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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. What would be the effects of a protoculture overdose. Insanely inflated self opinion?? Delusions of originality?? Taksraven
  2. Not going there. I could never understand the popularity of Thundercats. Preferred Silverhawks anyway. Same animation company stable I think. Neither show was too great. BRING BACK CENTURIONS!!!!
  3. This concept image was left out..... Taksraven Maybe NSFW if you have a really intolerant workplace.....
  4. Lets talk REAL retro games. Starglider II, Dungeon Master, Carrier Command, Elite, Imperium, Nebuluus, Galaga, etc.... Taksraven
  5. Same problem as Thor, its going to look like an absolute cheese fest. Taksraven
  6. Something about that costume, looks like a business suit with the tie missing. And yes, I agree that it will be an absolute cheese fest. I dunno what they were thinking making this one..... Taksraven
  7. Best Max Headroom EVER!!!! And just to confuse the kids who have no idea what this is. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Headroom_broadcast_signal_intrusion_incident Taksraven
  8. Next you'll be saying that you want to watch the Ewoks in ROTJ. Oh, wait...... Taksraven
  9. OK Gubaba, this sentence is clearly taking the piss...... Taksraven
  10. Loved Ardwight Chamberlain in Babylon 5. Taksraven
  11. Clash of the Bioroids. Taksraven
  12. David Warner is supposed to be on record claiming that he hates SF and Fantasy films but he has still played very iconic SF and Fantasy characters in a LOT of films. Taksraven
  13. Its easy, his wax model appears to be lifelike..... Taksraven
  14. I find that even when Nolan does a film that is flawed (ie. The Prestige), it is still incredibly watchable. One of the signs of a good filmmaker. Taksraven
  15. Chris Nolans latest. As usual, it looks really interesting...... http://www.inceptionmovie.com/ Taksraven
  16. Saw it, liked it, my criticisms pretty much match every body elses here. BUT there was one scene in the boxing ring where I got a clear look at Favreau's moobs and I nearly lost my lunch. Saw the trailer for Inception for the first time. REALLY liked the look of it. Can't say I had heard anything about it. Reminded me a LOT of Dark City, and that has to be a good thing. Taksraven
  17. Napster was going to bring down the record industry, then Kazaa was going to bring down both the film and recording industry, then bittorrent was going to bring everything down, blah blah blah. When music recording originally began there would have been those who predicted the death of live performances, FFS. Taksraven
  18. Another chapter from Wanzer's upcoming book, "How to win friends and influence people on Macrossworld", with a foreword by MEMODOMINION. Taksraven
  19. Agree Ginrai on this one. Definitely a good place to start. The third movie blew me away, sooooooooo good. I enjoy 0083 Stardust Memories the most though. Good structure, only screws up a bit at the end. (not too much though) Taksraven
  20. Her heaving 36DD bosoms seem bigger..... Taksraven
  21. Oh, He's trying to open THAT can of worms..... Taksraven
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