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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. The use of "Ai , Oboeteimasu ka" at the end of Macross Frontier episode one was stunning and served to highlight what a fantastic song it is. A great loss. Not good. Taksraven
  2. WANT TO SEE!!! (Going to have to wait until tight-arse Tuesday though) Taksraven
  3. Krusty is coming, Krusty is coming!!! :lol: Taksraven
  4. This line on the rt.com frontpage referring to the hulu stuff absolutely cracks me up. Watch Robotech for free (legally) online! Thank GOD for that, I would HATE to watch it ILLEGALLY!!! Is it just me or does that line from the rt.com frontpage say a lot about the mentality of HG? Taksraven
  5. I guess that you are pretty right, but there is nothing wrong with a major flame war once in a while to "get the fires going again". *Sighs, and wistfully remembers the old days on the usenet with chaotic, unmoderated discussions that were brutal and fun.* Taksraven
  6. I liked the symbolism there where the coffee shop was destroyed, as was the fountain, two very symbolic places in Hikaru's love life. Verrry cool. Taksraven
  7. R.I.P Barry Letts One of the great Doctor Who producers has died at the age of 84. He was producer during the early 1970's and oversaw the transition from the Troughton to Pertwee era. He was much more than just a producer for the program, however, carrying out roles for the series including directing and writing as well as doing some executive producing work for the show right into the 1980's. A great talent, a fantastic contributor to Doctor Who and he will be missed. http://gallifreynewsbase.blogspot.com/2009...-1925-2009.html Taksraven
  8. Showgirls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/15321/-sh...-ready-to-strip Taksraven
  9. Agreed. Taksraven
  10. One of the worst examples of fanservice in SF. Taksraven
  11. I personally think that Rimmer is the ultimate holographic character (and he pre-dates Voyagers Doctor by about 8 years) Taksraven
  12. Well, at least there is new Macross to be talked about. Personally, I really enjoyed watching Macross Frontier, and I think that a lot of that was due to the fact that I got to watch it as an episodic weekly series, the way it is meant to be watched. If I had been given the lot on a heap of DVD's to watch in one go, I don't think that it would have been as enjoyable. It is surprising in a lot of ways that I enjoyed Frontier, cause I don't think that I fit into the normal demographic that a program like that is being aimed at (age-wise that is, late 30's), but I enjoyed it anyway. A really kiddified Macross would annoy me but I am yet to see this happening. As others have observed, it is about entertainment and escapism. Shows like Macross are meant to take your mind off your everyday problems and dilemma's (and I had a LOT of problems going on last year) and transport you to another place. I think a lot of people get too hung up on realism and things like that not just in Macross, but SF fandom in general. Taksraven
  13. I use to get annoyed about the conflicting nature of the Macross canon. Now, however, I realise that a lot of SF franchises have become "slaves" to their own continuity and fandom and the results are often not pretty. (A great example of this is ST Enterprise, a series that never should have been attempted because there were waaay too many rules imposed on the writers) This is one of the main reasons why a lot of Trek continuity was effectively and deliberately binned for the new film series. I am also a fan of HitchHikers Guide the the Galaxy, and this is a franchise where each and every version of the story is different and often wildly conflicts with each other, but it still works and does not detract from my enjoyment of the franchise. I think that Arthur C. Clarke had one of the best ideas. In the intro to one of the 2001 sequels (cant remember which one), he suggested that the reader consider each sequel to the original to be set in "alternate universes", where some things lined up and matched the original story whilst others did not. He had to do this inlight of the fact that real world events ended up contradicting a lot of his story elements. (collapse of the Soviet Union, etc........) So by my reckoning, by having a fluid and flexible continuity and canon, Shoji Kawamori is actually in good company and it should help keep Macross fresh for the future. Taksraven
  14. Actually THATS something that I have wondered about over the years and I don't think I have ever found out the answer for. Why didn't they bring Arnie back for Pred 2. Too expensive to hire him? Was he too busy making other films (I think it must have been one of the busiest parts of his career)? Or did they just think they could manage without him?? Taksraven
  15. Going to your own personal hell, maybe. Its quite annoying actually that there seems to be little resale value in a lot of SF novels. Dr Who novelisations of the original series are becoming rarer but they still are really cheap on Ebay. Taksraven
  16. A hardcore Ridley fan. Would love Blade Runner too. I just have one thing to say to them. "HANNIBAL!!!!" Taksraven
  17. LOL!!!! :lol: Taksraven
  18. I see everything twice! I see everything twice! Taksraven Taksraven
  19. :P Taksraven
  20. This should not come as too much of a surprise to anybody, but it sounds like the whole franchise is in real trouble..... http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/15264/-te...s-on-the-block- The article blames the poor reception and profits for Terminator:Salvation and the cancelling of the TV series for most of the franchises problems, but personally, I see a more fundamental problem with the Terminator franchise and that has been the wildly escalating budgets. Put simply, since the original films have come out they have simply been made for too much money. It means that all they have had to do is produce a film that stumbles profit-wise trying to pay off the huge production budget (which they have done) and the whole thing starts to implode. (This is also a risk they are taking with the Transformers franchise, because those crappy films are costing waaay to much. ) The opposite of this problem is what happened to the original "Planet of the Apes" film series. After the original, each successive film was made at around half the budget of its predecessor, and this caused huge problems further down the track. Whats the solution for the Terminator series? Is there a future? Well, they will certainly have to take a break, but if they do make another film they will have to be very careful when it comes to the budget.... Taksraven
  21. My brain is running slow today, not enough sleep. Are the games considered to be canon? (They probably are, I'm just trying to get confirmation.) Taksraven
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