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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Underrated: A.I. Artificial Intelligence - Deeply flawed but still underrated The Black Hole - Once again, a lot of flaws but at the heart of it there is a good story that I do enjoy..... They Live - a great little film with interesting ideas. Taksraven
  2. Yeah, I was whinging about that the other night when it was on here. (as well as the fact that the show is badly paced, badly acted, with really poor SFX in general. It moves slower than most daytime soap opera's) I thought that the virtual sets on the recent Red Dwarf comeback looked better. Taksraven
  3. There is a big name for that. Online disinhibition effect. Taksraven
  4. Translation = [huatsukin] be able to hear my [huatsukin] song!! Is my translation service any good?? Hippie!!! :P Taksraven
  5. Its also the one where the sniper shoots the guy who is trying to commit suicide by jumping off a building anyway. Isn't it. Good film, only the CGI bit with the helicopter looks really creaky now. Taksraven
  6. Make love not war?? Hippie!! :P Taksraven
  7. With all the talk of the "close" relationship between Pertwee and Manning, I would not be surprised if they were having an affair when they were working together.... Taksraven
  8. Batman helping the REF and fighting the Invid. Guess it had to happen..... Taksraven
  9. Mary Tamm was alright but she was already taken. (She was pregnant by the time she finished her season on WHO and would have been even more noticably pregnant if she had done a second season.) Lalla Ward was extremely cute, good work to Tom for scoring there..... Actually, quick poll question for those interested. WHO WAS THE HOTTEST FEMALE COMPANION ON DOCTOR WHO??? Can be any girl from the "classic" or current series. Personally, I would be obvious and give the top spot to Nicola Bryant with Billie Piper coming in a close second... Taksraven
  10. Explain to me how you $@%* somebody and I'll let you know. Taksraven
  11. That's the studio execs talking. You fail to see my point. Why do they bother to go to so much trouble to be accurate and then stuff it up all in the name of "entertainment". Going back to Titanic, I know that Jack and Rose were not real. I know that they were put in the film just in case the recreation of one of worst disasters in maritime history was not enough to keep the audience engaged, but the film "A Night to Remember" from the 1950's was just as engaging and much more historically accurate. I'm not saying that all historical films have to be 100% accurate, they should just have a disclaimer at the end, esp. if they modified events dramatically, that says "Such and such did not happen this way, the filmmakers changed it because they are LIARS full of SHIT!" So there..... Taksraven
  12. Total Recall?? Starship Troopers?????? *Sigh* Taksraven
  13. It should be about a bunch of 40 year old women on the prowl and should be called COUGAR FORCE VOLTRON!!! Taksraven
  14. The number of films where they bend over backwards to be historically accurate and then, just for dramatic purposes they screw around with "facts", bugs the hell out of me. Titanic is a classic example, where they really worked hard to get the accuracy right about the actual sinking of the ship itself, and then they mucked around with some of the "historical figures" aboard the ship just to suit their dramatic purposes. (I liked the fact that the descendents of one ships crewmembers in particular jacked up on how he was portrayed and protested) I was watching the film "The Other Boleyn Girl" the other night (nothing else on), and the execution of one character made it seem like he was a real wimp, screaming and crying as he was dragged to the block. Then, when you look up the actual historical account of the fate of this person, and you find out that he did go to the block, but calmly and bravely, and before his execution he gave a long speech from the platform to the gathered audience explaining his opinion of affairs. And there was not supposed to be any booing and jeering from the audience in reality like they had in the film. It always bugs the hell out of me.... Taksraven
  15. Thats part of the charm from me. I get sick of all of the "pretty boys and girls", and I am all for more average/normal looking people on TV.
  16. I didn't think it was that bad. It wasn't a classic, but I enjoyed it. What part(s) in particular did you hate about it? Taksraven
  17. I'm not saying that Serenity is bad, its just that when I did see it, the noise from people who did enjoy it led me to believe that it would be much better than it was. I was watching it and halfway through the penny dropped and my cry of: "HANG ON, THIS IS BLAKE'S SEVEN!!!" .....rang through the house..... Taksraven
  18. These turdburgers have had their fingers in their ears going LA LA LA at the tops of their lungs for years now, I don't see them changing their tune anytime soon.... Taksraven
  19. Also, the fact that Bruce's leading lady is 20 years his junior and looks about 30 years his junior doesn't help much either. Taksraven
  20. A collision of interesting ideas and great visuals looking for a decent/coherent script to hold them together. A tremendous wasted opportunity. Taksraven
  21. Yeah, thats the part that I was wondering about..... Taksraven
  22. Maybe the enemy in the possible screenplay are called "Robotechs" and the good guys are called "veritechs", or vice versa. Taksraven
  23. I think that Jennifer Love Hewitts breasts had moved on by that point. Taksraven
  24. WI-FI allergies...... Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha.....etc
  25. Very enjoyable episode, the only thing I really didn't like was the , but who cares about that. More please.... Taksraven
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