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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Yeah, those plans GO OFF!!!! :lol: Taksraven
  2. Some new WHO promotional footage. Great stuff, esp. some of the chicks. Yay!! Taksraven
  3. Macross Plus folding looked fairly similar to Macross Frontier. (But not identical I know, ships that defold in Plus seem to be standing still while it looks like the Frontier ships have to "drag" themselves out of foldspace.) The in-fold effects were similar. Taksraven
  4. Shaka ZULU!!!! Taksraven
  5. He did.... At least it wasn't Stealth. Taksraven
  6. Wondered about that myself. Sandy Franks copyright on BOTP/Gatchaman has ended so technically, no more BOTP legally available. (Still ok to sell old stock though it would seem) So is HG/WB racing the clock on this?? Taksraven
  7. Not meant to be taken seriously, dude, so out of contention. How about Silent Running. That is a load of shite..... Taksraven
  8. Don't know how many here have seen/written about this, but it must have had steam coming out of the ears of HG and probably quickened their hand at killing the project..... http://www.united-earth-group.com/en/artemis/gregfinley Taksraven
  9. Are battles over ownership and rights very common in anime in general? I know that there was some issues over the ownership of Space Cruiser Yamato but I was wondering if it was a problem on any sort of larger scale? Taksraven
  10. Good point. I'm sure that there would be the potential for a book that looked properly at the anime industry with help from the inside. Couldn't do one just focussing on Macross, it would need broader appeal. As with any entertainment industry insider stuff, it would have to be interesting. Unless such a text already exists?? Taksraven
  11. No, that would cause a spaghetti incident. Taksraven
  12. Edited for truthiness..... Taksraven
  13. Tommy certainly "tossed" something.... Taksraven
  14. Thats a Leslie Nielsen line. EEEEK, DON'T JINX HIM!!!!!! Actually, I probably killed him since I downloaded a heap of "Flying High" (Thats the title that Airplane! had in Australia) audioclips to put on my phone for message alerts, etc, the day before he died. Thought about watching the movie too. Taksraven (Killing the past, one person at a time)
  15. I think you meant to say "too seriously", but anyway. A great loss. One of those actors who normally does relatively serious roles, but when he did comedy his timing was perfect. Taksraven
  16. Another legend gone, Roger Roger. Thanks for the laughs, Peter.
  17. SSSSSHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Don't try to spoil this with a dose of reality. I still suspect that this film is going to suck. Taksraven
  18. Exactly, the foundations to the whole franchise are so shoddy, they have pretty much no chance of EVER finding a way to do anything decent with it. Thats probably for the best, though. Taksraven
  19. Yeah, but we are talking about HG here... Taksraven
  20. I think that Rob Schneiders performance in "I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry" was unspeakably evil and that alone should have scored him worst actor of the decade. And no I am not overreacting, that sort of crap is more the sort of thing you would expect from the 1950's or earlier. (and even then it was unforgivable) Taksraven
  21. Taa fer that... Taksraven
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