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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Getting a *little* bit beyond the pale over at the RT forum......
  2. I think you are looking at what could be considered to be one of their greatest errors, and HG has made a LOT of big mistakes over the decades, as we all know. By setting up their forums as an Ivory Tower for suck up fans and by making it seem that everybody else, including those of us here, to be the bad guys meant that at some point the HG people were going to start to believe their own bulllshit on the RT forums. RT is an Orwellian "forum" where 2+2=5 and those who do not conform become "unpersons". An intelligent company would use a forum like that to gauge support and gather opinions from fans on what they want to see. By failing to do so, HG has demonstrated that they have failed to enter the 21st century, don't know how to use the internet and social media probably still remains a mystery to them. They have brought this failure on themselves.
  3. When you think about it, cancelling at this stage is a MASSIVE case of sour grapes! What were they thinking, that they could somehow salvage some sort of lost pride by pulling out at this stage? Pathetic. But we wouldn't expect any better from these guys.......
  4. It rocked, a lot of fun. Had to see it as an advance screening here and the audience was full of fan-boys and girls as a result, but we all had a good time.
  5. Great idea for a poll. How would you like to see Luke Skywalker die? a) Crashes his X-wing into the Lucasfilm ranch. b) Crashes his t-16 into a Womprat he was trying to bullseye. c) Forgets which end of his lightsaber is the pointy end and turns it on and cuts himself in half. d) Old age.
  6. Is KP actually dead or just offline in a big way? (He's the pie-boy, isn't he?)
  7. Pretty good observation. You would think if there was one person seriously cashed up who should chip in to this then it should be him. But it ain't gonna happen.
  8. I can now officially say that I design better ships in Space Engineers. And my ships are CRAP!! Maybe I should send HG my resume to be one of their ship designers, LOL!!
  9. "And when we explode we will make TWO beautiful explosions instead of one!!!"
  11. If they had done this at the start of the KS project it would have looked like an attempt to generate some good will and reconciliation. If they did it now, of course, it would look like pure desperation.
  12. I am sure that could be the case if it came up $5000-$10,000 short. But that is clearly not going to be the case.
  13. Awwwww, come on. The Spheresians had a *lot* going for them 'cause they were just so.........round? Spheresians, geddit??
  14. Check out the fun of the other "alien" races that were going to be introduced into the Sentinels here.
  16. Good point. The site looks really ugly and outdated. The forum section is not particularly readable either. (and I'm not just talking about the content) I think that the way they have run those forums has hurt them big time. I know it's part of a commercial website and all but just the same, the Orwellian 2+2=5 mentality that seems to exist over there is beyond belief, with dissenting fans becoming "unpersons" FFS! And I'm not just whinging sour grapes either 'cause I was banned. I made a joke after Macek's death that was in extremely poor taste and I did deserve banning but when I hear about others being banned just because they are dissatisfied with the company's product and want to express their dissatisfaction, I think its incredible. How many people have they banned from their forum who probably would have been willing to spend more on their "product" if the output increased and/or the quality was improved? And then those who are somehow left behind on the forums get trolled by someone who LOVES HIS CAPS!!!??? Its ridiculous.
  17. Hang on. Is this into a mike that is switched on? Did they sample his "Pew pew" so it can be used as a "pew pew" in RT Academy?? If they want to buy sound effects I've got a few farts I will happily sell them..........
  18. I am sure that the last of the RT fandom will limp on after this but you would have to think that when if this KS fails it will have to be the end of future planning and development of RT projects. Certainly anything animated or live action. They might put out some more cheap crappy comics or the like, but yeah........... What I can't wait for now is going to be the finger pointing and blaming for failure that is going to take place when if this KS fails. Much discussion about this on the RT forums? Anybody following that?
  19. Epic fail by the looks of it if HG thought that they could use this stunt as a way to drum up RT popularity and get the Live-action movie out of development hell.
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