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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Maybe you could have your original post as your sig?? ;) Taksraven
  2. It could be interesting, but it will have to buck a VERY big trend to be good. Every film that the Preds have been involved in since the original film has only succeeded in further destroying their reputation as a good SF concept. I know that I am stating the obvious. Taksraven
  3. I think that this is closer to the truth. Mass production of units combined with cloning of the warriors was the real secret of the Zent success. Even if they were technologically inferior to a lot of their enemies it was still easy to win by relying on overwhelming numbers of units. Taksraven
  4. Fark. Bring back MEMO if we are going to go back to these Nordic saga's masquerading as posts! :P Seriously though, I think regardless of whatever companies might try to do to get Macross released in your theoretical scenario's such as these, I bet that the HG Dalek would still send out cease & desist letters to all involved parties, even if HG was on shaky or really uncertain legal ground. HG clearly has a policy that just the threat of legal action is normally enough for them to get their own way and "protect" their precious franchise. The other problem is, would anybody go to this much trouble to get more Macross stuff released in the West? I doubt it..... Taksraven
  5. OK. Trying to steer this thread away from approaching doom. Would it be even possible for them to say or use the name "Macross" in the Robotech LAM? Taksraven
  6. I doubt that they would even bother to make such an announcement. I think its just going to faaaaaaaaade away......... Taksraven
  7. OK, c'mon. Everybody has a guilty pleasure. Something that you enjoy but you know that if others knew about this pleasure you could very easily be mocked. It might be a TV show, film, a song, a musical artist, a certain type of toy, Emma Watson, whatever. Time fo 'fess up. MY guilty pleasure at the moment is La Roux (which I have previously admitted to, I know.) Strange music with backing instrumentation that sounds like it is coming out of a C64, but I think its great stuff anyway. So c'mon. What do you like that you shouldn't. ONE rule - No mocking or nastiness here. This is just a place to clear one's conscience. Taksraven
  8. Nothing wrong with having a guilty pleasure. Actually, that gives me an idea......... Taksraven
  9. Dedicated news discussion thread maybe?? A lot of us would love to *chat* about this stuff. Taksraven
  10. Oi!!!! Linking to Dark Horizons is MY gig!!! :lol: Seriously though, thanks a lot for that. Its an interesting read even if details are sketchly. Sounds like, once again as it was back in the 80's, the network has no idea what to do with this show. AND, the mistake of trying to make this show a long-term prospect is probably what will stuff things up. Personally I believe that V works in a mini-series format but I have never seen it as having the sort of potential that will make it last for multiple seasons on TV. They are probably hoping for BSG remake success but i don't think that they have a chance in hell of getting it. Taksraven
  11. Well then, I guess it would now be appropriate for anybody who has the issue to post up the pics of the women for those of us who have never had the chance to see it........... Taksraven
  12. Remake of da Fly...... http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/15239/cro...-new-fly-remake What always annoyed me about cronenbergs version was that the end result did not look like a fly. It did look like a fly in the original. Taksraven
  13. Scream 4, anyone?? http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/15248/cam...k-for-scream-4- Taksraven
  14. Anybody seen Rammstein's latest clip yet? Fark. Taksraven
  15. Its the sort of thing that would probably go in the news thread normally, but who cares. Thanks for posting it, its great. Taksraven
  16. There you are. You have finally reached the stage that most of us reached and expressed ages ago. Get ready for the wave of general apathy and indifference that is about to engulf you. Taksraven
  17. Nah, Serenity was the feature-film version of Blake's Seven....... :P Taksraven
  18. Actually, Benny from the 1992 Austrian film "Benny's Video" is one of the nastiest badguys I have ever seen. Anybody who has seen the film will know what I am talking about. This vid is a bit of a shocker, but it gives you a good idea. Ignore the Left screen, its fan made filling in....... WARNING - SHOCKING STUFF - Not for kids. Taksraven
  19. double post
  20. Yeah, the T-1000 we have at work scares the hell out of me. And as was always say about it........ Always impersonate a human Always impersonate a human Always impersonate a human Always impersonate a human Taksraven
  21. I don't know what you mean...... BITCHES LEAVE!!! :lol: Taksraven
  22. Yeah, but what about dog films where the dog dies like Turner and Hooch?? Taksraven
  23. OK, it looks like it could be as daft as a brush and it is based more on the supernatural and horror, but it might be worth a look...... Trailer here Taksraven
  24. Hey, that was in self-defence. :P Taksraven
  25. A Shaka remake is no good, it needs a total ROBOTECH CROSSOVER!!! Taksraven
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