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Everything posted by TCracker

  1. Ohhh...snap...that would be perfect for me.. Thanks for the heads up! I will PM him for sure. Edit: PMed him. Fingers crossed!
  2. definitely! i will try to get 3 of the 25A to match up with my 3 Vf171 that I have. Plus, I am a sucker for cannon fodder schemes. if you look at my sig, I am looking for the crotch piece. My MISB Ozma came missing with the crotch piece and the air intake covers. decided not to returned it as the VF25S is hard to come by. So I took the air intakes from my spare 25G and gave it to the 25S and took the crotch piece from the 25S super parts set and gave it to him at interim until I can source for a replacement. But having another 25S would be great tho...
  3. Actually the VF25G's head antennea came straight. It is not bent out of the box. Due to the small form factor of my display cabinets, the antennea was pushed down and over a period of time, it became crooked. No bigge as Scyla pointed out, there is a extra hard plastic antennea that comes with the 25G.
  4. Finally, my Skull Squadron completed
  5. surprisingly the best qc if all my renewals.
  6. My local toy shop just called me. The RVF is in and will be collecting it this evening.
  7. So awesome that many had a shot at the VF25F. Here is hpoing the 25S gets reissued soon.
  8. income? for me is the kidneys...
  9. There is comething about the 25G head that piques my interest. One of the reason I have 2 of those. This 25A, I'm going to try to get multiples.
  10. After the VF25A, I really do hope they announce the reissue for VF25S. I need another one.
  11. Hells yeah!!! Must have!
  12. I think it is some fold quartz amplifier thingamajik.
  13. Mine is abit loose on the left wing after the added weight. But mine is in Battriod most of the time anyways...
  14. Just got a call from my seller. The super parts for YF-29 just landed. will be collcting it later this evening.
  15. I hope they do because I like the colors on Ozma.
  16. My biggest beef was with my Renewal VF25S. Not only is is missing the crotch piece but also heavy scratches on the wings. And it was a MISB unit. Is as if it was handled by someone with ham fingers. There are some notable scratches on my CF171, but not as bad as my VF25S. But other than that, I just display mostly and will sometimes play with the toy. Not too hung up about it.
  17. Opened up my 3rd piece of CF171 and I got Bandaied. No biggie, but this problem don't seem to happen to 2 of my 171EX Nightmare Plus. (The White ones) and my first 2 CF171
  18. for the premium price we are paying, scratches and scruff marks are inexcuseable. my171 have some of them on the wings, the worst was my alto vf25f renewal. beneath the right and left wings, it looks like some child just did a few drops and rough swooshing.
  19. i open up all my stuffs anyways.
  20. Thanks for the heads up. My friend was looking for one and managed to snag a piece.
  21. yeah, maybe the RVF171 but I can't see Bandai doing the CF VF25. rarely makes an apperance in the show compared to the CF171s. Unless some bloke in Bandai decides release it under some Tamashii nations exlusive crap or some wonderfest/jafcon exclusive, The possibility of a CF VF25 is unlikely in my opinion. As for the YF30, I am still on the fence on the Battriod design. Gerwalk is ok and the Jet mode is dreamy. So, not at all in my lists of valks to purchase. *Still finding an affordable VF17D. Grrr....*
  22. can't wait to get my handson the RVF25, then the renewal VF-27. After that, i call it quits for the frontier valks.
  23. Just opened my CF171s. Have 2 at the moment and waiting for another one to come in.
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