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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. That will be the trickiest thing in the movie to get right. How the Gamilons look. Hopefully they follow the TV series model and have them pretty human with minor differences, it would never work if they were but-eyed monsters. Taksraven
  2. Yeah, Sunshine is great. Taksraven
  3. I follow the HG model with C&D's. I send it, hoping that it will do all the legal work for me. If it doesn't, I run away with my tail between my legs. Then I get my fans to bag out the other side and it takes me 20 years to get a new avatar. Seems to have worked so far.
  4. You may use a Spheroid, or whatever the hell its called......
  5. OI!!!! I claim copyright on using LRON as an avatar in this forum. Please send me your address as I am typing up the Cease and Desist you shall receive on this matter as we speak!!! Taksraven
  6. They were FANTASTIC!! The last time I saw them was at exactly the same venue fifteen years ago and they were great then, and it was like the time between gigs made no difference. The band came out without Patton and they started playing a slow song, and then Patton came out on a walking stick (does he really need a walking stick in any way. It mainly looks like a prop but he did use it a few times and he was waving one around in the "Falling to Pieces" videoclip.) The first song they performed was a cover of Peaches and Herb's "Reunited" and the set just went from strength to strength from there. They played most of their hits and the thing I really liked was that all the bandmembers looked really happy. If you believe media reports they were always a band that hated each others guts, but they seemed to be enjoying themselves the other night. The only thing missing was Jim Martin, but he is ancient history as far as the band is concerned. If you get a chance to see them, make sure you do... Taksraven
  7. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
  8. I dunno. Macross conclusions usually seem quite rushed, not quality of animation wise, but story wise everything normally seems to be pretty compressed, esp. Macross Frontier. Taksraven
  9. I am an artist. I have made an original ...... Taksraven
  10. LOL, reminds me of this one.... Taksraven
  11. Gay Bar is a great song. Story I heard is that the rest of Electric Six got a little bit scared of this song and as a result only the lead singer appeared in the clip as the rest of the band refused. Taksraven
  12. It still looks better than this. Taksraven
  13. If I said the first thought that came to my mind about that, this thread would be locked. Too bad. Taksraven
  14. And could be the theme tune........ We would have to lose the sax solo........ Taksraven
  15. I think that "My Little Pony" would have been more suited for some sort of crossover with Equus. I would pay to see that. Taksraven edit: OOPS, just took it to page 34.
  16. Is that a guy, Gubaba? Taksraven
  17. Up until she hit the current anorexia phase, YES!!!!!!! Taksraven
  18. If you go in with low expectations its really easy to get a nice surprise. Taksraven
  19. Going to the Soundwave Festival today (yay) Headliners are Jimmy Eat World, Placebo, Paramore, Jane's Addiction and FAITH NO MORE!! HELL YEAH!! See ya in the 'pit. Taksraven
  20. More like Bay: I just poopied my pants again. Studio: Change the nappy yourself this time. Bay: Can I play with my poopy? Studio: As long as you film it and call it Transformers 3! Bay: OK Taksraven
  21. So as well all know its RIP for this project. Final thoughts anyone??
  22. I'm sure that those at HG follow the usual pattern for projects...... Thats certainly the pattern that is followed at my workplace. Taksraven
  23. Something about that part of the story does not really ring-true for me. Why would the studio dump material that would allow them to produce another version of the film in the future that could make them more money. I know that studio people are often seen as being stupid, but if they got rid of the footage altogether then they are truly idiotic. Taksraven
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