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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. LOL. Some people still do that about the Sylvester McCoy seasons of Dr Who. Taksraven
  2. VTFT1. Its fair enough what you said but your politics are your own, you never need to justify or explain them to anybody, especially if you are being baited/trolled, which you were. Thats why ballots are secret. Just hold true to what you believe in. Taksraven
  3. I love this thread. Taksraven
  4. If so, I win on the shortest. $0 spent on toys this year and only $12 spent on a Darth Vader the year before that. Taksraven
  5. Its like reading English that has been put through a piece of dodgy translation software to convert it into Chinese, and then its been "translated" back into English again. And I don't think its all down to "English is my 17th language". I think its more like "I can't organise my thoughts in any coherent way, AND English is my 17th language". As a result, why does anybody give a flying fark what this insane troll says? Taksraven
  6. Not really SF, but I sat through New Moon last night. OMFG what a waste of time. Taksraven
  7. It has to be that Evangelion is not really religious. As you say, it uses the religious symbols and imagery as an effective shortcut in telling an interesting story. Thats why when people go too far in trying to weave religion into the interpretation of the story things invariably will not hold and they instead fall apart. Like the theories that the head of Seele, Keel Lorenz, is really the Wandering Jew, and that the Lance of Longinus is really the same one used to spear Jesus. Its just fiction built on what some people consider to be a different fiction. Taksraven
  8. Sorry, I seem to be losing the ability to communicate down at the MEMO level. What the fark is that post supposed to mean? Taksraven
  9. I think its just time to agree to disagree guys. Taksraven
  10. I dunno, the only real joke they had was about the "blue cat people" and they repeated that about three or four times. I liked the comment about Titanic though. That was getting a LOT of bad press before it was released and when it was released suddenly everybody is running around calling it a "classic", even though the Leonardo/Kate plot could have been written by a five year old on red cordial, or a monkey with a crayon (same intellect). Taksraven
  11. Its funny how extreme fandom of any type degenerates into religious fanaticism. HG and RT.Com should organise a "Robotech Inquisition" and persecute/exterminate all unbelievers. And if you guys think that RT is the worst, you should see Trek and Who extreme fandom. SF Franchises that have been around for over 40 years with fans that treat each other really badly. Taksraven
  12. Seen the directors cut? Even better than the original release. And it is a great film, an underrated gem. Part of the reason I like this and the original Matrix film is because both of them portray my city of Sydney well. Dark and moody, the way it should be. Taksraven
  13. I really wish that they had blatantly copied Dark City when it came to ending the Matrix series, then they might have had a proper conclusive ending instead of the "open for more films" one that they had. They really only ended with a "cease-fire" with the machines, what a joke. Taksraven
  14. I looooooove Harvey Birdman, but I'm buggered if I can think of the episode you are referring to. Taksraven
  15. Rather than just call the N-Gage the worst overall, I would give that accolade to the N-Gage QD. It solved two problems (easier memory card insert slot and goodbye to side-talkin') but it had the wonderful technological innovations of goodbye to stereo sound, hello mono, and goodbye to USB connectivity. Great stuff.
  16. FANTASTIC call there. From Arrested Development through to his own stage work, the man is a true legend. Taksraven
  17. OK, the end of the 00's is fast approaching. Its time for us to reflect on the best and the worst of the decade. I'll list some categories to get things started....... * Best/Worst Anime (film/TV series/OAV) - * Best/Worst Manga - * Best/Worst SF (film/TV series) - * Best/Worst SF Literary (Book/Short story/Comic) - * Most annoying trend in Anime - * Most annoying trend in SF - * Best comeback - * Most disappointing comeback - * Best/Worst Game of the decade - * Most consistent game developer - * Best/Worst Game platform of the decade - * Which product do you really wish had not turned out to be vapourware? * Most Unnecessary *Remake *Sequel * Greatest addition to your toy/model/DVD collection - * What is the piece of technology that you have now which was not available at the start of the decade that you cannot do without? * Best/Worst Band/Album/Live performance - * What do you think is going to be the most inaccurate SF prediction about life in 2010? * Person of the decade (NO politicals) * Where do you think you will be at the end of next decade? * Complete the following sentence. "I will be much happier next decade if..........." + What have you been calling this decade? (The zero-zero's, the noughties, whatever) Answer some, answer them all, whatever you want. Add your own categories, just have fun with it..... Taksraven
  18. I have always thought that there was a place in Macross for some sort of spin-off or alternate story that focussed on the Destroid pilots. I'm sure that some sort of work that looked at the tough job Destroid pilots had during Space War I would be fascinating. I have to admit, I am not a Southern Cross "fan" but I still find it to be an interesting series. It had a lot of good elements and did include some iconic imagery but at the end it was flawed and ultimately a failure. (In a similar way to how the film "The Black Hole" was a failure, even though it had a lot going for it.) I think that Southern Cross would have benefitted from being a longer series (I think it was originally planned to have a longer run) as everything seems to be too cramped and condensed. Taksraven
  19. Just a heads-up to people here, I hit a nasty bit of malware when visiting this site today (antivirus 2009 or some other crap), so be wary if you visit the link. Taksraven
  20. Bah, we all know that these turdburgers are talking crap..... Discussion about the topic here.... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=810398 Taksraven
  21. It could be worse. Your first name could be Adolf. :lol: Taksraven
  22. Yeah, there is no need to get worked up about turdburgers like those at Topless Robot. They could only come up with 8 reasons anyway, too much to ask for them to do a top ten. Taksraven
  23. Problem is that 110 years ago when they were drafting our constitution, they did not consult the Americans, instead they brought in a bunch of Germans to write it......FFS. The international image we have of a laid back, chill country is an absolute myth perpetuated by morons. Many Australians are very insecure, particularly in regard to how other countries see us. We have extremely conservative social attitudes, especially in regards to things like sex and, to a lesser extent, violence, and that is how it has been easy to maintain a system that regulates things like computer games so heavily. Even some of the GTA games have been banned here. Taksraven
  24. There are times when I really hate living in this stupid country..... This is what we get for having no freedom of speech enshrined in our constitution and we have no Bill of Rights. Taksraven
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