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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Being waterboarded would beat watching Robotech II: The Sentinels. Taksraven
  2. Worth watching? even for laugh value? Taksraven
  3. Oh, I get it. Silly me... Taksraven
  4. Obvious is as obvious does failed troll me back to drawingboard. Taksraven
  5. Slightly OT, but a reminder that HG are not the only bunch of arseholes doing this sort of crap. Taksraven
  6. SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE!!!!! Taksraven
  7. Well, it is the old HG Dalek that I requested but near enough. Thanks for reposting it actually, I was wondering how I would track it down again. Taksraven
  8. Its obvious that there are no Blade Runner fans hanging out here, esp. after my obvious baiting... Taksraven
  9. They are good capitalists who want to make money. Even as a leftie I have troubles faulting that. (What politics??) Taksraven
  10. Would have been hotter without the green shite on her, eeewwwwww. Taksraven
  11. Fell asleep at work today reading that post Gubaba, not enough to hold me in it. (No shit too, I nearly fell off my chair....) So how are we going to celebrate the RT 25th? Burn an effigy of Macek?? Taksraven
  12. No, you are a Macross Purist Dalek..... :lol: Taksraven
  13. Good work at spotting his mistakes. Anybody here going to email him with a correction. (Like he'd care though.) Taksraven
  14. You'll know when you find it...... (and yes, there are TWO mistakes this dude has made. One is really obvious and the other is not.) Taksraven
  15. Depends on how much of the story you want to tell. I think that the entire first season in a single film is suicidal. Then the question would be what sort of a cliffhanger would you want to end it on and would a second film be a certainty? Taksraven
  16. I would have said Blade Runner. *ducks* Taksraven
  17. I think that we need a thread "Most Overrated SF pic of all time". Taksraven
  18. They need to make an Evangelion production that gets the production number 6.66 Taksraven
  19. Make sure you go. I don't know how long this "reunion" is going to last for but I have a funny feeling that its not forever. Taksraven
  20. My sympathies go to Walter and his family.... Taksraven
  21. I'm inclined to say make them blue anyway. Why not? Just not too dark or bright a blue, just make it slightly off normal human skin. Taksraven
  22. I don't think its that hard to say, I just said it...... Taksraven
  23. No, I think that you're exactly right. Without RT, Southern Cross would be absolutely forgotten by now. Mospeada probably would not be doing so good either.... Taksraven
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