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Everything posted by TCracker

  1. Just got my Armored Parts x 2. Will be displaying this in Fighter mode and another set in Battriod mode when I get home.
  2. Just checked hobbysearch and amiami.....nothing yet...
  3. Gamu's gallery is up for the Armored parts.. http://gamu-toys.info/goukin/gouki/dx26/dx2601.html
  4. 25S Renewal...sigh.....still no luck getting him.. Apologies for the continuous spamming of the YF-29 30th Anni version. He just looks damn boss.
  5. Just got mine, and he looks better than the Alto version. That is one sexy Valk.
  6. Some VF171EX love Edit: Curses, just realized that I forgot to slide down the back cover....grrrr....
  7. Sorry for not a full Valk pic....but Who Will Win??
  8. Long time since I posted anything here. Just got my VF171.
  9. Pre-ordered from HLJ. My first valk after 2 years absence.
  10. Hmmm...Alto with Super Parts are out, looks like it had a tint of blue...or is it camera lighthing? And finally, the SMS logo on the stand is colored. http://www.xl-shop.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6865
  11. Wow, the VF-27 looks like it is gonna be MUCH better than the VF25. Pity....
  12. Fraulien Sheryl? Well if that ever come to reality, I would gladly buy up all of her with different getups. Anyway, back to topic...I will buy one just to see how it works.
  13. The VF-27 is definitely the DX. Looks sharp. but of course in MW, it is subject to nitpicking. But I am glad that the VF-27 might be closer to release than anticipated. :D
  14. Awesome weathering there. I like it very much...
  15. Yotsuba is adorable sitting there
  16. VF-27, yummm......looks like I will have to go broke again..
  17. brouken: I have the same problem with my Luca when I first got it. I thought I got myself a lemon, until I noticed that the ratchet inside the wings are not aligned properly that the teeth of the cog is not 'biting' into the groove. So what I did was (kinda stupid and brave at that time) was pull the wing upwards, stressing it until i heard a click. The reason why I did this is because I had the same problem with one of my SOC's and I did the same thing to force the teeth of the cog to snap it in place of the groove. But that fixed my Luca and he has been in good shape ever since. Now, I would not recommend anyone to do that as you will have to bear your own responsibility for the damage to your Valk, but I am sharing my experience here, so for thos who dare, give it a shot, but don't way I did not warn you ppl.
  18. Damn, I am more distracted by Sheryl pics at the background than the Valk...
  19. Hmmm...the lack of decaling still stumps me. I believe more decals could have enhanced the looks of the valk, but then again...
  20. Hmmm....still lose out to the Model kit in terms of sexiness. The Armoreed parts are...green? But what the heck, I am glad I pre-ordered! :) and then my SMS Squadron will be complete!
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