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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. But I love Thunderbirds. Taksraven
  2. A common misconception about angels is that they are supposed to be "spirits of the dead", but in Christian mythology at least they are essentially another form of "life". Taksraven
  3. Nah, thats called versatility. Taksraven
  4. Look it up on wikipedia. Its a very convoluted story. Thats all I can say otherwise the mods are going to get upset and close this thread. Taksraven
  5. A total mixture of old and new. And the new stuff sounded great up against the old. Which town do you live in, BTW?? Taksraven
  6. I did know that. Rick and Lisa have a kid called Zor or something like that, isn't it?? Taksraven
  7. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Taksraven
  8. So even though they were written after The End of the Circle, they were set before this novel. In other words there has been nothing after The End of the Circle? Taksraven
  9. You'll turn us into Wikipedia yet! :lol: Taksraven
  10. MEEEEEE-OOOOWWWWWWW!!!!!! :lol: :lol: Taksraven
  12. Dude, they toured Australia last year!!! Did you miss them?? They were great!! The new material is great as well. Usually when bands go through what these guys have they sound crap, but AIC still ROCKS!!! Taksraven
  13. Man or Astroplan?
  14. Why are you debating about such a sucky show?? :P Taksraven
  15. Bloody hell!! Which side of the fence in this are you on????? :lol: :P
  16. C'mon. Seriously, if HG bought that and badged it "Robotech" they would alienate the Robotech fanbase. Oh, wait...... Taksraven
  17. You would have to be drunk/stoned/high to make that sort of mistake. Taksraven
  18. Fixed up the "See Also" section.... Taksraven
  19. Yeah, when pigs fly backwards, but its already under discussion there...... Taksraven
  20. The theme of xenophobia in the story is especially relevant today as well.... Taksraven
  21. Yeah, the writing on the McKinney novels wasn't extremely bad (it wasn't too great either), but the fact that they were trying to explain away all of the inconsistencies of the Robotech story meant that they had to deal with a lot of crap. And they were pretty unsuccessful. (The stupid thinking caps being one of the more notorious examples) Taksraven
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