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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. I don't think that the Yoda puppet ever looked that bad. And I personally think that the puppet could emote more than the CG version. (Of course, most of what was good about Yoda was down to Frank Oz's stunning voice acting) Taksraven
  2. You could argue that. Personally I would argue that they standardised designs. Taksraven
  3. The Octos is going to be the "Boba Fett" of the Macross universe. Rarely seen and never properly used. What a waste of a unique and interesting unit.... Taksraven
  4. Too many bad puppets in Farscape. Just so people don't get confused. BAD SF PUPPET FROM FARSCAPE.... AN EXAMPLE OF A GOOD SF PUPPET..... Taksraven
  5. Everything about this movie so far has looked brilliant, so here's hoping that we may have a sequel that tops the original. Taksraven
  6. It would probably depend on what these films were up against in the foreign import market and if that the release dates are usually busy movie-going times. Don't forget as well, I expect that both of these films would be expected to do quite well in the DVD/blu-ray markets later on. Taksraven
  7. Also that gibberish that he considers to be English. Taksraven
  8. It usually the actors and maybe the directors who get their praises sung but the writers are often neglected. I just hope that most who have enjoyed the Alien franchise appreciate that they have lost a hero of the genre. Taksraven
  9. Oh no. Thats terrible. The loss of another SF visionary! I love a lot of his work, and he was always keen on SF, taking an active interest in promoting it. Its funny, cause just the other day I was watching a doco on my 2001 DVD which featured Dan talking about it. I think the doco was produced a few years ago but I still thought he didn't look well. One of the great SF 'ideas' people has moved on. RIP Taksraven
  10. Thanks a lot for that. Honestly, I think its time for Robotech Art 4, where they can detail all of their stuff-ups (and what they consider to be successes) between the late 80's and the present day. Imagine, they could have a whole chapter detailing how they were "asleep at the wheel" when Macross II and Plus were released in the west. AND ALL THE TEXT COULD BE DONE BY MEMO IN HIS FANTASTIC STYLE!!! I doubt that they would have the guts to be so introspective now. Taksraven
  11. Is this member ever going to be outed/identified or is there a cone of silence over this? Would be nice to hear the members viewpoint if we havent already. Taksraven
  12. Where did you get the Robotech Art 3 scans dude?? (I'm specifically after the text from that book) Taksraven
  13. I think that dougbendo as a regular here would get very annoying too quickly. Unless he started to listen to reason, of course, which is unlikely. I wonder what else he does "Robotech style"? Taksraven
  14. Its pretty funny stuff. Especially the stuff about the NDA that they are hiding behind. Reeks of "Don't ask/Don't Tell" as a way of sharing (or in this case not sharing) information. We do cop a brief serve though. (help, I am scared of violence from hardcore RT fans, they terrify me) Typical BS from rt.com On a slightly different topic, where did they get these godawful designs for The Sentinels for, or did they make this stuff up themselves.... Excalibur [MBR-04-VII] M.A.C. III Monster [HWR-00-Mk III] Tactical Battle Pod [TBP-Z1]
  15. Its sooooooooooooo oldschool nobody is probably bothering. Taksraven
  16. If you are talking about his "visit" here, he is a moron. He made about ten posts, and then went running off when the mods explained to him that he didn't run this forum. The problem is that he believes his own bullshiit and as a result in his own convoluted mind he can never lose. I think he's more to be pitied than hated. Taksraven
  17. Gubaba the killer. Taksraven
  18. Story goes that they had started filming before the script was even finished. That never bodes well for any production. Taksraven
  19. 4 can be a really unlucky number when it comes to sequels/prequels, etc, so they had better be very careful..... Taksraven
  20. Still sounds like it could be hearsay. If its not official, it shouldn't be echoed. (Not having a go at you Seto, I just know that there are always those around with their own agenda to push and I suspect that RT fandom is full of them.) Taksraven
  21. You gotta love this bit from the Wikipedia page.... However, Kevin was dismissed from Palladium in August 1995 for unspecified reasons I mean, why does shite like that have to get aired in public? Being sacked is not a pleasant experience, especially when you know that others are talking about it. Taksraven
  22. Yeah. It kinda reminds me of the Star Wars action figures that started to emerge in the 1990's (I think) where everybody was build like a he-man action figure with this huge muscled chest and bulging biceps. (including Princess Leia if I remember correctly.) Taksraven
  23. If I put up a picture of the only bit I remember from Boogie Nights I would get in all sorts of shiit. :lol: Taksraven
  24. Well, for all I know there could have been purple elephants with pink polka dots flying backwards through that movie, cause only one bit of the film forever occupies my mind..... Just for some relevance, who owns the copyright for Robotech in Japan? Taksraven
  25. Who is/was Long, cause his stuff is pretty crap. It looks like the sort of thing that would fit more into some sort of cheap Hanna-Barbara/Filmation show from the late 70's/early 80's. They look like aliens from ewwwwwwww. Taksraven
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