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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say get rid of him, I am just trying to answer questions for those who wonder what the hell he really is doing here, and trolling it is. Taksraven
  2. What sort of anime does get media coverage in Japan, just out of interest? Do any of the older shows get any coverage? Taksraven
  3. Of course, by us caring about Wanzerfans epic trollage and the fact he then published a list like the one above, essentially because he has been asked to by people here, Wanzertroll has won. He now thinks that we are hanging off his every word. Taksraven
  4. Ha ha, some Macross cosplay (Macross FRONTIER stunningly) gets reported at an anime fest in Australia in the Australian Media. Trust me, this is r-a-r-e! http://www.news.com.au/technology/gallery-e6frflwi-1225918472329?page=3
  5. Now for some true retro...... Simple, yet stylish AND with a very unique launch method. I always thought that the energy being generated by the friction off those rails was such a waste of power, gotta love it though...... I love these shots too. Zentradi having fun with the ship... And, of course, some alien technology from the era. Stunning stuff for the time.....
  6. I think its possible that fighters may be really tiny. Don't for get that the Mercury Capsule was "worn" rather than "rode". And don't forget, this is a spacecraft that was made before miniturisation had become truly effective. I imagine that you could build a capsule today the same relative size with much more in the way of components in it. So why not space fighters?
  7. I think that it was pretty close to being a true classic. It was an interesting way for Disney to answer to Star Wars. SFX were great, the overall story idea was interesting. But there were several times you could tell that the cast was at a loss as to what was going on. AND Maximillian was a truly awesome robot design. Taksraven
  8. WOW, thats a BIG regular Star Destroyer next to it..... And it must have the slowest tractor beam in history, not able to lock onto the Falcon when it was flying sooooooo close.......
  9. Who cares about the actual names of songs, eh..... Taksraven
  10. Man those SG ships are UGLY. Always loved the B5 Narn ships, especially with their crazy OTT artwork on the hulls. Nice stuff.... Taksraven
  11. OK, technically not Spacy, but I always loved the snowspeeder designs. I think it is the big-arse guns that run the entire length of the speeder that set them off. The Imperial Walkers must have had excellent armour to be impervious to those babies.......
  12. Why does your avatar make me want to go and see a show?
  13. Yeah it is, thanks for pointing out that link, I never knew about it before. I guess that the Amiga developers had to go somewhere (ie, where there was money) Listen to me getting sentimental....
  14. Nah, it disappeared in a puff of smoke & fire. But I'm sure that Lucas would still blame Marquand for any problems. Taksraven
  15. Yeah, right before they make it look like a totally impotent piece of crap in ROTJ. When they unveiled that ship it was like "Oh man, that baby is going to do some DAMAGE", but no...... Taksraven
  16. Always liked these babies..... Taksraven
  17. The Icarus from Starglider 2 was a pretty good ship. The box art wasn't the same but it was a cool looking ship too..... Taksraven
  18. Yes, it was Battle Beyond the Stars, and yes some of the same models and effects shots were used in another film, Space Raiders. Urban legend has it that Corman did it on a bet that he could use the same SFX on another film. Taksraven Christ, this monstrosity has appeared in these forums twice on the one day. What are the odds? Are the planets aligning? Is it doomsday?? Taksraven
  19. The Wanzerfan tradition. The mouth is opened, the foot is inserted, then the bashing begins. I too was once more sympathetic to this guy, but Jesus Christ he is pushing it....... Taksraven
  20. Those things aren't "changes", they are "corruptions". Taksraven
  21. Absolutely agree Mr March. And I think that if any one ship from Trek deserved ANY sort of consideration it would be this one.... BUT there are plenty of things more interesting than Trek..... DOH, I would put up a pic of the Heart of Gold from the BBC version of Hitchhikers but I can't find a pic, and I don't like the new version for the film. ANY ship with an Infinite Improbability Drive has to be one of the best of all time though.... And then, of course, you have THIS turkey..... Taksraven
  23. This is why HG primarily operates using the "Cease and Desist" threat, but I am sure that if push came to shove they might be more reluctant to have a legal fight in court. (The recent Mechwarrior clash was a good example of HG's policy) Taksraven
  24. Some great Lone Sloane stuff from the French cartoonist Druillet. The ship just below the face at the top of the pic is the Siddhartha, a fantastic looking battlecruiser, the ship at the right hand side of the pic is a gigantic pipe organ/spaceship. A very unique combination.
  25. MIGHT say something eventually. Ah, what the hell. Starbug, interesting ugly design...... The Liberator, another interesting design..... CAN'T BELIEVE that this ship hasn't been mentioned yet though.... Taksraven
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