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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Yeah. I will admit that the "But it's different to the book" crowd bores the crap out of me when it comes to film adaptations, but it can be done correctly and follow the original pretty closely. 1984 with Richard Burton is an excellent example. A great film, pretty close to the book and it was clear that the director knew the book inside and out.
  2. First reviews are appearing. Seems that a lot of reviewers are concerned about the level of violence and gore. Sorry Hollywood, the next film about a brutal war will have to feature more fluffy kittens and puppies........ ......although Eva Green does have a very nice fluffy kitten.
  4. I don't mind Jamie Bell as an actor, but Ben Grimm?? I-don't-think-so.
  5. Hmmm. Seems that the trailer is polarising opinions across the board. Personally, I get a real "Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy" vibe from this, right down to the logo. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I also feel its a bit refreshing to have a trailer that doesn't tell you every frikkin detail from the movie for once. Also, it looks different to the rest of the Marvel cookie-cutter style superhero films. From what I've seen so far and from what I've heard from fans of the comic I would describe it as - quirky, whimsical and comedic. That would explain the "cheesy music" as well. As a fan of Minsc and Boo, I think that the idea of a space raccoon is a great one.
  6. Tell me about it. Here he is as one of the presenters on a doco on Persian History. WHAT A LEGEND!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgCEiUivzXQ
  7. I really thought I might like this more than I did. I came away from it with an even *greater* appreciation of Verhovens film. Things that were OK. * The special effects. Duh. but then again. The original had a budget of 13 million bucks and they did outstanding things with it. The main shot in the original film that *really* doesn't work is Dick Jones falling from the building. I can even forgive some of the clunky stop-motion for ED-209. This new film had 130 million buck to blow so of course the effects had to be better. * The cast - generally a great cast, but were they put to the best advantage in this film? Thngs that were NOT OK. * A lot of the camera work. Just pick up the camera and shake shake shake shake shake shake. C'mon. A shaky camera does not make things more exciting. * Little was left to the imagination and the film suffered for it. In the original, you never saw exactly what was left of Murphy inside the suit, in this film they had to show us exactly and I don't think it was so great to do so. * The way Murphy wakes up with full consciousness and memory. Once again, the way it was done in the original, with Murphy having to struggle to regain who he was intellectually and only really getting back to his normal self by the end of the movie, was much more effective. I wonder why they chose to do the new movie the way they did. It certainly didn't help with pacing. * PG13 Robocop - Once again, the level of violence in the original served as a good contrast to the humour, which brings us to....... * The lack of humour in this film. Only a few jokes were there and they were strained. There are parts of the original film where I still giggle at the dark humour. ("Stay out of trouble!!", etc) * The new bad guy who replaced Kurtwood Smith/Clarence Boddiker. The equivalent character in this new film was hopeless. * The climax?? There was one?? By shying away from violence the "climax" of the film was very muted indeed. * Bleeping Samuel L. Jackson. Should just never happen. * The new Robocop visor. Makes him look like a frikkin bird. * Too much Abbie Cornish. Her character and that of Murphys son were meant to be some sort of "emotional core" of the film, but that plotline failed entirely. Once again, the original handled it better.\ * The soundtrack. Didn't sound right, even the reprise of the original theme. * Gary Oldmans character. Didn't seem to have the faintest clue of what he was doing or who's side he was on for the entire film. * Murphy's partner. As observed by others, could have been replaced with a block of wood. * Murphy himself. Could have been replaced with a block of wood as well. * The explosion that "killed" Murphy. Barely powerful enough to knock him off his feet. * The stereotype Iranians in Tehran at the start of the film. As good as "Carbombya" in the original Transformers series. * Robobike. (yawn) * Those smaller robots that were essentially generic Cylons. (yawn) Elysium robots looked much better. * Few, if any, real nods to the original. * Needed more Jackie Earle Haley - An interesting part played by a good actor who only seemed to materialise when the plot needed him. A waste of talent. Ultimately, for a movie that has been in off and on development since 2005! the story seemed to be pretty half baked. I'm not saying that they had to slavishly follow the original film but I could not understand what justifications that had for a lot of the changes that were made.
  8. Still have to go and see it, but I like this review. It really highlights the problems with a lot of Hollywood entertainment, especially straight-faced remakes of subversive satires like the ones Verhoven once made.....
  9. Not trying to put down James Avery or his achievements in any way, and sure PSH didn't do too much SF but PSH was one of THE great actors of his generation and I am sure that most of us here have enjoyed his work in some way. Don't be annoyed renegade, just let people pay their tributes. Tribute threads never last too long here anyway.
  10. A great actor, gone way too young....
  11. Dynaman clearly speaks with authority, because all of the Doctor Who fans loved this non-bland costume *sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo* much!!!!
  12. Christopher Lee got really annoyed when his footage was removed from the theatrical cut of Return of the King. He boycotted the opening as a result. Still hasn't prevented his involvement in LOTR since then though, but he made his feelings clear about being cut from the theatrical version at the right time. (His footage was reinstated in the Extended Edition of course)
  13. Why, oh why, is ANYBODY surprised about this???
  14. Release date for the film has now been pushed back by about ten months. Excellent news I think, more time will probably help. Rumor has it that Affleck has sustained a leg injury that has taken him out of action for six weeks.
  15. Video I did of the Future of the Left show in Sydney just over a week ago. I apologise for the really really shaky camera work. I apologise for none of the other inappropriate shenanigans that have come to characterise the shows for this great band...... BTW, the song is "You Need Satan More Than He Needs You".
  16. Is it worth buying a top of the range HDMI cable......
  17. I will admit that Teela was pretty hot but I *can't* remember her being in Doctor Who.....
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