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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Absolutely correct. Storefront mannequin Kate Bosworth absolutely ruined Superman Returns and Brandon Routh was only slightly better. Taksraven
  2. Another person who can appreciate that this is really another fun popcorn flick, its not the sort of movie you should think too hard about (and neither was the original) Taksraven
  3. The 1967 version of Casino Royale. As far as movies go it makes no sense and is pretty corny, but the women in it look stunningly beautiful and the soundtrack by Burt Bacharach is simply to die for. And you sit there cheering each of the brilliant cameo's. Taksraven
  4. I never trust my field commanders.
  5. The original Terminator film was a masterpiece of relatively low-budget filmmaking. As much as I enjoyed Terminator:Salvation, it was a case of "Here is a shiitload of money, go and splurge it filmmaking". For some reason, the higher the actual budget of a film, the less work and money goes into things like scripting, etc. And usually the movies suffer for it. Another good example. The original Matrix film was made for less than half the budget of the sequels. Which one would you rather watch? Another good example. Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Budget 220,000 pounds. Monty Python's Meaning of Life - $9 million budget. Once again, I know which one I would rather watch. Taksraven
  6. I think that a bigger priority for her would be learning how to act. Taksraven
  7. I.........thought..........it.........did? Taksraven
  8. As an Australian I can vouch for the fact that HG does own Australia, in fact when I bend over you can see that I have the scars to prove it. Taksraven
  9. Another legendary battle. Taksraven
  10. Another great . Taksraven
  11. Best fight (Yes, I know its really two fights, but its the best fight sequence........) Taksraven
  12. Sorry, should have qualified what I meant by trying to peddle it. I was comparing the 8 million copies sold of "Interview with a Vampire" since 1976 compared with the 17 million copies of the original Twilight novel that have been sold since 2005. I am not saying that Anne Rice is totally unsuccessful, but when compared to Stephanie Meyer, I think her "success" is more muted. Just my opinion, probably wrong. Taksraven
  13. Right place at the right time and its hardly original. Look at Anne Rice, she's been trying to peddle that lovey-dovey vampire crap for decades. Taksraven
  14. "Kill 'em all" endings can also be a bit of an anime tradition at times as well, can't they. Taksraven
  15. You bring up those points like they are negatives. I think a lot of people enjoy shows like this. If you haven't seen it, seek out a film called "The Quiet Earth". The end in particular is similar to NGE but its fantastic. Taksraven
  16. Well, to put in my 2 cents worth, I think that individuals can take whatever they want from the ending of Evangelion, it seems clear to me that there is no definitive way of looking at the end of it. Much the same as 2001, where Kubrick is supposed to have said that individuals can take the ending however they want. Catholic vs Protestants vs Puritans vs Mormons and on a larger scale Christians vs. Muslims vs. Buddhists, etc..... and typically, all of it satirised perfectly by . This bit . Well, thats a matter for interpretation. Personally, I think it was probably the best anime series that I saw during the 1990's, (not counting Macross stuff, of course) but since I don't watch a very large amount of anime, (at least it would seem, compared to a lot of people here), so I am certainly not qualified to call it the best anime of the 90's. Taksraven
  17. I'm sure that we all have been guilty of it at one stage or another, but modern western society is set up in such a way these days that there is little else to worship other than the things that we watch or listen to, when once, such fanaticism probably would have only really existed in the realms of religion and politics. I'm not saying that we are all looking for something to "worship", but I believe that it is fairly basic human nature to put things up on a pedestal. Taksraven
  18. Yeah. I think that when you look at how much the TF LAM had in common with its original TV series (ie, nothing), I think it should mean that if the RT LAM follows the same model (and it will), there will be little left of Macross and the other shows it was based on. Taksraven
  19. Yeah, I think its one of the more graphic and unpleasant deaths seen in anime. Normally we would just see a unit explode I think, but with this one, with green muck going everywhere, eeeeewwwwwwwwww.
  20. I think that the fact that most of us have had to give this show multiple chances to draw us in and make us interested, rather than the show being unmissable right from the start, is a pretty good indicator that we should have nuked this show from orbit, just to be sure. Taksraven
  21. Absolutely correct. AND they stuffed up the theme music big time... Taksraven
  22. I always assume that they found a brown stain on his seat from where he pooped his pants? Oh well. Taksraven
  23. What are you trying to correct? Taksraven
  24. It was never portrayed as that fragmented. (Would have been cool if it had of though.) Taksraven
  25. Whatever you want, buddy, its your money. Or, buy both. Taksraven.
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