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Everything posted by Gokurakumaru

  1. That's not good. It means I'm not doing anything particuarly wrong, I just suck
  2. Need some help. I'm doing my first playthrough and am stuck on the First Contact mission in the Macross series. I do the first part fine and get to the part where you're inside the Zentradi ship and Vrlitwhai shows up. I take out the grunts with him so he's all I have to concentrate on, but try as I might I can't do enough damage to him without him charging me with his melee special attack which he seems to be able to do whenever he wants during the fight, usually whenever I finally get a bead on him (though he generally beats down my wingman first). He glows purple and all I can do is try to get away while it's happening (not easy as he moves fast and homes in on you during it) and hopefully get into position to pop off a few shots before it happens again. He doesn't seem to take any damage while he's glowing either which basically means I'm not even trading damage when I get backed up against a wall. I'm flying the Max type VF-1A and have ballistic and melee defense boosted up to about 30 and my gunpod is amped up in damage. Any tips for killing this guy?
  3. I've had a few UMDs and never seen or heard of it, so you can quit stressing about whether or not you'll be able to watch it day one. The firmware updates are an attempt to stop game piracy, not UMD theft. It'll work fine.
  4. To be fair the Japanese insistance on adopting foreign words that have equivalents in the native tongue and yet can't be identified by katakana is pretty stupid. Bick/Big West anyone?
  5. Good time to be a Macross fan. But god awful expensive
  6. Yep, it says those songs are included but it doesn't say if it's a complete list or not. Vocal tracks Watashi no kare wa pilot Ai oboeteimasuka Information High Totsugeki love heart Holy Lonely Light My Friends Try Again Dynamite Explosion Lion Iteza Gogo Kuji Don't be late Infinity Northern Cross Senkan Hikou Burning Fire Instrumental Dog Fighter Zentradian dai-yousai 2 oku nen mae no you ni shizuka da ne After in the dark Aimo The Target Battle Frontier Incidentally, I made an error translating the special edition title of the game. It should be "Super Dimension Nyan Nyan Pack" Never paid attention to how that was spelled in the show!
  7. It annoyingly tells you even less than you already know... Special edition "Super Dimension Nyan Nyan Pack"!! To commemorate the opening of "Macross F movie version ~ The False Songstress ~", a special version of "Macross Ultimate Frontier" will be sold! A UMD containing special movie(s) that can't be seen any anywhere else will be included in the special editon, and in addition the package (art) will be an exclusive illustration by Haruhiko Mikimoto. An item indispensible to fans!
  8. I'm all about the ads. I didn't even know there was a Macross Crusade card game until reading Macross Ace. Mission accomplished!
  9. Unbelievably, yep, it's talking about her chest shrinking and growing when she micronizes. Classy.
  10. The animeigo version also shares a no credit opening between episodes so you have to have subs on to read who made what and it seeks the opening track in between episodes causing a pause depending on your player. Minor quibble but it bugged me nonetheless. Honestly the clean up Animeigo did is nice but on something like Macross which looks like ass anyhow I don't see a big difference between the R2 release and the R1. The subs are the only important change.
  11. Am I the only one who saw it and said "WTF is this crap?" Not funny. Just dumb. Quit dicking around with dolls and finish the damned series, guys.
  12. This is some of the most hilarious crap I've ever seen. Macross 2 doesn't fit because the official sequels which hadn't been created yet have more advanced aircraft in them? The military were using the Macross in 2040 according to another sequel which hadn't been created yet? Last I checked the city built around the Macross got leveled by Kamjin so I have no problem with them putting a park there. Heck even if it hadn't been leveled, there's a big ass lake the Macross sits in which screams park more than business centre to me. Cities have parks in them too you know. And where do people get off deciding a brand new race of aliens introduced in one series works better than a brand new race introduced in another? We learn pretty much nothing concrete from the original series so the Marduk could well have been what everybody was referring to as the supervision army using brainwashed Zentradi as they were, or they could just have been another race out there who picked them up along the way. It doesn't really matter. It doesn't conflict with anything Macross said or introduce plot holes. It just explores avenues which weren't there yet. Thematically Macross, Plus, 7, and Zero have about 0% in common anyhow so Kawamori should have just butt out, rolled with the blow, and worked with Big West's continuity. They pay the bills, not him.
  13. 18?!? That's positively stingy. I won't even want to play the game by the time I've managed that, let alone bother to use the pallet swap I've unlocked. I can't believe they give you the exotics like the Elint and the VF4 for doing nothing and the clones are the game's big secrets.
  14. How many Ss are needed to unlock Hikaru's VF-1S? I have 10 Ss and I still have 3 slots open. Quite frankly I doubt I'll ever bother getting all 20 for Focker's plane, but I want Hikaru's VF-1S Strike to use in Ai, Oboeteimasuka?
  15. I know this is opinion and all, but the mere fact that you include Macross Plus Game Edition in your top five Playstation games should preclude you from judging whether VF-X2 was any good or not.
  16. What's the big deal with the cousin thing? They were discussing marriage at a press conference during the TV series. That didn't tip you off?
  17. I didn't think Hikaru was the first to bag Minmay in the series anyhow. That honor would have to go to Kaifun.
  18. The Hikaru next to Hikaru point is you could get both for a fraction of the price if they sold the heads separately. Sure you have a Roy and a Hikaru, but for someone like me who likes Hikaru and is indifferent to everyone else, for the sake of a head all I get on my shelf is two of the exact same toy. As far as what Skull-1 says in another thread, it is its own separate universe as far as this argument is concerned. I don't see any factual inaccuracies or inflammatory language here. He objects to their marketing and that's fair enough. I haven't hitched my wagon to anything except a point of view I agree with. And for the record for planes with fast packs already packaged in I got you by $20
  19. This is a response to people saying "you live in a capitalist society and that's the reason you have Macross toys, so shut up and just don't buy it." I don't object to capitalism. I object to people telling other people they can't complain about what they consider to be unfair pricing just because they're talking about a business who's out to make money. No duh. And despite the fact that you're objecting to someone feeling the right to freely express their non-confirmist opinion on Yamato's marketing practices I still don't think you're pining for communist China or anything. This point wouldn't have taken so many posts for you to understand if you didn't chop off the operative part of the sentence which was would you complain or shut up if they screwed you on fast packs. Throwing in personal attacks like questioning my political ideals is an easy way to belittle your opponent, but when you have to purposely misconstrue a quote and then act like you just don't understand in order to do so, you end up looking stupid or immature. Only if they sell 1:1 with Valkyries. You shouldn't balk at a $200 price tag if that's the case. What? Let's get this straight. Valkyries sell fast packs. No one's buying a fast pack and then deciding afterwards that it's not much fun without buying a plane to go under it. So change it to them only selling new Valkyries with detatchable fast packs included in the box then. You've missed the point of my comparison which was not to decide what Yamato could and couldn't get away with forcing the customer to buy. That's your tack. My point was if Yamato did it and you did in fact hate Yamato for it then you should be able to say as much without people "informing" you that you don't have to buy it. CEOs and capitalism don't change the fact that it's your money and it's a public forum. Or Hikaru next to Hikaru. You're so busy teaching me business101, elementary 1+1 valk = 2 valks mathematics, and generally being a smartass that you've missed the point again. After mastering that 1+1 thing above you shouldn't need my help here. A funny thing about the process of going from not owning something to owning something. You have to look at the prices first. It's 14800 + 5800 before shipping for the two items packaged separately. It's only 19800 in the VF-1J with super parts pack they did. That's between $180 and $190 at the current US to yen exchange rate which is the poorest it's been in how many years now? So why is there no shipping charge in my calculations? Because you've brought it up in your whole "smart business, they don't do it because it won't sell" train of thought. Yamato's target market isn't foreigners with freefalling currency, and the Japanese consumers' standard of living doesn't change when the US dollar becomes worth so little that it takes more than $200 after shipping. You might as well start telling me that shipping to Europe costs extra or that you can only get it on Ebay and they'll charge you $250. Bandai didn't spoil you in 1/48 detail. That's been the selling point of Yamato's new line since it debuted. As a potential customer I'd be a fool not to have an opinion. I'd like to display a Hikaru VF-1A or a strike VF-1S as my mood sees fit but I'm not going to pay 30000 yen rather than 15000 for what is just a head. This is not the other thread. And unless he's calling you an idiot or fool or somehow ruining the worth of your Yamato stocks I don't see how his disliking the company affects you one iota.
  20. I didn't bash capitalism or even mention overpricing in the quote in your second post. If you don't have anything to actually rebut, save the second post, thanks. What I did do was use that comment to show a double standard in the "sold separately is bad business" argument. People said a CEO who approved separate heads should be fired. People don't seem to realize selling super parts as a separate package (because the Valkyrie underneath is the exact same thing and doesn't warrant reselling with super parts) is the exact same thing. As for not alienating the customers, read the thread. They already have at least one, and everyone else just seems to be dealing with it rather than happy with it. I honestly don't believe people wouldn't buy a molded super Valkyrie if the armor is as good as you say it is. People buy duplicate Valkyries for nothing more than a head and by your own admission it isn't worth $20 on its own. Your whole argument is based on a double standard. "I wouldn't buy it if it was $200." Not that buying them separately costs $200 anyhow, but we'll let your argument's need for exaggeration slide. You already have what, two 1/48s? You're paying for a paint scheme or a head for crying out loud. Yeah, maybe you wouldn't buy Roy and then Roy with super parts, but for models you don't have would you consider the extra outlay? I really doubt you'd arbitrarily pass on something that's genuinely different rather than just a colour swap just simply because it'd cost 5000 yen more Yamato netting 1:1 super part sales for the majority of Valkyrie sales they made would hardly be bad business. And for the record I don't have a problem with capitalism and don't care what Yamato charges. I haven't bought a 1/48 yet and now the Ichijo VF-1S and super parts are available it's probably a good time to. I just find it rich that you all beat down someone who obviously does care and has a right to complain as a consumer, simply because he "doesn't have to buy it." Being thrifty and valuing a buck doesn't make someone a socialist or communist or dissatisfied with the system that brought them Macross toys. It's offensive. Get over yourself.
  21. OK, I'll try not to make arguments for you. I'll just paraphrase posters and use quotes from this thread. People would prefer a separate head than buying a whole new Valkyrie? Check. People would prefer to buy it out of the box and not need to model it themselves? Check. People are willing to pay half the price of a new Valkyrie for some tack on armour? Check. Tell me that selling heads for $20-$25 wouldn't be pure profit for a toy line that's "languishing" on the shelves presumably because it's too damned expensive to buy what is basically the same thing time and time again. You pointing out the good business of ripping people off on fast packs doesn't mean heads aren't just as smart a sales move. It's just a double standard. Don't feel the need to single yourself out. Pretty much everyone jumped on the guy with varying degress of vigour for what stands as a pretty legitimate complaint.
  22. This one...
  23. I hear you. And I missed the Hikaru VF-1A 1/48 when it was first released so I don't even have the dilemma of double dipping. I wonder how many people defending CEOs and the virtues of capitalism would be singing the same tune if they had to buy Super/Strike Valkyrie versions as an entirely new Valkyrie with the parts molded on. I doubt anyone was fired over the super parts being interchangable and available separately. Berating someone for wanting a VF-1S head for a fighter they already have is stupid. He paid for the exact same fighter with the exact same paint job. Having to pay full price again for a head -- a part far less complicated than six pieces of detatchable armour which they saw fit to release -- is being hard done by.
  24. The valks could always transform with missile pods on. See the movie for reference (the game may not animate properly leaving the wings out though). Use the right analog stick in gerwalk to rise and drop. Inside the Macross you need to listen to the operator's instructions who should be giving you directions like "pods at 11 o'clock" and the like. In one of the missions you need to go to a certain point in the engine room once you are done. I think there was an arrow to follow once you ran out of enemies. Keep looking for bogies if you see no arrow and can't understand the operator's instructions.
  25. I'd be surprised since there's no harddrive support in the game. I know everybody here loves the flash new planes to death but I don't consider them not being included as a loss. The VF-0 and SV-51 would make no sense since over 50% of the game is in space, and the YF-19 and YF-21 would be 30 years early. I know they'd just be bonuses, but still. Blech.
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