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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Saw Kick Ass in the cinema the other day. Saw three trailers before it, two were for remakes....... Taksraven
  2. Yeah, there is a bit of that going on, but considering the fact that they had to struggle to get funding and the movie was essentially made outside the traditional studio system, if it had been a true hollywood film it would have been much more compromised. You can't always get exactly what you want in these films. Look at Iron Man. I would love to see this film series deal with Tony Stark's alcoholism, but I dont see that happening. Taksraven
  3. Well, thats the real trick, isn't it. The books were at their best when they stayed as close to the series as they could, but as soon as they went off on the weird tangents of material that wasn't in the show. (Southern Cross was especially bad for this) Thinking Caps bugged the crap out of me too...... Taksraven
  4. Eberts right and wrong. The morality of this film is questionable, but its important to take this film for what it is, a piece of entertainment. If a person has to learn all of their morals and ideals by watching films then the person needs help anyway. Compared to the types of films that I object to (Hostel, Saw and the like) its pretty mild. And who defines what morality is anyway. Personally, I really enjoyed the film. It wasn't perfect but it remained true to itself. We live in a world where children 11 years old and younger are forced to pick up guns and use them to fight. THAT sort of thing bothers me more than the questionable morality of this film. Taksraven
  5. Potential new angle on ANOTHER re-release of the Robotech DVD's. Carl Macek Memorial Edition? Taksraven
  6. robotech= it goes without saying..... Taksraven
  7. Here is a piece that ran on the SBS network here in Australia a few weeks ago, looking at the supposed decline of Anime in Japan, and shifts in the market. Thought that people here might be interested, you can watch it from the link too. http://www.sbs.com.au/dateline/story/about...ended-Animation Anime getting any sort of media attention in this country is bizarre, it just NEVER happens, so I am always happy to see some sort of coverage. Enjoy. Taksraven
  8. Not trying to bait anyone or attempting to restart anything. Certainly not making jokes or trolling this time. Just making some random observations. Confronting mortality in such a way is certainly thought provoking and I don't think that any of us operate our Facebook pages with a mind to the fact that it could one day essentially be our memorial. Can anybody imagine what it would be like if we lived in such a way that we did know exactly when we were going to "depart". If life was a countdown rather than a count-up like it is now. Would we waste our time in this thread endlessly debating the obvious if we knew that we didn't have long to do it? If we knew that a certain Facebook or Macrossworld post was going to be our last, what would we say? I think we need a philosophy thread. (No politics though) Taksraven
  9. I *just* became friends with Carl Macek on Facebook, thats kinda scary.... (It is kinda morbidly spooky too, looking at posts he made on his page the day before he died, photo's taken of him just before he died. Goddamn heart attacks are insidious beasts, cutting people down in their prime with little or no warning) Taksraven
  10. It was bloody annoying. Just the moment you are really focussing on the show and all of a sudden you are taken out of it. Good episode though. Taksraven
  11. Waaaay too soon. I would never make disrespectful comments about Carl Macek. Taksraven
  12. I always suspected that cloning technology had been used to produce the high number of colonists needed to crew the various colonists. What are your thoughts....? Taksraven
  13. BACK from the dead. Just when you thought (or hoped) that it was safe to forget this stupid thread about stupid films, here we go again. I read this headline and thought it was talking about an Excalibur remake with Helen Mirren reprising her role....Helen Mirren Joins "Arthur" Remake. And I LOVE how for this one Garth says "adaptation" rather than remake. I was hoping that with the abandonment of the sequel to the remake of Friday the 13th that the wheels might have been coming off the remake juggernaut, now I'm not so sure... Taksraven
  14. Poor grammar, they meant to put a question mark at the end of the second sentence. Taksraven
  15. Yeah, and the version of Star Blazers Season Two that got released here in Australia generally had a picture that was WAY below broadcast quality. I assume that was the same in the USA. Taksraven
  16. If anything, I would be surprised if after events like that, anybody elected to stay on earth once planets like Eden became available as potential homes? And then, why would you bother to do any more serious reconstruction of Earth? Taksraven
  17. Its sad that they never got around to releasing a more complete soundtrack for Macross Frontier. What are the chances that it will happen now?? Have they released any soundtracks for the films? Do the films have the same music as the TV series??
  18. Yeah, I'm like that about remakes in general these days. Unfortunately, by the look of the footage that was released for this film, it would seem that the makers didn't really get what Gatchaman was about and we were probably going to get a very PG rated version of the legend. To me, Gatchaman was always meant to be tougher than such interpretations. Even though it was about a bunch of people dressed up as birds going around fighting the bad guys, it always had this sort of coolness and ruthlessness to it that wasn't captured in the OAV version and probably would not have been seen in the film that seems is not being made anymore. There was a high level of graphic violence in the original show that has not been seen in other similar programs, and the Super Sentai stuff certainly did not follow this model. Like I have already noticed, one of the closest things to imitate the look and feel of the original series was those bloody NTT ads and its a pity that they didn't translate into more. Taksraven
  19. Does HG hold the rights for Macross in the UK? Taksraven
  20. I dunno he kinda looks frozen like he has been hit by a poison dart and is about to collapse.... LOL though. Taksraven
  21. DAMN! Where did you hear that?? I thought that the failure of Astro Boy doomed them. Taksraven
  22. EXACTLY. I don't know what the scene is doing in the film but it effectively ruined it. Its hard to like a main character who tries to rape the main female character. Taksraven
  23. I showed respect by not putting the material straight into the Macek tribute thread that the RT website was running. I don't want to dwell on this forever because the mods here only have so much patience, I apologise to Maceks widow and family (like they would be reading this) and anybody else who was offended. And thats it, if you want to talk about it more, PM me. Taksraven
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