They were FANTASTIC!! The last time I saw them was at exactly the same venue fifteen years ago and they were great then, and it was like the time between gigs made no difference.
The band came out without Patton and they started playing a slow song, and then Patton came out on a walking stick (does he really need a walking stick in any way. It mainly looks like a prop but he did use it a few times and he was waving one around in the "Falling to Pieces" videoclip.)
The first song they performed was a cover of Peaches and Herb's "Reunited" and the set just went from strength to strength from there.
They played most of their hits and the thing I really liked was that all the bandmembers looked really happy. If you believe media reports they were always a band that hated each others guts, but they seemed to be enjoying themselves the other night.
The only thing missing was Jim Martin, but he is ancient history as far as the band is concerned.
If you get a chance to see them, make sure you do...