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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Season 1, yes. Season 2, no. But definitely underrated. I think a lot of the bad press the show received was from disgruntled Trek fans who always saw it as a rip-off. Taksraven
  2. It would seem like it was only a matter of time until a Space:1999 remake is commissioned, but I think that the one thing that might stop it from being made is the fact that it would be very tough to do on a low budget. It seems to me that budget restrictions are really hurting a lot of SF TV productions these days. BSG only managed to look expensive by having a heap of episodes where the action was confined to inside ships, etc and then having some showpiece episodes with space battles. Flash Gordon did away with spaceships and had people travelling between planets due to cheap sfx "portals". V seems to be saving a lot of money so far by having limited action, a lot of crappy drama and dialogue and limited sfx based on the Visitors, and I think that a UFO remake would probably be viable if it wasn't so much space and atmosphere battles with the aliens, but rather a lot more sort of cloak and dagger and espionage action. Space:1999, essentially totally set on the moon, would be unable to avoid a lot of budget restrictions, you would think. Time will tell if they ever get around to it. Taksraven
  3. I can back that up with more 100% solid proof...... Taksraven
  4. As long as it did not include info about Meltran using sheep as tampons. Sorry, sorry, very bad joke. Taksraven
  5. Robotech is a continuity fanta girl! Taksraven
  6. God that movie was awful. I like it how the mythbusters showed that sort of thing was *crap* Taksraven
  7. Was the Prisoner remake broadcast? If it was I must have missed it. I'll check now, thanks. Even if it is dull, I still want to see it so I can criticise it. Taksraven
  8. News on a remake mentioned before here. Classic Gerry Anderson series UFO to get remake...... http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/15757/jos...-remake-of-ufo- I'm not saying that the original was perfect, but I wish that some things would really be left alone!!!! Taksraven
  9. C'mon. People that watch Titanic have to make a big effort just to remember to breathe! Taksraven
  10. Come on man. EWOKS ROCKED!!!!!!!!
  11. It means that the world is about to end! Taksraven
  12. Oh man, I'm getting excited (yes, that type of excited) already! Taksraven
  13. Discussed before, but when compared to the mutilation that was happening to a lot of other Japanese programs being imported, Yamato got off very easy. Taksraven
  14. It would be nice to let some people know that there is a fair bit of NSFW stuff sitting at the other end of the link you have given us. Taksraven
  15. Its always funny to read that sort of thing. I bet the irony that the "haters" of RT and HG are generally Macross fans, fans of the one part of Robotech that most like the best, really bugs the hell out of a lot of them. And another thing I was thinking about with the Sentinels Vs. Shadow Chronicles comparison. If I really HAD to choose I think I would prefer Sentinels because it had a lot of diversity as well as elements from all three RT shows. Thats not to say that it was good, but it looked like more than Mospeada +. Taksraven
  16. Its funny, but it seems that people who are clueless about the show that they are making can still do a good effort. Bob Forward and Larry DiTillio, the main writers/editors for Beast Wars were fairly clueless about the original Transformers series but still did some great work. I am sure that there are other examples of this. Taksraven
  17. I think its fair that you explain how you managed to get a hug from the lovely Kim. (Getting a hug from both sisters at the same time would be truly awesome.) The Amps once played at a festival here in Sydney and after the set the Deal sisters spent the rest of the day just wandering around the festival. Very cool. Taksraven
  18. So I take it by the heated discussion here that everybody else is as underwhelmed with this show as I am. I like the way that Lisa took a photo of herself and her expression in the picture does not even really match the one on her face when she took the fricken photo. I think that the main idea of this series was to do "V" on the cheap, judging by the really limited numbers of FX shots, so don't expect any moments like . And it just meanders on. Yawn... Taksraven
  19. I LOVE it when we go off on one of those "Which music is more terrible" benders in this thread. This is (intentionally so, though), enjoy. As for *real* music I have been enjoying lately, I am constantly going on Safari with the Breeders and am discovering the delights of Husker Du. Taksraven
  20. Using the word TERRIBLE to describe DEVO is a horrible sin. Taksraven
  21. Thats quite possible. It could have been the stage when they realised that they didn't have the "Midas touch". BUT, if they believed that they did so beforehand they were absolute fools. But who would be surprised by that possiblity? Taksraven
  22. It has been noted before, but considering the fact that he turns 50 next year, Shoji Kawamori has no right to look like he is only about 30 tops. BASTARD!!!!!!!! Taksraven
  23. Now is a music style that you have probably never heard before. Taksraven
  24. No, I think that they were being absolutely cynical with the RT 3000 production and thats why fans rejected it. It was going to be a product that they owned completely with no old designs or characters (therefore no money or legal issues with the Japanese). It was only even going to be new and original for these reasons and it must have bugged the shite out of HG that it screwed up so badly. Taksraven
  25. Well, if there are die-hard RT fan who are still waiting for HG to do the show some sort of deranged justice and they are still hanging around I think it says a lot about their stupid stubborn mentality and thats why its not even worth trying to argue with them. Taksraven
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