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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. A million thanks for that. My alternate number 1 was "But I don't want any pineapple salad" Its harsh and I know that I am a bloody hypocrite, but it popped into my head this morning and it wrote itself. Sorry to anybody here that is really offended. Taksraven
  2. All I did was post a Top Ten list of things that Carl Macek whispered before he died. Taksraven
  3. Dont need a podcast for this film. You only need one sentence. Great film ruined by a stupid out of place attempted rape scene. Taksraven
  4. I just got banned from robotech.com, YAY!! It was worth it though. Taksaven.
  5. "New" trailer. Its labelled as 2007 concept footage so who knows. After the studio doing this film had a big stuff up with Astro Boy I'm astounded that they are still working on anything. It sounds like they are going to have to scrape together every last cent to get it done..... Enjoy Taksraven
  6. I would love to talk about some attitudes towards recent events involving a certain person, but I don't think that the mods are going to tolerate it. Which is a pity. I noticed that some of my comments about that person that I put here were moved to the tribute thread. Normally I have no problems if people wish to speak ill of the dead, and I have certainly done it myself at times, but in this case I see no need for a final payout on anybody, since its already been said before and serves no purpose. Even the IMDB includes the nickname "Antichrist of Anime". Isn't that bad enough? Do we need to keep kicking?? I don't think so. I guess that this means that everything is back in Tommy Yune's lap again and thats not what he wanted, I would think. Maybe its time for HG to accept that this could be seen as a bad omen and that its time to stop development of RT. (Which I think that they have already done anyway.) I think that their big hope is that WB will continue to develop the LAM and buy all the RT rights off HG for a nice sum. Thats my theory anyway. Taksraven
  7. Yeah, its funny, I don't normally consider myself to be a "leg man", but Karen certainly has a stunning pair of legs. Yeah, the "I'm the Doctor, look me up/ fear me" has been a bit of a constant theme since the series return. Its getting a bit tedious now though and makes the character look like even more of an egomaniac than normal. I guess it does fit in with the "Doctor Who - Guardian of Earth" theme that has been in the series since 2005. With the end of the Time Lord race I guess that he really has nothing else to do. But it does take away from his "alien-ness", the nature he had in his Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker incarnations in particular, where you knew that there were times when the human race did piss him off. (The best example being at the end of The Silurians) As I have noted before, I cant stand those forums, they are one of the biggest bunches of nit-picking, over analysing losers in all of SF fandom. I think that a lot of them are getting to be worse than Trek fans. (and to me the attraction was once that Who fans were generally more moderate than the die-hard Trek Nazi's.) I can be critical of Who when I want to, but the way some of them over there carry on you wonder why they watch it at all since they seem to hate it so much. It reminded me of Revelation of the Daleks quite a lot, especially with the anti-climactic ending and the Daleks effectively winning. I can tolerate the new theme tune more now but I don't think I will ever warm to it as much as I did to the first one they used starting in 2005. I would like to see more of a personal climax for the Doctor this season. They kind of did it at the End of Time with the Doctor sacrificing himself just to save one person, but I would like to see it this year as not being the "Doctor having to avert the end of the Universe again", rather I would like to see the Doctor battling to save his own life or Amy's. Thats one of the reasons why "The Caves of Androzani" was such an effective climax to the Davison era (not the season though, the Twin Dilemma was last in that season), because when you look at Androzani, the universe was not in danger, all the Doctor had to do was save Peri, and they got caught up in larger events but not earth shattering ones. It was a very minor affair in its own way, and it gave the Doctor and Peri the chance to shine and not be drowned out in massive events. I doubt it will happen though. I will be really surprised if the Daleks are not back this season. And as for the Cybusmen. Taksraven
  8. WTF????? Taksraven
  9. Were you in Qld when you first saw Robotech? Did you get all 85 episodes, or just the first 52 like we did in Sydney? Taksraven
  10. So whats the betting that the Daleks will make a repeat appearance this season. The budget of making the new models must have been fairly high so I expect we will see them back in the last few episodes of the season...... Taksraven
  11. For it to happen this year of all years is a bit weird. Would have thought that robotech.com would have something on their frontpage by now. (sorry, old habits die hard......) Unless I missed it. I know its being discussed in the forums. Taksraven
  12. Thanks Carl, for bringing me Macross much sooner than I otherwise would have gotten it. (I definitely would have gotten into Macross when Macross Plus was released here) My sympathy goes to your family. Nothing more to say...... Taksraven
  13. Nah, Elle MacPherson looks FANTASTIC at 47, and not too chubby or thin......
  14. I think part of the problem was that action figures like that were not Matchbox's traditional toy products. At least I think Macek blamed that as being part of the problem. (Has Matchbox got any experience with action figures??) Taksraven p.s. HappyPenguins, your new avatar is unnerving me......
  15. Hopefully before it enters public domain...... And also, get yer facts straight. It made 300K + in international release..... Taksraven
  16. ALL films make a profit eventually. Some just take decades longer than others..... Taksraven
  17. Gee, you talk about lots of male performers but no female performers!! WHAT DOES THAT SAY ABOUT YOU!!!!!!! I'M JOKING, I'M JOKING!!!! Don't try to dig yerself in any deeper though, Wanzerfan. Once the GUYS here decide you are gay, thats it. I'm homosexual too (apparently) since I had no objections to Bobbi being in Macross Frontier, so just run with it and enjoy all the man on man lovin' you can get. Taks-fruity-raven
  18. Man, you must have cried when Boba Fett turned up in the Special Edition of A New Hope.... Taksraven
  19. Now for a new entry in our occasional segment "Worst Music Video of All Time....." Taksraven
  20. They have the same repair crew that was responsible for the Space Cruiser Yamato... Taksraven
  21. Thanks for that, the trailer was better than all three prequel movies combined!!!!! Yes, and just imagine a movie that was in that setting, it would be BRILLIANT!!!! Thanks for the link, I guess I will have to upgrade my PC to play that game!! Taksraven
  22. You sum it up pretty well. And it still kicks "V"'s arse too...... Taksraven
  23. Some franchises have come back from similar train-wreck positions to the one that RT is currently in, (like the Star Trek franchise after the release of Nemesis, most were considering it to be the death of Trek) but I just don't see it happening here. Taksraven
  24. I would love to see a similar effort targetting Carl Macek... Taksraven
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