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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Agreed. Taksraven
  2. Comes down to the individuals opinions on religion I guess. I have always seen religion as a method of control. Little better than politics and often far less democratic. (Not that democracy is the be all and end all) I don't think that you can equate science with religion. Its dealing with these issues that tripped up Sagan with Contact. In short. We live with the benefits and negatives of science everyday, whether its using mobile phones to communicate with others, or its possibly the radiation from that same mobile phone that is possibly beaming into a persons brain (tin foil hat time, sorry) that might be helping to create a tumor that might ultimately kill the individual. And its all the same thing, just two sides of the one coin. With great power comes great responsibility (blah, blah, blah......) and its how we use that power that ultimately defines us as human beings. Nuclear power is the ultimate example. Nuclear reactors can generate electricity relatively easily and cheaply compared to fossil fuels, but if you are not careful with the waste, or if you don't maintain the reactor, you can do enormous damage. Its always been the case that science is put too quickly to dangerous uses, but at the end of the day we have created the big red fricken button that could be pressed to end it all. But nobody has used it. Thats not to say that such destructive power will never be used though. And to wrap it up with the Sagan line. We are capable of the most wonderful dreams, and most terrible nightmares. Humans are always walking the finest line between the two. Taksraven
  3. Maybe. It can also be down to luck rather than skill. Even great directors with relatively low output can still put out clangers. (Eyes Wide Shut, bleugh!) Taksraven
  4. Thats one thing that has always annoyed me about Carpenter as a filmmaker, the fact that his number of bad films outweigh the good ones. Making films would be a pretty tricky business though. Taksraven
  5. I can be called disingenuous or whatever you want. I probably am. I don't care because I totally have the right to have an opinion about this upcoming film. As I said though, my thread is more about the modern remake trend anyway. Taksraven
  6. We are now really just getting into matters of opinion here, and it therefore becomes harder to say who is right and who is wrong. I will certainly agree that Alien and Bladerunner are great SF films, but personally, I find that they have a kind of "coldness" to them and with the characters. I think it comes down to Ridley's style as a director and the fact that he gets a lot of his casts to underplay their roles. Superior to the Thing? Who knows?? (I have never had the opportunity to see Wickerman and since it is not SF I am not debating it here) Once again, I am sure that it is good but since I have not read it I cant judge or compare it. Taksraven
  7. You kind of have a point, but if you want the subtext to be dealt with in a more "intellectual" fashion, you would have had to have gone with the likes of Kubrick. And its certainly nowhere near as bad, subtext wise, as Carpenters remake of The Midwich Cuckoo's, that was a terrible film that really missed the point. Taksraven
  8. To me its a bit of a strange starting point, actually, since I have always considered religion and politics as more likely to bring down civilisations. Taksraven
  9. Well, I guess if you want to take it to the most basic level, its pretty much the same reason as why I started the remake thread for people to bitch and moan about the modern remake trend. At the end of the day, I would be much happier if they went out and created something new. Some new sort of monster for the 21st century to terrify us. There have been few successful attempts at this. Look Scrappy Doo was a great character.... Taksraven
  10. I didn't say it was frikkin Shakespeare, but it was still better than a lot of other fodder dished up to us then and now. If anything the Carpenter version was quite minimalist, just a bunch of guys trying to survive a nasty situation. No real bad guys apart from the creature itself, and even then it just wants to survive like everybody else in the film. Taksraven
  11. Looks like Lionsgate is going to pick up the franchise relatively cheaply...... http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/16076/lio...rminator-rights Taksraven
  12. Judging by what Garth of Dark Horizons has been reading about the prequel, sounds like you will be right..... Taksraven
  13. Like sands in the hourglass, so to are the days of our lives...... Taksraven
  14. I wonder if HG has ever tried to stop Amazon from selling Macross products in the US though its Japanese website. (There is a good amount of Macross Frontier stuff on the American website too.) Taksraven
  15. The one with Armand was shite, I didn't like the original, the book is the best. Taksraven
  16. I was just reading Gubaba's account of Mari Iijima playing a show in L.A. the other day. Its a wonder that HG doesn't show up and try to slap a "cease and desist" on her for doing a Macross song. (Even though its not in Robotech.) (edit, I hope that she had decent security since I am sure that she would be a prime target for the "Death to Macross Purists" losers) Taksraven
  17. *sigh* Taksraven
  18. I love ya Wanzerfan, but you badly need to be shipped off the the Macross re-education centre for a few months. Taksraven
  19. I listened to the audiobook after seeing "I Am Legend" and was stunned at how the movie stuffed it up completely. Taksraven
  20. And morally bankrupt...... Taksraven
  21. I heard that he jumped a shark...... Taksraven
  22. I've spent the last few weeks online trying to find Zoe's nipples. (Man, that bit in Star Trek when she peels off her uniform............*sigh*) Taksraven
  23. I was at Fern Gully and witnessed the events taking place..... Taksraven
  24. Who cares. The ultimate Spiderman film has already been made. ITALIAN SPIDERMAN!!! Taksraven
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