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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. He was so prolific, there is a pretty good chance that you liked at least ONE of his shows. I loved the "Greatest American Hero", a great attempt at a different take on the traditional superhero tale..... Taksraven
  2. I like how in that first panel he is standing with his hands behind his back and his legs apart like he is "at ease". A very, very comfortable and natural looking pose, NOT! Taksraven
  3. Yeah, that Mali one is a good one, but they neglect to tell us how long that error lasted. It might have been fixed within 30 seconds.... Taksraven
  4. Its been a good year for movies overall, between this, Inception and a few others.....
  5. Actually, this is the greatest song and videoclip of all time, and its Australian..... Taksraven
  6. You guys need to get out more. Ok, who to play the part then??
  7. Some heroes barely worked in the 1970's, so I fail to see why this should work now..... Taksraven
  8. Nah, this is the best AC/DC live performance ever. Bon Scott, in drag, smoking a ciggy, on a nationally televised childrens program..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VlRUIHwygc Oh, and I have a new contender for greatest song and videoclip of all time thanks to Supernaut..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzDUcPfZoJ4 Taksraven
  9. Can we have the hand size thing explained to us relative noobs again. I have heard of it before.... Taksraven
  10. Shhh. Don't point out Wanzers many failings, you will annoy Seto..... So you would classify the Motorcycle Armour from Mospeada as mecha?? What about a regular suit of medieval armour. By your definition, thats mecha too... Taksraven
  11. Thats possible too. I also think that the point of the ending is that he doesn't seem to really care if he is in a reality or a dream anymore, hence no further concern about the spinning top. He is just happy to be with his kids in whatever existence. Taksraven
  12. I reckon that they will be pushing to get this out by Christmas. Scott Pilgrim is coming out in November and it had a cinema release after Inception. (Scott Pilgrim also did much worse at the box office too) Totally understand though, I will be getting a blu-ray player and speaker system just to enjoy this film at home.... Taksraven
  13. So in twenty years time when the 3D versions of these films are the only ones available, when the public demands the release of the originals Lucas is going to claim that he "lost" them... Taksraven
  14. Yeah, but they act out exactly the same sequence (squatting down, then looking up) that he has been seeing in his dream all along, indicating an extension of the dream. Taksraven
  15. This is the ONLY way that Lucas could do that...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObcYgDZ9aqo Taksraven
  16. Its possible, but why do the children keep appearing in the dream if they are in the real world too? Since Cobb builds so much stuff from his memories, I fail to see why Caine's character should be immune from that. At the end of the day, I think that the ending is the same as 2001. In other words, you interpret it however you want...... Still a great bloody movie though, going to see it in the cinema for the last time next week before it closes. Its not the greatest film of all time, its not a film without flaws, but at the end of the day it is possibly the movie that I have enjoyed the most for the last 10 or fifteen years. An outstanding film. Taksraven
  17. For those who are wondering what the hell EXO is talking about.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Ordinary_Family http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbBplfoXBbY Taksraven
  18. What are we supposed to argue about then? Politics? I don't think so..... :P To be fair I guess, most of us just really get off on the process of debating and arguing rather than what the actual argument is about. See below... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teMlv3ripSM Taksraven
  19. More like the whole planet and everybody on it....
  20. Some "real" music for Wanzerfan..... Taksraven
  21. Yeah, like the others have said. Eva doesn't belong. Technically, its an organic being with an exosuit. Its not mechanical. Taksraven
  22. ............................................________ ....................................,.-'"...................``~., .............................,.-"..................................."-., .........................,/...............................................":, .....................,?......................................................\, .................../...........................................................,} ................./......................................................,:`^`..} .............../...................................................,:"........./ ..............?.....__.........................................:`.........../ ............./__.(....."~-,_..............................,:`........../ .........../(_...."~,_........"~,_....................,:`........_/ ..........{.._$;_......"=,_......."-,_.......,.-~-,},.~";/....} ...........((.....*~_......."=-._......";,,./`..../"............../ ...,,,___.\`~,......"~.,....................`.....}............../ ............(....`=-,,.......`........................(......;_,,-" ............/.`~,......`-...............................\....../\ .............\`~.*-,.....................................|,./.....\,__ ,,_..........}.>-._\...................................|..............`=~-, .....`=~-,_\_......`\,.................................\ ...................`=~-,,.\,...............................\ ................................`:,,...........................`\..............__ .....................................`=-,...................,%`>--==`` ........................................_\..........._,-%.......`\ ...................................,<`.._|_,-&``................`
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