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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. I think that another problem is that the whole problem of the "ship as hero" in SF has essentially gone out the window as well in the last 20 years. Everything is more character driven now and that has a major impact on stories like the original Yamato. (Even though the original Yamato did have a good amount of characterisation for the time) Taksraven
  2. Get with the times man, Daleks have been able to beat stairs since the late 80's.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIDXd5r4ym4&NR=1
  3. Because it shares ancestry with THIS monster... Taksraven
  4. Sontaran Pod from Doctor Who, pretty forgettable... I always thought that the Dalek mothership from the Dalek Invasion of Earth film looked pretty iconic and stylish though...... GREATEST SPACESHIP EVER!!!! Taksraven
  5. Well, if we are going to bare our souls on our opinion of greatest band ever, here you go.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLbyaNbhHdU Taksraven
  7. Still meh. Did Mr Weller get to say "I'll be back"? Taksraven
  8. Well, if according to some, Wanzerfan does not fit the definition of a troll, why should this chick? For that matter, why should anybody? Taksraven
  9. Axalon had a cool design.... Taksraven
  10. Some people might say that a decent script is more important than sfx. Taksraven
  11. I think you are mixing "ineptitude" up with "evil". There is a difference. Taksraven
  12. Its too terrifyingly expensive a genre. They would have been pretty sure about the bankability of TF, but even then there would have been those suggesting it was too much money for such a risk. Taksraven
  13. Taksraven
  14. VERY funny. Well done. Made me LOL at work of all places, then everybody wonders what is funny & I can't explain it to them. Taksraven
  15. Yeah, thats what I was going to say, Joe seemed to have the toughest journey into the Phoenix. (but he was a MAN, so it was easy for him.) Taksraven
  16. Is copy protection still very expensive though?? Taksraven
  17. Some of the Gamilon ships from Yamato look quite good too.... Taksraven
  18. Its about as much a "basis" for science as ST communicators were for mobile phones. People who claim that SF influences all the good inventions are full of crap. It may influence some, but certainly not all.....
  19. Yeah, just let me get my lightsabre out. Oh, wait..... Taksraven
  20. Ryoji Kaji's accent. Is that one from a particular region of Japan? Or is it just meant to sound a bit "strange"? Any Japanese speakers who can help me out?
  21. Seriously dudes. Over a troll? This is like watching my parents fight and its breaking my heart. *sob* So lets make nice like the monkeys....
  22. Not the worst moment in Tie-Fighter SW history. Anybody seen the few editions of the early Star Wars comics where they were drawn BACKWARDS, so the thrust was coming out of the canopy and the "Gun" was the engine? Bad stuff. Taksraven
  23. Its just part of the trolling, to provoke a reaction. Taksraven
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