-1A, 1/60, DYRL (that dosent have the holes or the notches?) So far from what I have seen, that looks correct, but Id like confirmation from someone who has one in the hand before I order. Secondly, anyone know what the best place in the US is to order these things? Of the problems that exist, only two cause me greif. The "flasher" syndrome (keeps showing his nosecone to the ladies), and the leg pins. Im pretty sure I can fix the nosecone item with some gentle modeling goodness. Ill have to figure out what to do with the leg pins, and if they are replaceable with something longer. Thanks, irishman
  14. I also have this issue, is there a common transformation solution that I am missing other than having the leg pegs bang against each other? Irishman
  15. Thanks all! I had no idea that asking one simple question would gather so much wisdom! Especialy from Blaine who showed me how to search the forums! Unfortunatly, having at least seven fingers and part of a frontal lobe, I already knew that "GBP" was only 3 characters and too short, and "ARMOR" brought back tons of stuff! Sounds like Im not the only one waiting on it, or frustrated about it. of course I still run the risk that even though they SAY it will fit on all 1/60s now, that it might not fit on my Max type. Well, if so, then Im only out $25 bucks.
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