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Everything posted by TCracker

  1. Usual stuffs - pilot, stands for 3 modes, different fists, knife, gunpod and extra hard antennae
  2. The color is very hard to catch. Sometimes it looks olive, soetimes tan and sometimes beige.
  3. Umm....thanks? The Ozma renewal I got it way back. That is nearly 7 months ago. I have a very basic setup for my photoshoot. Just 2 black backing boards and an old 10MP camera, nothing more. I use the room lighting and thats all. No light box, not whatever bulbs etc etc. Here is one I recently took.
  4. JUst got mine a few hours back. Lovely colors and QC.
  5. loving the tornado parts. even on the v1.
  6. just cancelled by NY preorder. my local shop is bringing in way cheaper than NY prices.
  7. Thanks! Always a treat to see your vids!
  8. not going to bother with the CF171 Armor parts. I have 3 CFs with broken triangles and I am just going to display them. No value whatsoever to spend more on them.
  9. he is the master of macross. to him multiples is a must for displaying them in all 3 modes.
  10. Despite all the flashy Frontier stuffs. This still rules.
  11. agreed! but nice vf27 by the way.
  12. seeing there will not be a Q-rare (Klang version) by either Bandai or Yamcardia, I might as well get the DYRL version as a stand in.
  13. Agreed. I am in anticipation there will be a Tornado parts for the renewal. At this point I have 4 VF25Fs. One with Super parts and the rest of the 3 are in storage due to space constraints. Once I have that sorted out, the 4th one will be Tornado decked. Crossing fingers!
  14. You are lucky. I also got from Mandarake front store item and it came with a missing crotch piece and hip vents. I was highly anticipating it and when I took it out for the first time and discovered the missing pieces, it felt like my world just fell apart. But thanksfully, I have the cool dudes here in MW here who sorted me out by selling the extra pieces. Props to pikashoo for that.
  15. I have 2 VF25A incoming when released. Once it lands on my lap, I will spray the extra 25F Armor Parts I have to match the 25A and decal the crap out of it and call it my own Vf25 TCracker custom.
  16. Woohoo! Got my second copy.
  17. should be fine. my armored ozma is chilling at the top of my 5 foot display cabunet with 30th anniversary yf29 for ages. only thing that irked me was the dust.
  18. My Altos are fine. All of my 3 CF171 broke at the triangles.
  19. renewal VF-25S first, Bandai. Please.
  20. Just got mine. Camera's busted, cellphone pic at the mo. Weakest mode is Gerwalk. The support bar that is being used does not clip well into the crotch piece. Because of the renewal design, the crotch piece pops off everytime I tried to connect the support bar into the groove. And the die-cast swing bar/clip on mine are quite loose in Gerwalk mode. But Battriod and Fighter modes are bad ass.
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