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Everything posted by TCracker

  1. Did someone say dynamic pose?
  2. Snap. Looks like I am in
  3. Got my 2nd piece yesterday from a seller.
  4. Agreed. You should hear what happened to my renewal VF25S. Came missing the hip vents and crotch piece after paying a pirates ransom for it. After that, any minor strees marks I am pretty much ok with it.
  5. I have stress marks on my alto and 30th anniversary in some other places. I could not be bothered anyways. these arw toys that are meant to be played, displayed and enjoyed. but that is just me.
  6. I am pretty much done with the VF171 and whatever variants it comes out. Looks nice but I will be skipping this.
  7. No stressmark on mine
  8. Brilliant as always, Saburo!
  9. I use that support piece and it actually helps alot.
  10. My turn.
  11. more pic spam
  12. Got mine. Joints are super tight! Other than that, I simply love the headsculpt. Definitely one of the better YF-29s after Isamu's.
  13. Nice work on the canopy Duymon I am still praying my local supplier takes in at least a few pieces so I can have the mold in proper.
  14. @KH355hamdi, first congrats on your acquisition. Second, nice way to rub i in to those got shafted by NY For whats it worth, I have a contact in Japan who informed me that YF29 Ozma is short stocked. I was told that example, if they place an order of 100pcs, they only get like half of it. I do not know whether is true or not, maybe our resident MWF members like Tochiro can verify on site.
  15. holy hell. well there goes the bank account...
  16. not worried about it. the toy shop where I usually get my valks will be bringing it in. just placed an order for 2 units. not going to go through the NY or amiami madness ever again.
  17. holy hell. this looks awesome. at least 2 for me.
  18. Farking bought on sight. Make that 2. That Sexy headsculpt blows the other YF-29 variants away.
  19. Already looking epic, MJ!
  20. Looks stellar! I am digging the CF colors on the armor. And on a side note... dear Bandai, please reissue THIS.
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