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Everything posted by TCracker

  1. That looks brilliant
  2. Sorry for reposting this. The earlier pic was crap. Can't believe the S4 takes shitty pics. either that or I dont know how to use it. here is a pic using my regular camera.
  3. yes I do have another alto. it is still MISB, waiting for the eventual tornado release.....if there is one..
  4. Skull Squadron all decked out.
  5. Some Battriod mode pics...
  6. Could be the radome contributing to the weight...
  7. You mean after putting on the super parts the hips became loose?
  8. Low resolution? Looks okay to me. And as davidwhangchoi mentioned, please be respectful to members in the forum. Anyways, managed to snap some pics of my RVF-25 Super Parts and Ghosts
  9. Come to papa...
  10. Good for you. I am eagerly waiting to see you pics. your collection is the neatest Frontier collection I have seen in this boards.
  11. awesome sharing! This makes my waiting even harder!
  12. Absolutely beautiful! Some Gerwalk pics...
  13. my RVF25 super parts arriving next week. cant wait.
  14. thanks anubis! will try tonight
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