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Everything posted by TCracker

  1. Luca's Elient looks cool, but if I ever get him, probably I'll do a head swap, should work, i think.
  2. Awesome TV Max. I heart that over the DYRL version.
  3. Great review jenius. you just convinced me to get Ozma. With the neck mod posted here, I have no reason not to get him. Thanks heaps!
  4. Yeah, what Cent said. Will the head have to swap out the additional part during transformation to Fighter/Gerwalk mode?
  5. Yup, mistransformed on my part.
  6. Woah!!! That is awesome!!!! You have permission to photoshop any VF pic I take, man!!
  7. No awesome poses ala Wicked Ace, but here's my contribution Generic cool pose #42 Generic heroic pose/stance #20 Staring at the Barrel of a Gunpod pose #31 OR "Don't Call Me Princess!!" pose
  8. I for one who have been Yamatoed one too many times (call it luck, call it misfortune if you will) I welcome the DX durability aside all the nitpicks many have voiced out. Right now I am really enjoy fiddling with my VF-25F and I have not seen any problems. I do hope that Bandai improves with time and dish out more DX VFs in future.
  9. This is the best dipping pose I can muster for Gerwalk without any mods.
  10. All is good, but just a question tho, it seems that the booster packs latches on the wings of the VF. Can they support the weight? With begets the next question, how many parts are they in the Super packs that are die-cast content? Or none at all?
  11. Got my Alto today. Not to shabby and fer once, it ain't gonna self destruct on my face. Impressed with the build quality. Not exactly anime accurate but I am glad I can actually get a Frontier toy.
  12. Just like Ghosts, they are expandable. I would definitely "release them from their yokes" and let the go kamikazi in an exploding fashion :lol: None taken. Happily married now. ^_^
  13. I would name all 3 of them after my 3 ex-girlfriends
  14. Yeah, I remembered some board member mentioned that is what's happening in Bobby's mind :lol: But anyway, Bobby rocks!
  15. Absolutely correct! While in DYRL, Minmay was projected on the background of Hikaru's VF-1S, we have both Sheryl and Ranka naked astral form (in green and pink) colors standing behing Alto's VF-25F
  16. Nothing else to download and where is Funfonia? Oh well, here is what I will be doing:- 1) Back to Transformers 2) Catch up with Detroit Metal City 3) Waiting for my pre-ordered VF-25 Ozma Lee custom Guess thats it until the movie comes out...
  17. Feedback time, guys. I managed to decal up the VF-25 and overall it looks good. I am bias towards the Gerwalk mode so I am going to leave the kit like this for the time being. I have TFed it to Battriod and looks like any MG Gundam kit. A word of warning, ppl. I found out that there are 2 points (for my kit t least) is already exhibiting signs of breakage. The hinge connector that holds the wings together is at the verge of breaking and cracks are apparent on the hinge itself. Hope you can see it. The metal rod that hold the tailfins exerted pressure on the hinges and the pegs are already broken. So a word of advise, when turning the tailfin, do it slowly. The excessive pressure will cause it to crack and break. But I have a fix for that, will share it when I am done with it. Still alot of decaling to go, but good display piece nonetheless. Left the Princess alone at the moment, going for a week break, will paint him up when I return.
  18. Just got mine yesterday and I have mixed feelings over the kit, here goes:- The good 1) Standard plamo stuffs, easy to build 2) Instructions a cinch to understand 3) Quite faithful reproduction of the 3D model, except for the parts that you needed to swap during transformation 4) Fighter mode is absolutely beautiful 5) Gerwalk is manageable, functional and decently poseable 6) Battriod, not bad. Standard gunpla articulation. Elbows are double jointed, knees are "kinda" double jointed and shitloads of swivel joints all over. No waist swivel tho, due to the tranformation design. If you are looking for extreme articulation, stick with Revoltech if Kaiyodo ever makes a Revoltech VF-25 (which I think would be a blast:D) 7) Insane amount of panel lines! Good for detail junkies like me (your mileage may vary) 2 sets of stickers (waterslide and stickers) - good option for kit builders depending on your comfort level 9) Hinges on the wings/tailfins and fuselage is hold together with metal rods, which is nice. Now, the BAD 1) Excellent display piece, but the fighter mode reminds me too much of Yamato's VF-0S, ie a flip flop mess 2) Parts tend to pop off when tf-ing it. Especially the hinges on the hips and the kneecaps (the white cover and the dark grey interior, don't glue the swivel joint, else you cannot TF him anymore). I say, glue the mofo. 3) Feels flimsy in certain areas, the neck brace, the legs covers (white plastic covers) like to, again, pop out 4) The retracting/detracting joint on the ankle point tends to, again, POP out! 5) Some plastic parts are very thin and fragile, so when you cut them from the runner, please exercise caution. Overall, a nice kit and quite faithful to the animation model. I have been doing Gunpla for decades and in terms of engineering, I give it a thumbs up. Out of the 3 modes, the fighter mode don't hold together too well but Gerwalk and Battriod is ace in terms of durability. However in terms of looks, the fighter mode is the best. Amount of time taken to assemble : 3 hours Panel lining: 5 hours....totally harsh, man.....even the wheel covers have internal panel lines! Decaling : In Progress I will post up pics when it is all done... Cheers, Tcracker
  19. Hmmm...and the Galaxy looks like it has articulated fingers too, compared to Battle Frontier and MQuarter. To me it looked like an oversized VF-27
  20. I tell you, Bilrer is Kawamori! He regretted sending Minmei to nowhere and wants to see her again, snuck into the MacF plot as a Zentradi and played along! ^_^
  21. which part? and which mall? Care to share? I am vehemently looking for it and it is sold out in many places..
  22. ZOMG! These were tuna buns?! I always that they were 'char siew' buns (cooked pork)
  23. I think Alto is smarter than he looks. My vote goes to Hikaru. Man, that shrimp is irritating as hell.
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