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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. But they don't even keep RT going, production-wise at least, or is that dodgy website enough for them to keep the trademark? Taksraven
  2. "To be continued.........NEXT season" For the best examples check out Blake's 7 and Space:Above and Beyond. Taksraven
  3. Saw Datarock last night at the Metro. A good show at a good price. Very enjoyable. Just a bunch of guys from Norway in red tracksuits having some fun.... Taksraven
  4. If HG does make most of its money out of real estate, why bother with the RT animation arm. Is it a vanity thing, or a tax dodge? Taksraven
  5. With a budget of around $22 million US, I think thats about as good as the CG is going to get. Which is fine with me. When I watched the teaser I didn't really see anything that worried me or made me think, "OH, no, this is going to be shite". It all generally looked good, (including the hair) but it was only a teaser trailer. Time will tell, as it always does..... Taksraven
  6. I think that this is the brick wall that Star Trek crashed into in the 1990's. A lot of fans running the shows with continuity that ended up choking them. The last gasp effort when they realised pretty much all was lost was "Enterprise" and that turned out even worse because they ran into BIGGER continuity problems by having a prequel series and even then they did some really silly things (ie, lets have the Borg feature in one episode even though they don't belong in this series) FFS. I've heard of even worse examples of fanboys being problematic in the real world. (And I'm not just picking on Trek here) I heard a story years ago that a lot of the staff at NASA were BIG trek fans and some were theorising that this was having a negative effect on the culture within the organisation. (It may be BS, but I thought it was worth noting) Taksraven
  7. WTF!!!!!! Yes PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! :) :) Taksraven
  8. I would contend that they are not words. :P Taksraven
  9. Can you make a similarly accurate prediction for Robotech fandon?? Taksraven
  10. I know what you mean, especially with the riding the bird bit. To me that was pretty normal flagging/signposting of what was going to happen, that is becoming more and more common place in today's films. Look at it from the studio executive's point of view. They never want to shock or surprise their audience too much, they just want everybody to be in a warm, happy place. To work that way you can never throw a curve ball or do something totally unexpected. Also, by flagging the events that are coming in a film, the audience get another warm happy feeling and the sensation that they have a brain when they are able to guess what is coming up in a film. Its all about keeping the audience relaxed and comfortable. Don't rock the boat. Taksraven
  11. Good, but I can go one better.... "Midi-chlorians" as in "I've never seen such high levels of Midi-chlorians" Taksraven
  12. "We took the original tv series/movie/premise and we reimagined it......" Taksraven
  13. "Your computer has no virus protection, you need to install AntiVirus2009" Taksraven Thats all folks, should be my last post for 2009, Happy New Year, etc.......(only 5 hours to go here)
  14. "At the last moment Admiral Gloval pushed me into an ejection module....."
  15. "We must take their Protoculture because our supplies are exhausted....."
  16. "There's Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow, starboard bow.........etc"
  17. "ROBOTECH TO THE RESCUE!!" Taksraven
  18. Especially when the resolution of a whole episode depends on the technobabble. Thats one of the reason why I liked a lot of the "Q" episodes, 'cause technobabble and wanky technical tricks had no effect on him. Taksraven
  19. I'll reverse the polarity of the neutron flow.... Taksraven
  20. This thread never amuses to cease me?
  21. I thought that Yune would have signed off with "Death to the Macross Purists!!" or "May the seed of your Protoculture flower be fruitful in the belly of your woman!!" Taksraven
  22. Talk about stupid names for elements. They might as well have called it ucantgetitium. Sure some technology used for the film was groundbreaking, but I hate it when people rave about motion capture as some new magical technique when its really just a computerised version of rotoscoping that was invented in 1915. Film was good. Best film ever. No. Most spectacular ever. No. As bad as the prequel trilogy. No. Just some enjoyable fun that might be good for the Stage 4 History Contact/Colonisation topic. Have to talk to my HT. Taksraven
  23. In Robotech she would twitter: "I is a dirty sluut who will screw everybody in the RDF. Bad me." Taksraven
  24. Did I mention that I saw a film once called "Hermans Bed". It was pretty good. I did like it in one episode of the Simpsons where they had a joke that essentially bagged out Hermans Head and it was Lisa that made the joke. (Think about it) Taksraven
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