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Everything posted by TCracker

  1. Like all said, the 25S will be a perpetual nightmare. Better set up proxies in Japan if all else fails..
  2. awesome, just got another one for my buddy...
  3. 2 possibilities - 1) there are alot of closet Macross fans out there, hence the extreme fast sell out of the renewal valks 2) some one could be running a script that allows fast checkouts (probably scalpers) just my 2 cents...
  4. I have not dealt with neoexcaliber before, but from what I gather, he is a great seller and all round nice guy. Won't go wrong dealing with him.
  5. the 25G is all over the place. No imminent shortage as I can see.
  6. There are some stuffs in HK Collectibles that I am aiming for.....we shall see...
  7. I hope that I am wrong too, but if ever they actually decide to reissue the 25S, I will still try to get one as my 25s came incomplete with parts missing (even it was MISB). In the event if I cannot secure one, then too bad and I have to live with whatever I have. I think after the RVF25, I will call it quits for any Frontier Valk, unless they announce something awesome, like the DX YF-30. if not, I definitely would like to pursue other stuffs like The Konig Monster, Macross Quarter, some sheryl and ranka Figuarts Zero stuffs and maybe catching up with some Yammies..
  8. Or worse, bandai decides to troll us and not to re-issue the VF25S...
  9. You know what? I'd buy that.
  10. It's now gooonnneeeeee..........
  11. awesome, man. I am always at awe at your frontier collection
  12. Yup, where is Yamato when you needed it? *Sigh* and @Master of Macross - don't you have like 2-3 Alto's already? getting more means you want to display them in F/G/B each?
  13. Seems like the YF-29 30th Anniversary DX is all over the place. They are widely abundant here in my region in shops, ebay and whatsnot for reasonable prices. I know of one collector that have 4 of these as he tried to stock up fearing the shortage like what happend to the VF25F and 25S. Now he is selling them at the cost he bought them just to clear. why the fudge the 25f and 25s is not like this...hmmmm.....
  14. Pre-order window - 0.5 seconds.
  15. TCracker

    Macross figures

    I am in the market for a Sheryl figure to scale with my Ex-Gear Alto. Any recommendations?
  16. to be fair, the later Yammie releases of the VF1 mold were excellent.
  17. Lol...my renewal ozma finally came and missing the crotch piece and the air intake pieces. Luckily I have a spare 25G in gerwalk mode forever and can use the vents. As for the crotch piece, I'll just use the ones from the super parts.
  18. Great news. Now your YF-29 will have company, seriously, this is a fantastic mold. I got one in too.
  19. Darn it. On the 3rd then.
  20. It's 9:50 am in japan now. In a few hours, let the madness begin...
  21. Thanks, he will be my stan in until my actual 25S comes from Japan next week.
  22. In before the 5 second pre-order madness. Judging from the need and demand for the VF-25F, this will not end well...
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