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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Defining SF is never easy. I mean, if you use a very broad definition you end up with films like Vanilla Sky being considered SF (and it was NEVER marketed as being an SF film, even though it really is.) If you use narrow definitions, you end up cutting out a lot of films that people do consider to be SF. I usually go for the broader definition as it saves a lot of trouble. As for deciding the best film. I think that there are some people here who are thinking too hard. The best way to decide is just to think quickly and come up with a quick response, like there is somebody with a gun in your face asking you the question. When you think quickly and don't overthink, you get a more true response. If I had thought too much about it I would have said 2001 rather than Aliens, but at the end of the day Aliens is much more enjoyable in its own way and much more accessible in a lot of ways. (I am not saying that 2001 is bad, I love it too.) Taksraven
  2. Arrogance is the secret of success for a lot of dickheads. If nobody calls them on their BS and the person gets away with it, they become more powerful. Macek gets away with it because of the areas that he works in, material that is generally perceived as "Kiddies" stuff, even today, and as a result nobody is interested in arguing with him when he calls himself Shakespeare. If he moved into the wider realm of Hollywood films and TV, and started to adapt and rip off the work of others and claim the genius of others as his own, he would end up facing enough criticism to make him STFU with that crap. Taksraven
  3. In other words the film was punched by Chuck Norris.
  4. OK, we have been dancing around this for a long time in the "Worst SF film of all time" thread, I think its time for us to take a deep breath, and out ourselves by telling everybody else what you think is the best SF film of all time. NO lists! NO Top 5's. Just suck it up and let it out. Narrow it down to ONE film. Doesn't matter if anybody else has put it forward, thats ok. Give reasons if you want. It might stop you from looking too silly. I started it so I'll go first. Best SF film of all time in my books is ALIENS. The simple reason is, when I was watching it on TV a few weeks ago with the family, my "This bits cool!" observations were coming so thick and fast by the end (at least every 30 seconds by the climax), I thought to myself, do we need any other SF films other than this? Jim Cameron shows how it should be done and there is nothing I can really fault with this film. Yeah, I know that there are more realistic films, whatever, this is the one that does it for me. Any other contenders?? Taksraven
  5. Just one comment about this b4 I am accused again of trying to run this thread into lock. I love beautiful women, sorry, can't help it. That's why I married one and thats why I enjoyed Winslet in this film. I don't take a puritanical view towards these things. PM me if you want to continue this discussion. Taksraven (Oh, and I'm 11 BTW. Had to go to Texas to get married legally. :P )
  6. Already got its own thread. Taksraven
  7. I think that statement could be applied to most modern Hollywood films....... Taksraven
  8. Who is Takaraven? I know why people like Condor Joe in Gatchaman as opposed to Ken, but personally I never was in the "Cult of Joe" that seems to exist in Gatchaman fandom. I will admit that he is a pretty cool character in a lot of ways, but at times his "rebelliousness" gets rather tedious. I think that Fokker was supposed to fulfill a similar sort of role in the original SDF:M but i don't think that his character ever really worked out the way it was supposed to have. As a result, Fokker is bumped off. I think that Ozma in Frontier was a more successful character in this regard, and it was nice to see him make it to the end of the series. When people choose a favorite character in a book, film or TV series it does end up saying something about their personality and who they are, whether it be the sort of person they want to be, or the sort of person that they already think they are. Taksraven
  9. Grizzly ..........Grizzly ........Grizzly !!!!!!!
  10. Thanks for that. At the moment I love redhead chicks singing 80's sounding ........ Taksraven
  11. Who da new cutie in avatar, Gubaba?? Taksraven
  12. You would have to hate yourself, and life, pretty badly if you were going to focus too much on that character, make him your favourite and then be unable to accept any criticisms of him. Only realworld counterpart I can think of for Leonard is Neville Chamberlain, and he has no fans amongst historians. Nobody is that much of a sucker for punishment. I think that this website is a pisstake on the Leonard thing, but its one of the weirdest RT sites I have ever seen..... (some NSFW language for everybody under the age of ten who hangs around here....) Actually they look like some sort of RT dissenters, maybe Seto can shed some light on this sort of weirdness?? Taksraven
  13. They know better than to cease and desist their own morons?? Maybe?? Taksraven
  14. Always thought that the production schedule looked a bit ambitious. Does that mean that the last two films are not coming out at the same time anymore??
  15. Well thats the most interesting description I have heard of the shambles that were the last few Eva episodes. As soon as they started using production pics as previews for the next episode, it was clear that they were really in trouble. Taksraven
  16. Even that can mean nothing at times. I'll believe it when filming starts and we get the first production pics.
  17. I pointed this out aaaages ago and I am sure that others have too. It was the fact that the Invid were shown the door as quickly as possible....... (HG THINKS "Out go the villians that we do not really completely own!!") .............and the Haydonites quickly take centre stage as the bad guys. (HG THINKS: "In come the villians that ARE completely owned and controlled by us. BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA!!!! We are one step closer to being free of the Japanese and masters of our own evil destiny, HAHAHAHAHAHAH Now, if we only had somebody who could create some decent new veritechs that don't look like VALKS or Alphas or Betas, we could use them and RULE THE WHOLE WORLD WITH THE GREATEST SF EPIC EVER!!!!!!!!") Or something like that..... Taksraven
  18. Most jinxed franchise in SF? Possibly.... http://sffmedia.com/films/science-fiction-...orms-in-3d.html Taksraven
  19. I'm bored so lets talk theoreticals. If Sentinels had been completely produced in some form (65 eps, 36, whatever), does anybody think it would have had any measure of success, or may it have hastened the eventual demise of the franchise? Maybe if it had been completed there would be lots more RT fans now. Any thoughts anyone?? Taksraven
  21. I can't believe this thread.
  22. Is Azrael going to have a firing squad ready for the unlucky sucker who takes this thread into page 25? I don't think its going to take the rest of the year to do it either.
  23. Sounds like the kids I teach. Nothing that goes wrong is ever their fault either. Taksraven
  24. Yeah, but then to make sure that in the album itself every second word is "party"?? Taksraven
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