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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. I can imagine a scenario too. "Dear Mr Kawamori, since we "own" Macross in this country, we also have the opinion that we legally "own" you too. So fuck off back to Japan before ignorant RT fans realise that there is more to Macross than just the original series. Love and kisses, The Friendly Folk at Harmony Gold"
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gxEdNOHNdU&feature=fvsr Another contender for greatest song of all time...... Taksraven
  3. I've always suspected that HG people would love to serve a C&D on Shoji every time he arrives in American territory..... An inconvenient truth? Taksraven
  4. Sounds like handing control of an asylum over to the inmates...... Taksraven
  5. Lets hope they can hire a Lois Lane who can act. I know that whatshername from Superman Returns is pretty but she is a terrible actress. At least Margot Kidder could act.......(no, I don't want her back in the role :lol: ) Taksraven
  6. Good point too. Lucas really was losing it when he started making the prequel trilogy. If he wanted a death in the first impact to show that things were dangerous, we all know who should have died..... Taksraven
  7. Either way I don't think that it would be the end of the world and we all know what the real mystery of Macross is anyway. Taksraven
  8. They forgot to include some pirates, just for good measure..... Taksraven
  9. Yeah, so what? Humanity could discover that as a race they don't live up to the legends, or maybe they go far beyond what Humanity knows. That or a massive invasion of super intelligent hippo-cows...... Taksraven
  10. Soz bro, I thought for a second that you might not understand the whole "Everybody hates Jar-Jar" thing. Fair enough. The video I posted was from a cutscene and somebody else other than Lucasfilm had edited it to make it look like Jar Jar dies..... Taksraven
  11. Seriously though, one way that Lucas could have improved the prequel trilogy (but can't now) would have been if he let Darth Maul survive the end of the Phantom Menace and become a recurring villain for the rest of the prequel trilogy. Darth Maul was wasted as a good potential villain and he was more intimidating than anybody else that they set up as an enemy in the prequel trilogy. Taksraven
  12. Nah. They mean this one.... Taksraven
  13. Suggested it before and I'll suggest it again. A good future Macross story could be Humanity discovering that the Protoculture are not as extinct as they were led to believe. This becomes especially plausible the further Humanity spreads through the universe.. Taksraven
  14. And the title of the film really sucks...... Sounds as good as The Contrabulous Fabtraption of Professor Horatio Hufnagel. Taksraven
  15. The animation looks stunning in 2D, but I don't know if I would go out of my way to see the dimmer 3D version. Taksraven
  16. Christmas decorations and other stuff has started appearing in shops here in Australia, so the season has officially begun. So what are you looking forward to receiving from others and what are you looking forward to getting for yourself. (naughty naughty) Me, speaker system + a blu-ray player so I can enjoy Inception in all its glory on its home release. What do you want??
  17. It REALLY helps when the record company you are with is also owned by the studio that owns the film rights to the motion picture that you are taking the piss out of in your music video..... Taksraven
  18. Guessing the mentality of most fanboys, they would probably prefer the likes of Gianna Michaels. (whoever she is) Taksraven
  19. Australian model Megan Gale was offered the role of WW in the George Miller JLA movie before the whole project was canned put on hold.....
  20. Oh come on. Next you'll be saying that the M*A*S*H Tv series was unrealistic 'cause it went for 11 years and the actual Korean conflict only went for 18 months!! Taksraven
  21. Mr "Party hard" W.K. is full of shit. Rock stars always make up crap or perpetuate crap about themselves to make themselves seem good or cool. They are a prime source of urban myths..... Taksraven
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