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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. What were his comments? Taksraven
  2. I think that has to be a major factor and I think that there would be few that deny it. I think to many fans it was too big a "fuck you" to wipe out Newt and Hicks, especially in such a way. There were other problems with both 3 and 4, but for me it was the biggest insult. Taksraven
  3. Couldn't find the Breetai facepalm either, but this should hurt enough..... Taksraven
  4. Ms Jolie is one very overrated actress and even when it comes to physical appearance, I think that she is pretty ordinary. The first film I saw her in was Pushing Tin and even though she gets her kit off in the film, the sight of her tats was enough to put me off her permanently. I will give her points though, because I think that she is a genuine humanitarian. Heard her on the radio once talking about the adoption of children from developing countries and I didn't even realise it was her until the end of the interview. An intelligent woman, at least. And after all that, would I kick her out of bed if she farted?? Probably not. Taksraven
  5. I think I would shoot myself. (joke) So, is it the sort of thing that you are likely to say? Taksraven
  6. You think so? If it is a scene that ends up being deleted, I am sympathetic, but in this case (a shot made just for the trailer but NOT for the final film), I think its closer to outright fraud. Especially when it can be argued that the shot has nothing to do with the final film. Taksraven
  7. With the second Fantastic Four film, the story goes that the production studio did not want Galactus represented in the way that he normally is in the comic because they feared that he would look stupid. Maybe they were right.... I suspect that the same studio would probably also have said "Don't do a film about Thor, it will look stupid too". In most cases I tend to doubt "studio" wisdom, but in this case I think that they would be onto something... Taksraven
  8. Really BAD marketing.....
  9. Jesus CHRIST!!! This movie looks gay bad!!!!!
  10. Thanks for the copyright FAQ link, but I found this one in the FAQ to be much more important and relevant to me....
  11. All arguing aside, I guess that by the time TF hit the big screen, there was essentially bugger all of the original G1 universe left in the storyline. But that was one of the most disappointing parts of the film series to me. And I always got the feeling that it was left out due to the fact that it was too expensive to film. Maybe in a RT:LAM (should it ever get made) there probably won't be any massive space-fortress in it either as it would prove to be too costly.
  12. Couldn't even using the idea of giant aliens be considered use of Macross material? Taksraven
  13. At the end of the day, what have they "bought" that is useful anyway. The name "robotech" and a bastardised franchise that they probably can't legally use a lot of. *If* the Macross stuff is off limits, what else can they use? What can they use of SC and Mospeada. (Not that they would want to use much of them anyway. Tobey and WB would have done better if they had gone to Japan to try to purchase LAM rights to Macross itself, since that is what they are really after. (Unless they are truly insane)
  14. I am sure that we are all praying and hoping that they don't stuff things up with the final two films......
  15. They probably could but such an action would also probably land them in court and HG would find itself in the sort of legal sh_.tfight that would scare the pants out of their normally chickenshit "C&D" legal crew. They would be going up against the big boys and personally I think that HG would never have the balls to engage in a legal fight that could bankrupt them. Taksraven
  16. Seriously out of the loop here... Oh yeah, Carl Macek is dead too....
  17. Nah, doesn't make you sound like that. To me its just annoying that people are getting stuck into overanalysis of NGE and it often stops people from enjoying it as much as they should. Especially stuff like "the simplification of some of the characters, especially Asuka, is a betrayal of what they originally stood for". Now thats not word for word, just the general gist of one of the opinions I have read (and *no*, I am not naming names), but at the end of the day, it is simply a piece of entertainment. And that's not trying to downgrade the accomplishment of the films. Some things in the films look like the sort of stuff that may have been originally planned but not realised the way the creators intended (see the appearance of Antarctica now, it looked brilliant, one of the most mind blowing parts of the film for me.) The extension of the "dead sea" to cover all the oceans was brilliant too, as was the stuff about the center where they were trying to restore some of the sea and its wildlife. There I go, overanalysing again.... Taksraven
  18. Thank you for coming at your brief review of this film like a normal human being, and not a philosophy major, which is a mistake that many people are making when reviewing this film. Taksraven
  19. But dude, you should be comparing it to The Last Airbender TV series and observing that the original series was Shakespeare, esp. when compared to the film!!!! BTW. "If it bleeds, we can kill it" The original Predator was so campy they nearly had to show the film only in camps. It was part of the charm. Taksraven
  20. Yeah, for me the WFT-1 first appearance was the single most shocking/jaw-dropping moment in any Macross series for me. (I suspect that it was for a few others too) Pity that the explanation of the ship was ultimately anti-climatic and then it was trashed anyway. D'oh! For me, it was my earliest days posting on these forums and a great way to join. (I had been lurking for a number of years) It was soooo good to watch a Macross series as it went to air in Japan and then be able to talk to a generally intelligent bunch of people about it. I miss posting on this "side" of the forums, but it is generally not as interesting to me at the moment. BTW, when is the Frontier film coming out on DVD?? Taksraven
  21. I don't know why we can't do strikeout anymore, seems really weird.... Taksraven
  22. Doesn't this belong in the RT and HG share the hate thread?? Taksraven
  23. I don't know what you meaZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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