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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. I heard that another issue with the prequel trilogy was that Lucas was so paranoid about security that the cast only got their relevant script pages on the day the scene's were supposed to be shot, preventing any chance of rehearsal or even just figuring out how to act the part, etc......
  2. Seen it twice now. Going to see it a third time when I get the chance. A very enjoyable film for me and I think that the home theater experience one will never match it in the cinema. I love the loud oppressive soundtrack. Nolan is a master of using Zimmer's soundtracks to "boost" the emotional impact of a film. It created the effect of having a pipe organ in the cinema blasting out the music. Brilliant. I loved the typical Nolan ending as well, leaving the audience wanting a little bit more. The cast was great, Hathaway clearly had more to do in this film than in the Batman one and that was good. It is a bit slow at the start but that is a little thing called "buildup" that most cinemagoers seem to get annoyed about these days. Seems that most films should be cranked up to 11 from the very start till the very finish to keep people with their short attention spans happy.
  3. Small detail but a cool one. New rectangular radar/deflector dish on the Falcon to replace the round one that was knocked off inside the Death Star in ROTJ. Never liked the round one, this new one fits in with the ships symmetry better. Cool!!
  4. It's a cliche to say this, but he was a true visionary. It was only the budgets of 1970's and 80's TV networks that held him back.
  5. The new 3D models for the Galantis ships they show in the new trailer are much better than the 2D ones they used in Episode 11 of 2199, that's for sure.
  6. Todays short. Don't need a translator to know that it is about the 5.1 sound it will have in the cinema......
  7. Here is the second one, translation please......?
  8. Lone Sloane FTW..... You know it man......
  9. That would make sense. That for me was easily the most jarring aspect of 3.33. They show some promising and interesting footage for a trailer at the end of 2.22, then they clearly decide "to hell with that" and give us what looks to be a completely different movie than the one they had originally planned. In other words, there might be no plan and they are just completely making it up as they go along. Also I didn't like the designs of a lot of the "aged" characters. Most didn't work for me.
  10. Troopers are OK. Are Imperial Remnant forces really going to get the chance to do a major redesign if they are trying to stay alive? I don't think that Kyle Katarn would give them a chance. (lol)
  11. Seconded. LoL. Its' that horrible orange colour that makes it look really bad.
  12. I can't imagine this shite being rebooted EVER.
  13. OK, as the sands in the hourglass run out on this thread, it's time to pick your favorite moment of the entire Robotech Academy Kickstarter experience. I will get in first and name mine, THE BIG REVEAL!!!!
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