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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. What a shock. (sarcasm) Lets hope that WB is noticing how well this is going, (sarcasm) might get the RT:LAM out of development hell and into the grave once and for all.....
  2. This is a remarkably similar situation to the Gatchaman-> Battle of the Planets translation. If you watch the original Gatchaman it's pretty good, but the music is "sparse" and "limited" to say the least. Watch Battle of the Planets, where Sandy Frank dragged in Hoyt Curtin to compose some tracks to supplement (not replace mind you) the Gatchaman music and the results were outstanding. And the voice acting work in BOTP was good as well, even though they had a very limited cast like Robotech.
  3. It's beyond belief though isn't it. Macross is clearly the most popular part of Robotech. Many of us here discovered Macross as a result of watching Robotech. Macross is an ongoing franchise with multiple TV series and films with a new TV series on the way. BUT IN SPITE OF ALL THIS...... There are still those who cling desperately on to Robotech. All they have to do is give up the RT bulllshite, embrace Macross and they will be happy. The continued RT fanbase makes no sense at all.
  4. Lynch's film may be flawed, but it does have it's moments.
  5. One part I was wondering about was the "clockwork" nuke they had to use because an EMP would disable a normal nuclear weapon. I would have thought that Nuclear weapons would be designed so EMP would have a minimal impact on them? I might be wrong. Anybody know the technical stuff about this sort of thing??
  6. Robot arm? Really?? What I liked about the originals (even Thunderdome) is that they were set in a world very much like ours, just smashed to bits. The films were post-apocalyptic but not really SF. THIS looks like it is going to be more SF with technology like that. Not impressed.
  7. I especially loved him as Mark in Battle of the Planets. Nobody said TRAAAAAANS-MUTE quite the way he did....... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5JUFwi32qg
  8. Rest In Peace, Rik Mayall. An absolute comedy legend. I don't think that anybody apart from John Cleese and the Pythons has made me laugh more.......
  9. Just six weeks until it was supposed to come out and the release has now been pushed back SEVEN months. Wow.
  10. The Wachowski's should do a film adaptation of Lone Sloane, it would be right up their alley...
  11. Hmmm. I wonder if the dinosaur character in the movie will be "Grimlock" or "Dinobot". What I would give for a Beast Wars movie. (not done by Michael Bay)
  12. Thanks a million for that, it's great. Watched it without sound the first time and the bit at the end was WTF???? Watched it with sound and heard the distinctive music cue, YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!
  13. Simplest and most likely reason. Because they look badass compared to the other guns. Can't really see and in-show reason why the guns were built this way compared to what their fleets were equpped with. Don't forget that the Gamilons had different ships equipped with different types of guns as well.....
  14. Loved the little Itano Circus when Falcon had to dodge a barrage of missiles fired at him by one of the SHIELD/HYDRA jets. Very rare in an American film. Also. Didn't they say in the film that Black Widow was born in 1984? And didn't they say that she used to work for the KGB that was shut down in 1991?? Eh? Nice mention of Operation Paperclip as well, an interesting activity carried out by the Americans towards the end of the war. Didn't think much of Redford as a villain. Should have pulled off his face towards the end to reveal that he was Red Skull.....
  15. When is the movie supposed to be coming out?? Month, not *season*. Will we EVER get a trailer?
  16. Twenty years now since he left.
  17. Hear that big crashing sound?? That's Agent ONE falling out of the target demographic with a thud. LOL.
  19. I seem to recall a time back in the 1990's before these films were made where EVERYBODY was screaming for an X-Men film and in particular that it should focus on Wolverine. (That was also when people wanted the likes of DeNiro in the role) How times change. LOL. Here. Have a fresh mint then.......
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