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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. I adjusted it go give it a lower rating
  2. I so *hope* that they get this film right, but I so *know* that they will get it wrong.... Taksraven
  3. Good point. Its easy to see whats happened. Essentially, the "working title" for the film has ended up as the title for the finished product. Rarely does laziness such as this work well. Like "That 70's Show", I can just picture some exec saying "That'll do for a name" Taksraven
  4. Well, it is Movember..... Taksraven
  5. Splinter of the Minds Eye was a great little SW book. No way was it canon, but it was an interesting read.
  6. Great book, one of the best. Even though it is SF it really only uses SF as a plot device. Its *not* nerdy SF. (reverse the polarity of the neutron flow shite) Taksraven
  7. It was a great film when yr a 15 year old kid back in the 1980's. As a late 30's man in *this* century, its clear that the film has not aged well...... To be honest though, Red Dawn has not aged as bad as this film.... Taksraven
  8. Get the defibrillator out. This thread and this film project seems far from absolutely dead yet. Zac Effron as (altogether now) KAAAAAAA-NAYYYYYYYYYYY-DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!?? Morgan Freeman as the Colonel?? Do we care?? Do we want to see this film?? Will it ever emerge from development hell?? There are some murmurings though, so who knows..... Taksraven
  9. So in a year where we have had Kick-Ass, Inception and The Social Network, this film doesn't cut it? Sounds like the Strauss Brothers are going to be run out of town by a mob carrying flaming torches and pitchforks. Why didn't the same happen to Micheal Bay after TF:ROTF?? Taksraven
  10. How about a new Super Dimensional fortress. THAT would be more interesting if anybody cared...... Taksraven
  11. The bungee jumper was deliberate humor, the bit I mentioned was absolute stupidity...... Taksraven
  12. .....can't polish a turd??...... Taksraven
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fK2bBfuepKk&feature=player_embedded#! Its really funny how at 1:18, the blood comes out of her mouth at *exactly* the same moment as when she is stabbed in the stomach. Taksraven
  14. As usual, I have no idea what Future of the Left is singing about but the song sounds great. Taksraven
  15. And I was listening to this:
  16. Art VS. Business. The eternal struggle?? Taksraven
  17. Damn! Sorry to hear about that. RIP. Taksraven
  18. GHOST-BUSTERS!!!!!
  19. And I like it how the silly bitch in blue has to scream out "RUN!!", like they would never figure out that was the right thing to do......
  20. They use all their advanced technology so they can come to earth and squish us? Please.......
  21. I think that the Dan Dare film has the potential to be interesting and fairly original. (at least to the big screen) Taksraven
  22. Yeah, whatever...... Better to listen and watch than just talk. You never know, you might hear something new you like. Taksraven
  23. Nah, this is the greatest duet ever..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zMhSjDqvRs Taksraven
  24. I would have thought Red Skull? Taksraven Edit: Good guess. Red Skull played by Hugo Weaving.
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