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Everything posted by taksraven

  2. I dunno, I guess that Star Wars burned me when it comes to large scale grand "sagas" in SF. To do one properly in a filmed work you should have the whole thing planned out from start to finish, this way you can avoid retconning in your own work. (The later Dune novels by Frank Herbert were classic examples of a lack of planning in an continuing written work.) I agree with those who have suggested that it is really the story of the Protoculture that tie's Macross together. You never get to see them but their influence is constant. Taksraven
  3. I think that the way that Macross has been modelled as a SF franchise has been fairly successful. Not too backward looking, as you observed, but with enough "heritage" in each story to keep the old fans coming back for more. I think that the main advantage of this style of storytelling is that the production teams have generally avoided strangling themselves with continuity while keeping each production fresh. Taksraven
  4. Not confirmed, but the broadcast date for The Waters of Mars is thought to be Nov 14. About bloody time, grrrrrrr!!!!! Taksraven (Not travelling well in this nearly Who-free year)
  5. I thought that THIS was the original version of the dog poster? Taksraven
  6. Thats it in a nutshell. Good explanation. Taksraven
  7. I first saw BOTP when I was *really* young, about six or seven, way younger than what I was when I first saw Robotech, so I guess I will always have a bit of a soft spot for BOTP. I consider it one of my main influences in liking anime and SF in general. And even though it was "completely chopped up", there were still some *very* brutal bits left in. (Like in the episode where they are trapped on the cruise liner or whatever, and the old guy with a wheelchair picks up a bomb left by Katse/Zoltar and rides at the wall, blowing himself and the wall up in the process and allowing the others to escape.) Taksraven
  8. Being a Space Battleship Yamato fan, I can live with Star Blazers. It was one of the least stuffed around with anime, which is astonishing, especially when you consider when it was dubbed. I have both Gatchaman and BOTP, they both have their merits and faults (Casey Kasem was great as Ken and Hoyt Curtins music being used to supplement the original BGM rather than generally replace it was brilliant) I guess that it would just be nice to see Macross released in the West. Oh yes, and RT fans like to pick fights with us that they can never win. Taksraven
  9. Phrase of the week?? Taksraven
  10. I think that the real beef that most of us have here is not really with RT, but rather with HG for blocking most releases of new Macross material outside of Japan. (Kinda stating the obvious I know, but just clarifying for the RT-fanboy lurkers) So other than the legal issue, I could not give a fark about Robotech. Taksraven
  11. g. The Second Coming of Christ h. The Sun nears the end of its lifecycle and expands to such a large size that it engulfs Earth.... Taksraven
  12. Wise up Sucker!! ;) Taksraven
  13. Look man, I would never send you to the back of the bus for being a diehard RT fan. I might send you to the bottom of the barrel though. Taksraven
  14. Yeah dude, can't you tell, we are a bunch of racists here! Its gonna be a race to see who is first to call somebody else here Hitler for disagreeing with their views. Taksraven
  15. Could you post quick summaries of your posts at the start or the finish of your latest Nordic Saga?? :P Taksraven
  16. "Death to the Macross Purists", eh. I think that its a pretty poor expression that does not fit in with the traditional Robotech fandom naming conventions. "Protoculture Heretics" is usually the sort of intelligent expression that they come up with. I think that it only takes one thing to be a true Robotech fan in this day and age, and thats sheer bloody-mindedness. Who cares that by staying with Robotech fandom all you have is one TV series (and a bastardised one at that), one aborted effort at a sequel series, another few snippets of footage from another aborted series, a clip addressing the UN and FINALLY a straight-to-DVD feature, oh, plus a lot of shiity comics. Who cares that if you switch over to Macross fandom you get the original Macross series, Flashback 2012, Do You Remember Love, Macross II, Macross Plus, Macross Plus Movie Edition, Macross 7 in all its forms, Macross Zero, Macross Frontier, Macross Frontier movies, a heap of computer games, etc...... Better to stick with Robotech methinks, the way of the FUTURE!!!!! Taksraven
  17. C'mon guys, we all know that this is the only true Valkyrie.... Taksraven
  18. Hope he's being sarcastic?? Taksraven
  19. http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/15473/har...fourth-mad-max- A Mad Max film WITHOUT Mel Gibson. What a great idea!! (John Cleese often tells the tale about how some yanks were going to do their own version of Fawlty Towers but they had written Basil out.) Taksraven
  20. *YAWN* ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........................ Taksraven
  21. Lets just hope that he stays for the giant tunafish head! :lol: Taksraven
  22. Love these ads. Probably more fun than watching any A-Team film.... I also love his offhand excuse of why he is in a helicopter... Taksraven
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